Is it normal to spank daughter with switch

I live in California. My neighbours are very weird persons. They are from Russia. I don't know whether it is normal or not in Russia but in this family farther spank her daughter, who is about 10 or 11, with switch. And I could see several times that she is completely nude. Is this a case for police?

Voting Results
47% Normal
Based on 144 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 65 )
  • Zippy

    All cultures are different, but I think it should be added that just because it's their culture doesn't mean that this is okay. I don't think it's a psychologically healthy thing for anyone to go through. I think being naked adds a whole new level of humiliation to this. At this point, I don't think it is simple punishment, it's abuse. That said, it is a tricky situation. Like NeuroNeptunian said, foster care may be a worse situation for the child. Also, how did you see this happen? Through the window?

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  • dman111

    I agree with everyone .. First of all call the police spanking your kid in the nude is fucked up ...

    I have 3 kids and 99% of the time it is all about eye to eye communication BUT there is a time for simple discpline aka spanking ...

    Example out of all my kids only 2 have been spanked and 1 time for one kid and twice for the other...

    I spanked my kids because she screamed no in my face then slapped me in the face ( It was time to show here the limitations of my kindness as her parent ) That being said I am not big on physical teachings so It took me weeks to stop feeling bad for the minor spank I gave my daugther but it was time ...

    The other Time was when My oldest was beaten on my younger small daughter and it was simply to show her how it felt and that it hurts people and is not right..

    I have 3 kids I know what works and doesn't work and someone who tells you all you have to do is talk is a rainbows ,Candy and fairytale type of person and the people that say you NEED to spank your kids they are just not patient enough to see the results that just proper level headed communication can give

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  • veritaserumbrewer

    i would honestly call the police.

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  • Dudedude

    It's sick - being from another country or culture doesn't make something OK. Would you think it was OK for them to have their daughter married at 6 if they were muslims, or to let her have sex at 9? You need to REPORT THEM TO THE POLICE if you haven't already - don't assume someone else will do it, because that's probably what everyone else is assuming.

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    • Beginner

      I agree with you man that he must call the Cops

      But , you do not know anything about Muslims and you speak of ignorance

      There is no (there is not) Muslims girls who got married under age of 16 .. noway

      Firstly, read about Muslims then talk about them

      AND plz do not tell people about bullshit that you said

      there is ignorants people who may believe your speech/words ..

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    • Beginner

      You are wrong man

      and you do not know anything about Muslims

      You are speaking of ignorance

      There is not (there is no) Muslims GIRLS who they got married under 16 years .

      Read more about Muslims and search for truth or true information
      then, speak as you like .

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  • Lockets

    I am wondering why you have been able to view her punishment. Is he doing it outdoors? This all sounds very weird to me. Yes, call social services.
    Or keep your sick fantasies to yourself.

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    • Beginner

      you are right , right , right

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  • nightmare28

    I was born in Russia and yes its completely normal, not different from a belt of a paddle, works much better then a time out. I think that its the liberal parenting and the lack of corporal punishment that led to many of the teenagers today (not everyone!) to be the way they are, not respecting anybody and talking with a lot of disrespect to their elders.

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    • chewy

      That isn't the real reason why a lot of kids missbehave at all, It is the lack of communication and the lack of time and dedication to actually getting kids to understand that what they did you didn't like at all. I don't believe constant punishment is going to help either if you don't communicate properly, or find ways to let them know how much it bothered you. You know the whole spanking and abusive behavior thing is for people who don't know an alternative when it does exist. Don't confuse fear and physical and emotional from pain from being abused as discipline when it is not, this so called parenting strategy isn't even helpful or will pressure all kids to fear physical pain and emotional pain from being hit.

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      • nightmare28

        I am talking about applying corporal punishment when necessary, not beating the kids to a bloody pulp. With some kids communication is helpful, but others just don't care. You can rationalize it as much as you want, apply all the knowledge you got at the psychology course you took, but results speak for themselves.

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        • chewy

          There's no need to get physical in any way at all. There is legitimate information on the internet there are Books, someone you can talk to who has experience there is no need to spank or any of that.

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        • chewy

          Yet.... you have no results at all.

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    • Avant-Garde

      You were spanked nude?!

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      • Boo!

        You read my mind I was going to ask the same thing!?

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      • nightmare28

        Nude no.

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    • Leika

      I hope you're joking.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    It is normal for their culture, but it is not normal for our culture. The Russians are naturally very tough people. In fact, it is still utilized as punishment in many parts of the country, albeit more rural areas. If you feel that their style of discipline is endangering the child, call child services but PLEASE take into consideration that where the child is at now is probably a hell of a lot better than where the child may be placed, a dragging what is a decent yet culturally different family through the muck that is Child Services would actually probably do a disservice to the child.

    Think about the consequences that this will bring to the family should you do this. I would just leave it alone unless I seriously felt that the child was in more danger there than the foster home full of strangers that they could be placed in. Foster care isn't always utilized but it is often enough to take it into consideration.

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    • chewy

      This so called discipline strategy is useless, when parents act like oh It's discipline yeah right! lets not confuse abuse with actual discipline, this really bothers me how this excuse for a so called discipline is still being used today regardless of location.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Well discipline is the teaching of self-control. Not being able to control your own violent tendencies as an adult is not teaching discipline, it is teaching that violence is an effective means to solve ones problems.

        I am not saying that it is OK because they are Russians, I am just saying to take all factors you know into consideration before calling CPS.

