Is it normal to still like someone years later

Basically, I had a crush on a girl back in high school but never had the guts to speak to her. We were in the same friend group and I spoke to a few of her friends sometimes but I never really had a full conversation with her in particular.

I developed a crush on her after seeing her with her friends and talking to her a few times but never like proper conversations. I just found her really cute.

It wasn't until just before the end of high school that I overheard people saying that she had a crush on me. I didn't fully believe it and I didn't have the guts to speak to her so I feel like I basically ruined my one and only chance.

That was nearly 3 years ago and I did move on from her after a while and if she did have a crush on me, I'm fairly sure she would have moved on too. However, recently over the last month or so I've started to realise I still have feelings for her and I found her on social media but haven't had the guts to add her yet.

If I were to add her and start chatting to her and become friends with her, would it still be possible for it to work out after a few months? Is it worth it? If I do start talking to her, how should I go about it, how could I start a conversation with her? By the looks of things I've seen she's single so I don't need to worry about that

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Comments ( 10 )
  • Nokiot9

    It’s normal to have regret about not asking her out but to still have a crush- I don’t know. That’s kind of pathetic and immature. Like even expecting her to be the same person or look the same- when you didn’t even know her in the first place.

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    • How is it pathetic and immature? I never said I was expecting her to be the same. All I asked for was advice on what to do.

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  • radar

    Go for it. You get one life. Worst case scenario it fizzles out, but at least you don't have to wonder.

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  • mafioso

    Bro, just add her and be casual. Try to talk about some things, but don't confess that you had a crush on her too quickly. Maybe you should invite her to date after few messages and if she accepts, then you will see. Don't rush it, or otherwise, you will look desperate.

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    • I know lol. I'm not gonna rush it. Idk why everyone has the same reaction. Like when did I say I was gonna rush it?

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      • mafioso

        I don't know, it seemed, that you want to confess early. Sorry. In my opinion, you should try to reach out, cause otherwise, you will always think about it as a lost opportunity. And you will actually know only if you do something.

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  • That's what I meant. I wanna just talk to her and be mates with her and see where things go from there. I wasn't just gonna immediately confess to her lol. That would be weird

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  • Somenormie

    Like most have said no.

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  • Schizotravestie

    Yes of course. you have to "finish" things in life

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  • Tommythecaty


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