Is it normal to still suck my thumb at age 21?

So im 21 and still suck my thumb. Everytime i go to sleep, watch tv, or even in the car (usually at night when people cant see me), im actually sucking my thumb right now. I tried to stop but its almost like a cigarette..i cant quit!

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51% Normal
Based on 276 votes (142 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • quaips

    Never mind.
    It is a comfort thing and usually dropped in early childhood but if it continues, as in your case, don't worry. There are things you can do to stop it.
    Have you tried putting "Bitter aloes" on your thumb. This is an old remedy but is effective in some cases. The horrid bitter taste every time a thumb is sucked soon checks the habit.
    Have you tried putting a thumb stall (you know, the slide on covering after an injury) on your thumb? I guarantee thumb sucking is a no no with this on! You can even try wearing gloves when tempted to suck.
    You could dip your thumb in something that makes you feel sick,for example wallpaper paste or ammonia (bleach). However, take care here as some things are toxic and you do not want to make yourself ill. You could ask a chemist or child care centre about thumb sucking and a remedy they have. No need to tell them it is for you.
    Lastly, remember this problem is psychological and you should use psychology to combat it. The germs going from thumb to mouth, maybe infection. Skin problems due to the thumb being wet. Maybe think of a cow's udder when you attempt putting your thumb in your mouth, yuk!
    Hope these ideas are of help/

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  • scotty4444

    try the teet!

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  • ladyluck31

    That habbit had to been of start when you was little. Now as you have grown it's time to drop it because that's too silly for someone your age to suck a thumb.

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  • bronte_91

    I don't think it is normal but I do it too and I'm almost 19 :P

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  • lazurm

    Many women I've dated were still sucking their thumb, usually when asleep so, yes, it's normal. What isn't normal was one woman who used to put HER thumb in MY mouth while I was asleep. This went on for the 2-1/2 years we dated and when it was over I couldn't sleep without a thumb in my mouth, mine. :(

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  • therealreality

    you should start smoking that would be a more socially acceptable way to deal with this or better yet smoke weed. just smoke joint after joint to satisfy the urge and then the next thing you know you'll be absolutely high as balls

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  • Avant-Garde

    I think it becomes very uncommon the more a person gets older. My main hairdresser, I believe, is somewhere in her 30's and,(I believe again!), that at this point in her life that she still sucks in her thumb in the privacy of her home. I used to suck middle and second finger from the pinky. I think I either sucked until elementary or some part of middle school. I was a very unhealthy habit for me. It caused some of my front teeth to grow outwardish and a callus, that took many years to heal, grew on my middle finger. It hard to see this but if you look closely at my middle finger, you'll see that near the first joint in my finger is a small patch of skin that doesn't have the texture/coloration as its fellows.

    It's not my place to judge but be aware of the effects. Do what makes you happy.

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  • biting your thumb is normak,its a nervous twitch.but sucking!dude check a therapist and get over it.

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  • monkyyy

    ummm a bit strange but whatever i'd probably still have that habit if i stop caring what most people think when i was that young, or if peopled were less judgemental,

    i still pick at scabs and i pop my joints like crazy(2 joints per finger, both thumbs, my wrists, ankles neck and my back, and i can sometimes pop my elbows and knees) just cause hardly anyone find it childish, most only strange and im fine with strange

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  • Whatevs. I know a college student who still sucks a DUMMY. She has a special one which she stuck rhinestones on

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  • mluker

    Are ya serious. Try cigarettes. Might be better socially for you. Lol

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    • lazurm

      If thumb sucking was socially accepted (as it should be) there'd be less smokers. These days, though, smoking is barely more socially acceptable than thumb sucking.

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  • mr_balls

    I suck my thumb too and I'm 20. I've read about it. I find it very relaxing and stress relieving. My teeth are fine. But I don't think it's normal.

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  • alpha0604

    Im the same way, im 20 and I still suck my index finger.. don't way.. just keying u know you're not the only one :)

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  • lewlew80

    LoL@ aussie

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  • mee999

    You are kidding right?

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  • webkinzhippo88

    No. Just no.

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