Is it normal to swim in your clothes?

It was for me anyway. I grew up on the outskirts of a small town. Nobody had pools. We either swam in ponds or creeks. Everyone just jumped in in whatever they were wearing. When I was a teen, my girlfriend's uncle owned a water slide, the old concrete kind you rode down on mats. No one wore bathing suits. We usually wore blue jeans. Just wondering if others had a childhood and teen years like that. We always thought it was a lot more fun just jumping in.

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71% Normal
Based on 21 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • jtkirkfan2002

    Perfectly normal. There are cultures all over the world where going in fully clothed is the norm and wearing revealing swimwear is considered obscene. There are even several Christian denominations in America that encourage fully clothed swimming for modesty. I don't swim that way for modesty. I just like swimming in my clothes or just my underwear. It's sort of my way of "rebelling".

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  • DougDress2Splash

    I think it's perfectly all right to go swimming in clothes. I dress up in a business suit each time I go swimming at that area lake beaches. I SING while I [[[SPLASH!!!]]][

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  • libertybell

    When I was 12,I would wear a swimsuit with shorts in the pool for modesty.

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  • brutus

    I thought this post was about swimming in heaps of clothes.

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    • Sorry. It's about going swimming wearing your clothes.

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  • Mehereok1

    Not often, but, I've hiked a local trail that's along the river, and, on hot, 90-degree days that I'm hiking and get too hot, will jump into the river to cool off, in jeans (always..protect against ticks) and t-shirt. And agreed, doing that does cool you off more, as the wet clothes dry and cool your body.

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    • jtkirkfan2002

      There is a great hike in the Smoky Mountains to Abrams Falls. There is a wide, deep pool at the bottom and nearly everyone jumps in in the summer time. A few people wear swimsuits under their clothes, but most of them just jump in with their clothes on. It's a refreshing reward for the somewhat strenuous hike and your clothes are usually pretty dry by the time you get back to your car.

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      • Mehereok1

        This past Summer, we had a killer, 90+ degree stretch, but I hit the trail two days in a row anyway. Went further than planned one day, drenched in sweat, and told myself..Fk it, dive in, clothes and all. A few spots had tree swing ropes, so I grabbed one and plopped myself in to cool off. Felt so good, and my own fault for going too far that day.

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        • jtkirkfan2002

          We had a long stretch of 90+ days too. I work in the field on alarm systems and when it's hot, I can be a sweaty mess by the end of the day. I've learned where all of the swimming holes are though and I ended up in the water in my clothes or underwear most days. My work truck has vinyl seats and rubber carpeting so I can just come out of the water and drive home without drying off or needed to change.

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  • raisinbran

    Yes, if you live in a trailer.

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    • The trolls are beginning to crawl out of their holes.

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      • raisinbran

        I guess any comment you don't like qualifies as trolling.

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        • jtkirkfan2002

          Trolls insult with the hope of provoking an argument. Your post is a prime example.

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        • Only the ones from smart asses with nothing intelligent to contribute.

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  • savageboy

    If you want to swim in your clothes, then do it. I do it sometimes because I want to.

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  • savageboy

    For me swimming fully clothed is a kink

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  • Ellenna

    Swimming in clothing results in great personal airconditioning in hot weather because you cool down as the clothing dries and then get back in the water again. I used to do it a lot in the outback and if there was now water around (which there often wasn't) have a shower in my clothing and let it dry on me.

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    • You noticed the "personal air conditioning" too? When I was a kid, we would be outside all summer long. Our mothers ran us out of the house in the morning, rain or shine, (as long as it wasn't storming). We'd ride our bikes, play baseball, "army" and whatever else a bunch of rowdy boys and girls could dream up and usually end up sweaty and filthy. Then we'd go swimming in someone's pond and go right back at it, wet clothes and all until we got hot again and back into the water we went. We were always a mess by the end of the day and often my mother gave my sister and me a bath in our clothes with the hose before we were allowed to come in the house for dinner.

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      • jtkirkfan2002

        My folks used to take me to our neighbors trailer at a place called "Dietz Lake". It was a campground built on an old strip mine so it had a huge lake. It was the '70's and '80's and nearly everyone went swimming with their clothes on there. I'd spend all day Saturday swimming in a pair of cut offs and a t-shirt, and then we would go back to the beach after dinner for the Saturday night dance which was really for little kids. The teenagers would end up on the beach fooling around. Boys would try to push the girls in and vice versa and eventually we would all be out there in jeans, t-shirts and sometimes even shoes and socks. They had a 30-foot diving tower that also had a slide that came down from the same height and something about it being night and all of us having our clothes on made it even more fun than usual.

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        • jtkirkfan2002

          When I was in the army, I used to drive from Ft. Campbell over to Kentucky Lake to a place called "Wonder Waters" that had a couple of water slides and bumper boats. Hardly anyone wore bathing suits.

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  • BlindSpot

    Yeah. Swim suits are too tight. I prefer wearing them though because it cleans way better and water just streamlines off

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    • jtkirkfan2002

      I understand that if you're doing any type of distance swimming. I'm usually just jumping in the lake or creek to cool off or going to my favorite reservoir to rock jump. I swim in my clothes for that unless I'm rock jumping and get tired. Then I strip down to my underwear.

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      • BlindSpot

        You Rebel You

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