Is it normal to strip off before taking a dump
So anyway, if it's possible I strip off before taking a dump it just makes it easier, anyone else???
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So anyway, if it's possible I strip off before taking a dump it just makes it easier, anyone else???
Yea, I used to do that. It's not THAT uncommon. Yours isn't the first post about it.
Yes it is, people feel comfortable in different ways if stripping to take a dump is yours be happy doing it, although in public it may not be the best idea ;) lethal bizzle does it, then walks round afterwards (he said it on never mind the buzzcocks) just in case anyone gets the wrong idea ;)
I used to do this while in India. The bathrooms are often just a floor and a drain with in the corner a squat toilet. Everywhere on the floor is wet and there is often nothing to hang your clothes on so I undressed in the bedroom, went inside naked and did my business. I also don't master the act of splashing water on my butt without wetting my underwear so that's another reason.