Is it normal to still fear being punched/kicked by total strangers?
Years ago, during the Heavy Metal days of the 80's and i was in middle school, bullies would punch and kick me for any number of reasons--because i didn't care for heavy metal, because i was fat, because i had zits, or because i was wimpy. They would haul off and hit me in the hallways as i went to my classes, or would kick me from behind. Even now i am affected by what was done to me. Even though in my mind i know it's not likely that total strangers will not want to hit/kick me, i can feel my mind and body tensing up around strangers, psyching me up and getting me ready to strike in case it might happen. i feel like the Blue Beetle, when the scarab on his back is telling him to prepare to make a preemptive strike. i have never acted on it, though. i just feel like, whenever i am around male strangers, they might hit me. And as for women, i imagine they're thinking the same things that the girls back in middle school would say out loud to me--that i am fat and ugly and wouldn't be caught dead with me. Naturally, at 41, i still don't have a girlfriend, let alone ever kissed a girl. i don't look strangers in the eye, fearing that punch in the face or arm or gut.