Is it normal to take big risks?
Hello fellow humans. For the last 16 years me and a few other buddies have been working on a 5.8 million dollar project, we are building a spacecraft similar to spaceship-one. Unfortunately, we couldn't enter the 10-million dollar X-prize contest on time, we had a change of plans. Instead, we wish to board the ISS. But, since the ISS program has only been extended until 2015 it will give us a short time window.Since our spacecraft exceeds FFA guidelines it will not fall under Plane criteria, we will launch from outside the U.S. in an attempt to avoid it's jurisdictions.
We can constantly track the parabola suborbital flight patterns of the ISS, and we have the equipment to dock the station. The majority of people who built this ship are aerospace engineers and they are all devoted to their work (I'm just the pilot for the mission). This is an all or nothing shot. Even if I die or get prosecuted (if I make it back in one piece), at minimum I would like to world recognise our landmark scientific achievement that my team has obtained.
Are we normal?
"Eyes towards the skies everyone, the future is going to be a crazy place."