Is it normal to still be afraid of the dark at 23?
I have been scared of the dark ever since I had a really unpleasant experience when I was 12. I won't go into detail about it because I'm too lazy. But trust me, it was scary.
And I am still afraid of the dark to this day. And I'm 23. It's not as bad as it used to be. I mean, I used to be so scared I couldn't even sleep alone in my apartment and sometimes didn't turn off the light at night. I'm past that now, but I have one of those troll brains. Let me explain.
The other day, I was out walking and it was almost pitch dark. And I thought to myself: "Wow, could it be that I'm not scared of the dark anymore? I don't feel scared walking through this dark area. I don't think that some Grudge-like monster lies in wait for me in the bushes, or that something is following me or that that creepy-looking shape over there is anything else than a bush..." And of course that made me all paranoid and shit immediately. Wtf, brain. -.-
Is this normal at my age? I hope so, I feel really awkward about it. My BF thinks I'm ridiculous and makes fun of me. You probably think that, too, but I can't help it. :(