Is it normal to struggle like this?
Ive had some real life life/death experiences and so have my family; as I have reached the age of 27 I have had brain surgery at age 18, and not to mention my mother is bi-polar, treats me like a sister sometimes or a jealous best fav is when she acts like a kid. She smiles alot. and father is maniac depressed with numerous psychological probs too.. not to ramble but now as I have gotten older I have started seeing some traits of my parents come out... and that scares me to death. This is the first time Ive actually come out and said anything about any of this so I may be all over the places, I usually always found a way to find myself happy even if I didn't have the sturdiest of lives. Now I have created a dependency for drugs to keep up with school life but it does not hinder me from pushing through to finish college next Fall. I like school, it takes me off my problems. I also constantly am thinking but sometimes when I speak nothing comes out, sometimes its just jumble. Probably because of the surgery but I have gotten to the point where I just want to stay inside just because it's easier. Not to mention, I have now created some insomnia pattern where all I can do is think and I can not shut down my brain. I have been awake for 50 hours; yes it is finals week but man this is getting old. Is it normal to struggle like this?