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  • smartpatrol11

    I believe discipline should be brought back the lack of discipline is ruining what would be otherwise be good kids but it has to be done properly. A 10yo girl does not have to be naked for punishment but the pantys would have to be pulled down yes and perhaps just a bare hand would be sufficient

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    • chewy

      That is honestly the worst way to discipline someone, not only is it strange but It is ridiculous.

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    • Leika

      That's abuse. There is no need for that.

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    • thinkingaboutit

      what? bending a bottomless 11 y.o. over for a spanking? .... A little weird.

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  • Nastynate

    All women should be raped repeatedly throughout their lives

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  • I always got bare bottom spankings

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    • Beginner

      I WANNA spank you ASS , then lick it , finger it and fuck it roughly

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  • Demarcus

    Google "adrian peterson son", then see how fast it takes you to call the cops.

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  • A girl is never to old for a bare bottom spanking and as she gets older such as her early teen years to began using something more effective such as a cane

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    • Demarcus

      If it's okay for her to be caned, then it's okay for you also. I mean for you, a real Singapore caning , carried out by a martial arts expert, where more than 12 can be and has been lethal.

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  • jondoerandom

    I dunno about this age, but it's a very normal punishment. Mind you, the modern eastern european society doesn't really accept it anymore, but the older generations grew up like this.

    I'm Ukrainian born and I was never punished like that, although my dad was spanked black and blue with a belt buckle on a regular basis.

    So i don't think you should call the cops on that, but if they hurt the kid in any other way but the switch.. then maybe.

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    • Demarcus

      If in doubt, call the cops.

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  • milkymum


    I used to get smakced by my dad and after 5-10 smacks on my bare ass it didnt hurt anymore, so i was punished instead wth a belt and always bare so it hurt more.

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    • Nastynate

      I would've done you like Keira knightley in a dangerous method. Definitely

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    • RaNdOmPoPcOrN


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  • If more kids were spanked these days we'd have less jackasses on our hands.. A switch is obviously going way too far, but idk if this is a case for police..

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    • Demarcus

      Google "adrian peterson son", then see how fast it takes you to call the cops.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    I voted no because it's not normal for our current culture. I don't know about Russia... (because in Russia everything is backwards, switch don't spank you, you spank trees...)

    But our Grand and Great-Grandparents did use slender green limbs from trees as switches. You know, those ones that make the high-pitched whistling noise when you swung them around?

    Yeah, that shit hurts.

    The nakedness is what really makes me think this might not be completely normal. :C

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    • Demarcus

      This isn't Russia, call the cops.

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  • Dave_XTC

    This is the now lost art (thanks to children being parents) of curing the following ailments: back talking, laziness, being a smart ass, not doing homework, ADD, forgetting to do the chores, cursing, getting in trouble at school, failing grades, smoking to look cool, truancy, hanging out with the wrong crowd, disobeying, fill in the blank.

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  • Couman

    I say go ahead and call the cops. Maybe child abuse IS normal where they come from (or not, I have no idea), but even if so that doesn't mean they should be able to get away with it here.

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  • Neapolitana

    Although I personally do not think that physical punishment is a great idea, I would not be alarmed at general spanking.

    What really concerns me is the child's nudity. Eleven is way too old to be naked for convenience/comfort, which means that she was stripped as part of the punishment. That adds sexuality and embarrassment to her physical punishment, which is frightening to me.

    I would call social services. Hopefully they can coach the parents, which will give those kids a better life.

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  • its child abuse either way, the police should be involved the kid needs protecting

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    • chewy

      Ofcourse It is child abuse, this is confused commonly as a way to get kids to behave when it isn't even the answer to begin with.

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      • i agree chewy

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  • donky6

    Jestem z Polski i tu zbić złych dzieci z wyłącznikiem

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  • iEatZombies_

    Whether it's normal for them or not, it's quite serious and illegal in the states. If they're going to live here, they need to abide by the law or suffer the consequences. No exceptions. Especially where a child is at stake.

    Any time you move to another country you should research it's laws. If they didn't or whatever, that's their problem, not yours. Call the police.

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  • Boo!

    It might not be a police case but something has to be done about the nude thing... and you knowing about it. I'm pretty sure her father isn't going to take her to plain sight view to spank her daughter. How do you know, huh.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I was wondering the same thing...

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      • Boo!

        Great minds think alike!?

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  • kingsleycrowne

    It's a different culture so I can't comment on how normal it is. The benefits of 'tough love' have long been argued, but the fact the girl is completely nude alarms me a bit.

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  • godis16

    Its normal in russia and other european countries, take it from a euro kid. its no big deal.

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  • plum6

    It is funny that the fact that the kid is nude adds a different layer to the story for many people while it is really not the main point.

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  • ebulliance

    What is a switch?

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Like a tree branch or a willow cord.

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  • Avant-Garde

    The culture is different in russia, but being completely nude is pretty fucked up.

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  • Justsomejerk

    What is switch?

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      It's like a tree branch or a willow cord.

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      • Justsomejerk

        Ah thanks, I don't have a problem with people smacking their own kids (although I don't myself) but using weapons is taking it too far.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          I agree with that, but it is still a decently common practice, however. Some parents have their kids go cut their own switch.

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          • Justsomejerk

            Sometimes the nazis let the Jews dig their own graves. I don't see how that makes it any better.

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            • NeuroNeptunian

              I'm hoping that you are not implying that I in any way said that parents allowing their kids to chose their own switch in any way makes it better or ok. I re-read my comment and I do not see where I could have said that.

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    • Avant-Garde

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  • Beat it.

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