Is it normal to support the following policies?
One, I support the working classes and industrialisation, two, I support green liberalism, three, I'm not an extreme or radical environmentalist, four, I support religious clothes and religious food, five, I support kingship in every way, and six, I support normal clothes and normal things and am against weirdism. As for normal clothes and things, I'm struggling to be an exact replica of everyone else, and to prove that I'm not different. As for kingship, I'm a royalist and regalist and want the king to rule the land and support the British Crown. As for religious clothes and food, I eat meat, I'm not a vegetarian, but only meat that's not purposely killed for me, and I'm wearing red Buddhist clothes. As for the working classes, I want people to work in industries and remain ignorant, getting minimal wage, and as for light green environmentalism, I value the Earth very highly and want the importance of the planet passed down to the next generation unharmed, to minimise the damage done by the human species on the natural world and to aid regeneration of damaged areas, I support that, is that normal?