Is it normal to spend months or years searching for the right religion?
As an experiment with different religions they must all have this in common: 1. they must be non-violent, 2. they must not change my natural disposition, 3. they must be intelligent, 4. they must make you think or be philosophical. I tried following Thor, Mu'tazila and Noahidism, but anything Jewish doesn't work for me, then I developed belief in Angelici, Mu'tazila, hoodoo, and Thor, one time I tried Ravidassia. I'm now moving to Luciferianism, and believing in Micronesian mythology, hoodoo, Angelici, Mu'tazila and Buddhism, God forbid the welcoming of Jesus in my life. And a screaming radio isn't because of a demon, when I go out there's no demon, just the friendly Australians who want to copy my posh style. I believe that any religion jealous of other religions is false, maybe Thor is an honest way to pray (instead of Luciferianism). Christianity is about as much fun as any Christian organisation that tells you you've done the wrong thing because you follow a different code. It's taken months to search for a religion that's right for me. By being a Mu'tazilite I'm prevented from being attacked by Muslims. Religions should be of primitive origin and be primitive mumbo jumbo otherwise it's heresy. The Christians see the Angelici view that angels created this world as false. It can't all be demon-based, if it repudiates Satan it repudiates Satan, it doesn't worship Him. Christians think this is evil, with a demon inside me, but only a fool fully believes without critical thinking. My religions take a lot of thought. I believe in 6 religions, that is, of course, if I can give up luxury, but I bend the rules a little: I smoke, I drink, and some of the clothes I wear are expensive. I find detachment to be evil, resisting my desires upsets me and gives me a weird sickness, as a Tibetan Buddhist I do whatever I want: pleasure mingled with it, the only way to be happy is to fulfil your desires, Tibetan Buddhism isn't refraining from desires like the original Buddhism, so I can get away with it. If I desire another scarf I have to put it on, otherwise I'll be upset with a sacrifice. Tibetan Buddhists have desires, I don't care if you confuse it with its parent spirituality, it's not the same thing. So, I think these beliefs are right for me, is any of this normal?