Is it normal to stress over this ?

sometimes I find myself thinking about dying. I get scared and I wonder if well feel anything after we're gone. is it still us ? still that little voice in our head ? do we just sit there in the darkness ? walk the world as a ghost? go to heaven ? how do we know ? do we sit in out casket and feel nothing ? I keep asking quiestions to myself. and the more I think about it I get stressed and I get anxiety. is this normal ?

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75% Normal
Based on 53 votes (40 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • thisismegdi

    The preoccupation we have over death is the very reason why religion exists. Humankind is afraid of death. You are not alone.

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  • Bandaid419

    I've been finding myself doing this as well. I go through feelings of being scared and sad. There have been days I have totally consumed myself with it that I let it ruin my day. So now I try not to think about it anymore. When I feel I'm starting to drift into again I start thinking about all the great things in my life. It helps me through. For example: Ill start to think about how much I would miss my kids if I were gone and then I try to quickly turn it around by thinking of things they have done so far in their life. It derails the train for the time being. :).

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  • Terence_the_viking

    We all die at some point.

    Thing is when you are dead who can you tell about it?

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