Is it normal to spend so long on a game
Hey all I spend about 5 to 6 hours on a game most time is it normal or does everyone else do more than that. lol :-)
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Hey all I spend about 5 to 6 hours on a game most time is it normal or does everyone else do more than that. lol :-)
If it's daily, then it's normal. I can play WoW for a lot longer than that, but only on my days off. It helps that my partner plays it a lot too!
I'm just wondering how you have that much time to do it daily, unless you don't work or study and are single...
Of course its normal! Lots of people play video games and many don't simply play for one hour and then go do something else. If I played a game for that short, how would I get anything done? I'd never reach the level cap in MMOs with such a short time. I don't think non gamers can really comment on this because they won't understand, its the same as any other hobby. It also doesn't matter if its daily or not, one can have school and work yet still play video games when they aren't working or studying, simple as that. I'd say games are healthier than those fake arse "reality shows" with all that petty arguing and as for going clubbing? I'd rather hang with friends at a gaming/anime convention than finding jealous and unsafe people at a club.
Lastly, please don't say gamers don't socialize. Not only can you text chat to thousands of players online, you can voice chat with good friends you meet AND still have classes and work! How about that, its magic I know.
Sure it's possible, if you're living with your parents still. But most people have other responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning and partners and/or children to look after.
A few funny moments from 'The Guild' come to mind as I think about gamers and responsibility. Gotta love Felicia Day.
What you said is true but I wouldn't use the fact that people have responsibilities as a way of saying that spending so long on games isn't normal. Not everyone has all that to do yet either because they are young or simply choose not to have a partner or children in which so long on games is quite normal. Even if they did, one could simply spend the time they do have off to play games. If I had morning classes and had all day to myself after 4pm via being off of work, I could simply game and still have time to handle cooking and anything else that needed to be done. Not everyone has partners or children and some have kids way too early such as right out of school but that was their choice, not most's. I don't see gaming as a problem because at some point, you will have time to yourself, perhaps 5 hours or less watching TV, playing music, browsing the net, sports or gaming, you'll be doing something.
Also, I have seen The Guild, pretty funny stuff~ Vork is the man and Zaboo is simply hilarious.
Mmm, good point. I've been a gamer since I was 10, and that was 20 years ago. I remember playing games a lot but I also remember doing lots of physical activity. I guess it's better to be mentally stimulated than sitting in front of the idiot box for 5+ hours a day (I don't watch TV, I prefer to download my shows without the nasty commercials).
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's not normal to game if you have responsibilities, in fact I think it's pretty cool people can still play games as they get older, I just wonder where some people get the time. I forget that I have more responsibilities now, and also with age my tastes in gaming has changed, there are less and less games that appeal to me and so that means I'm playing less than I used to (I still clock in about 20+ hours a week).
Unfortunately in this world and the state it is in, playing video games that long is normal but when you step back and think of the mental, spiritual, social, and physical effects that prolonged gaming has on humans it is clearly NOT normal. Technology is having many good affects on how easy we can communicate and work faster, but it's having devastating affects on the human ability to socialize face to face. Research it.
I think its pretty normal. I dont get to play m computer very muh because i can only play kn the weekends (Parents divorced). So i get in as much as i can over friday, saturday, and sunday. I spend about 13 hours a day playing. Normally less. But i think its pretty normal for you if you love the game!
Yes this is normal.
Well, if it's 5-6 daily.
But if it's 5-6 hours total on a game, you either play crappy games, or you rush through, which is also crappy.
@ : shootsnleafs .. don't recall saying it did .. but yeh thanks for the update from the land of "noone gives a shit" .. lol !
BAD .. lol & i was 30 yo when it first came out haha .. 5-6 you say .. i think you'll be just fine lmao :p
hey .. i'm female & have practically spent at least a quarter of my life playing computer games since the time i was 12 onwards .. when gta san andreas first appeared i would play that shit from 5 in the evening til 7 the next morning most evenings barr the necessary toilet breaks .. now that's -
I used to spend my life playing an online MMO when I was about 13-15 years old, like more than 6 hours a day. Sometimes I'd stay up until like 3am playing, and I'm a girl so don't worry you're fine :P
I don't think that's healthy. I never really played video games because I just don't like them, and I may not understand what's so cool about them, but.. shouldn't you go out and socialise?
It's like interactive movies. Story, scenes, artwork, character development, and plot. Video games add the feeling of triumph to entertainment because it's your mad skills that you develope that plunged the blade into the dragon's mouth, or come in first place, or score the winning goal, or save Princess Zelda from evil's clutches. ( technically your hand-eye coordination but that's not what it feels like upon seeing the seeing the cut-scene after your heroic victory.)
Well It's not like I have never played any!! I used to play the Sims hahah but that's it really! Well I have also played CoD at my friend's once (which I hate)
But Something's concering me, do you play with people? I can't stand playing alone by myself, I feel lonely :|