Is it normal to still play dolls at 18?
Hi. Im 18 years old and me and a friend still play with barbie dolls. We've talked about giving it up but whenever we do, we miss it. Comments would be appreciated.
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Hi. Im 18 years old and me and a friend still play with barbie dolls. We've talked about giving it up but whenever we do, we miss it. Comments would be appreciated.
I played with my barbies until I was about 18. I'm fairly sure that I only stopped because "The Sims" replaced them. I'm 26 now, and still check out the Barbie aisle everytime I walk by a toystore.
I dont play with dolls anymore. I gave it up when I was 12. I had the Jem and She-ra dolls. If it makes you happy then do it. Just don't tell people because they will use it against you.
i think its normal
i love dolls, its just fun! at whatever age
hope this helps
Me and my niece played dolls all our life, she's 14 and I'm 18. She recently stopped playing now but I still like playing. It's fun making storylines with them, writing plays to act out, talent shows and even acting out movies with them. I say it's normal! ^-^ (My favorite are High School Musical dolls).
I still do it and i think it's normal. My two favorite dolls are my singing tori vega and cat valentine(from the show Victorious).
I still have voodoo dolls of my childhood enemies but I rarely take them out these days
I stopped playing with my Bratz dolls when I was 11 because I got a laptop lol! But I miss them alot :(
I love barbies but I stopped playing with them a long time ago, if you like them, then don't care what other people think, deep down there's a little girl inside of everyone. When I was a little girl, me and my brother (even though he will never in his life admit it) used to play with barbies, and he only stopped because his step brother picked on him.
I played with my action figures til I was a freshman in hs... I'd say it's normal and who cares
Why do you think they invented stardoll and the like? Girls dont get over it... and keep paying for online make-up... SILLY