Is it normal to start a cult after learning theology in a university?
I'm currently starting this cult called the Universal Church. In it I'm adding old exotic religions and philosophies, and joined an internet Australian Catholic University to get my degree in theology which hopefully I'll be studying. My religious cult is a philosophy so it's all thinking, I'm writing a painstaking 1,000-page book about it and some of its tenets are: the angels created the heavens and the Earth, your Reality is created via your Consciousness, thus matter isn't real, the Individual is just One, like no Other, and don't do Sexual Indecency. I'm planning to apply my education in theology to this so with the money invested I can erect an open roof with writing carved in the wall and a statue of myself as an angel, this religion is all about combining religions and making them One, rather than making things up, I'm not an Originator, I'm a Restorer. Concerning education in starting a cult, would this be normal?