Is it normal to steal sweaty jock straps from a laundry bin?

When I was in high school, one of my classmates recorded stats or was some type of waterboy for the football team. A few weeks into the season, the coach discovered that someone was stealing used jock straps while the team was in the showers. So the coach set up a sting where one of the players hid behind a row of lockers to spy on the laundry bin and caught this kid reaching into the laundry bin to take a few sweaty jock straps, which he then shoved into his book bag.

This kid was effeminate and I am pretty sure that he was gay. The rumor was that he would bring the used jock straps home and sniff them while pleasuring himself.

Is it normal to steal sweaty jock straps?

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90% Normal
Based on 165 votes (148 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • MagickWithoutTears

    It seems a lot of straight lads are into sniffing a lass's panties, so I guess maybe some gay guys could be into sniffing another lad's jocks. Dunno, but to me sniffing under garments of either sex just sounds wrong!

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    • MissClaire

      yeah it does seem to be a thing, strange, but nevertheless a thing...... why does he need so many lol

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  • This sounds funny.But anyway,i believe it's normal,or a person to sniff someone elses undergarments or something,if they are sexually attracted to them.Personally,I would NEVER sniff my boyfriend's(ewwww).But I would not mind if they sniff mine.It's normal.But what if you guys have just assumed the kid is gay.What if,he want's some money on the side,so he steals your straps,washes them,and sells them for money?You never know.But,always keep yours safe lol

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    • Rick_Bawls

      Why would someone purchase a used jock strap? That kid was stealing them to sniff the soaked-in ball sweat!

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