Is it normal to still like vidio games and/ or computer games?

I don't know if this is normal or not but I love video Games and Comupter games. On my days off of work I like to play them almost all day until I am board of them then I go back a couple of hours later. I always put my job first but when I am stress out all I want to do is play them. I am a female and playing these computer games it rare to see a console gamer on them and make fun of me but whats really funny I bet there asses on them. Anyways since I am 22 years old and the additude I'm getting is "grow up" is it normal to still like these games even thought they are childish?

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90% Normal
Based on 60 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Legion

    talk about an outdated stereotype. most gamers are adults, 20-35 years of age being the norm. most videogames are intended for adults anyway. its just that many older people associate videogaming with the 1980s stereotype of the 13 year old boy pumping quarters into a pac-man machine.

    I'm 21 and an avid gamer. (and collector) i also enjoy cartoons (even THAT one), but i also hold a job and enjoy things that don't hold that stigma.

    so yes, its normal to enjoy video games, pc games, and/or cartoons as an adult.

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  • JayantKumarZ

    lol u r not doin rituals to entertain urself n free ur stress now r u? lol cuz thts childish

    video games r intelligent. they improve creativity :3

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  • JayantKumarZ

    childish? lol just cuz 50% who play r children? trust me bro u havent grown up. none has n none wants to not even I myself.
    n btw you are callin 17th generation of entertainment which gives complete control over a customizable technically (compared to rural children's entertainment in 18th vent) hella advanced stimulus childish? lol...

    you are normal as long as u do or want to do wut u like alright so dont think its childish n fk those who say this is for children n this is for adults bla bla bla... grow up fools u r the ppl hu screw the society...

    live! n let live!

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    • JayantKumarZ

      18th cent* (ie century >.>)

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  • yomorris

    My 50 yr old dad still plays super Mario!!! It's normal

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  • mixedraindrop

    lol yep its normal my mom and dad do same thing

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  • swagblack

    There is nothing wrong with your hobby. If you like to play, just play. Don't worry. It is normal.
    I also like to play online games. All my rest time were occupied by these online games. I felt excited when I entered the world of The Wars(my favourite online web games). Follow your heart!

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  • aspgirl

    I'm just the same. I'm 21 and I have a PS2 and Nintendo DS, which I play constantly. I also read books meant for younger readers, draw kid's cartoon characters and sometimes even do colouring (when I want to relax). It's just something I enjoy. I'll probably never change, not even if I were asked to. Just be yourself. If you have fun playing video games, it's no big deal. Enjoy yourself. I do it every day. =o)

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  • It is still fine. I just got done playing Team Fortress 2 with my fiance and she is 22 and I'm 30.

    As long as you are enjoying your time and not hurting anyone, then it is okay in my opinion.

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    • Oh, I saw you commenting on this and I truly didn't know it was you who wrote this "Loverofbunnies"

      Sorry for disappointing you as I am writing this while you are sitting next to me.

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  • Senken

    no, it's normal. Jesus Christ our generation is going to hell

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    • jean

      I relax playing guitar, hours and hours. My amp is going to explode one of thexe days. So it's normal Ir's just relaxing

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