Is it normal to still be afraid of the dark at 23?

I have been scared of the dark ever since I had a really unpleasant experience when I was 12. I won't go into detail about it because I'm too lazy. But trust me, it was scary.

And I am still afraid of the dark to this day. And I'm 23. It's not as bad as it used to be. I mean, I used to be so scared I couldn't even sleep alone in my apartment and sometimes didn't turn off the light at night. I'm past that now, but I have one of those troll brains. Let me explain.

The other day, I was out walking and it was almost pitch dark. And I thought to myself: "Wow, could it be that I'm not scared of the dark anymore? I don't feel scared walking through this dark area. I don't think that some Grudge-like monster lies in wait for me in the bushes, or that something is following me or that that creepy-looking shape over there is anything else than a bush..." And of course that made me all paranoid and shit immediately. Wtf, brain. -.-

Is this normal at my age? I hope so, I feel really awkward about it. My BF thinks I'm ridiculous and makes fun of me. You probably think that, too, but I can't help it. :(

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 62 votes (50 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • drugsrbadmkay

    It means you're a big pussy and you need to grow a pair. And don't tell me you're a girl 'cause that's no excuse.

    LOL just kidding, I had horrible fear of the dark in childhood due to some very unpleasant hallucinations I suffered due to high fever at the age of 5. I mostly got over it in my early teens. It grew less and less bad over time but didn't completely disappear until my late 20's.

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  • The_Devil

    Its normal to be afraid, cuz i'm out there to get ya!

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  • Short4Words

    What are you afraid of?

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  • jordbored22

    I can say that I'm not as old as you but I am scared of the dark. I mostly am afraid of whats in the dark that I can't see.

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  • MacG

    Being afraid of the dark is natural. Before the electric light, which in the span of human history was just a blink of an eye ago, people had good reason to be afraid of the dark. The dark was filled with predatory animals, predatory humans, and to light the night was itself a great risk, as that usually meant an open flame and risk of fire.

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  • kelili

    I scared of of being alone at night in a silent house. I always leave the tv on even if I'm not watching. So it's perfectly normal to fear even if people can think that it's irrational.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yes if yo have never faced your fear head on it wil never go away. Don't let people pressure you into fighting it just fight it when you are ready.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    if he really loves you he should understand

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  • VioletTrees

    Tell your boyfriend to stop being such an asshole.

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    • OswaldCobblepot

      Kick him in the jimmy.

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      • VioletTrees

        But I like Jimmy.

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