Is it normal to start to hate everyone you work with?

I just feel like every job I've had after a few months the people start to grate on me so much. They talk about their problems all day when you're just trying to get on with work and you can't escape and they ask about your personal life and then judge you for stuff and say stupid things. Every night after work someone is always going for drinks and you have to come up with some bullshit reason if you don't want to, like it's weird that you wouldn't want to waste free time with them pretending to be friends. I have actual family and friends I would rather see. I've had lots of jobs over the years and I always end up starting to hate most of the people there after a few months. I have usually worked in offices doing hr, dunno if that makes a difference. Is this normal?

Voting Results
94% Normal
Based on 17 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • CozmoWank

    I hate when people at work expect to be friends outside work.

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    • Yes this annoys me so much like I have nothing in common with you and you bother me all day and I never give you the idea we are friends so why are you expecting this shit from me. My team is understaffed and I have so much work to do ATM. I don't even mind that though I like being kept busy at work I just don't understand how they all think they have time to talk about tv shows and gossip about other people in the office and then wind up having to stay late or tell our boss they didnt have time and need help with their work

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  • paracetamol

    Sounds normal.

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  • FortniteDude

    Completely normal, I'm the same way

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  • Ellenna

    It sounds to me as if you need to learn to detach from these people and focus on your work. I used to work in offices and only very rarely had anything in common with co-workers, many of whom wanted to talk about garbage they'd watched on tv the night before or the latest celebrity scandal. I was regarded as somewhat eccentric because I never knew what they were talking about.

    As for going for drinks after work, what's wrong with just saying you don't feel like it? If they're interrupting your work, what's wrong with a smile and saying "I'm working right now"?

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    • If I say I don't feel like drinks people look at me like I'm crazy and ask me why. Other people who never go for drinks get talked about behind their back as rude and not trying with people. I don't even drink at all because I used to be an alcoholic but I shouldn't have to discuss that. Sober 6 years and not their business. I'm doing ok, don't want to drink anymore,, butcan't stand hanging around in bars, I see no point when it just reminds me of drinking and all the people there stink of booze and act drunk

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      • Ellenna

        They sound like idiots and their opinions or talking about others behind their backs not worth bothering about.

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        • I wish the people I worked with were like you. You sound normal and nice

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  • You don't choose who you work with.

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