Is it normal to stutter sometimes?

Sometimes when I'm talking to my friends or my family, I stutter. There's no reason to. I don't stutter like the people with that disorder (I THINK it is a disorder, please correct me if I'm wrong), BUT I stutter like a nervous person, even when I'm not nervous all.

I also have a hard time trying to remember a word sometimes.

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88% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • pinkpotato9

    I stutter frequently myself but not enough to have a medical stutter. It usually happens when I’m nervous or excited but sometimes it can happen when I’m just chilling. I like to imagine it that our brain just has a misfire.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Me too

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  • RoseIsabella

    I went through a stage where I stuttered a lot after my paternal grandmother died. I wasn't even an kid, I was an adult, and the experience was awful especially considering that I was dealing with a health issue that I will not get into, but it caused me to breakout in cystic acne like a junior high school boy, or something. With regard to the stuttering my sister, and mother mocked me. That was a dark time in my life, and although I know there are plenty of people who have it worse than me I know that I come from a very dysfunctional family of origin.

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  • litelander8

    I’m pregnant and I’m having a really hard time remembering and coming up with the words I want. And then I have stop my train of thought to explain it. And the competition of conversation with multiple people is very hard. Also causing me to choke on my words.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Some days I do have a stutter. I wake up some days and its like I have problems putting thoughts into words. I think its from concussions ive had but when I worked in sales it completely went away while I did the job. I think if you are forced to talk all day it trains your brain like its a muscle.

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