Is it normal to take photos of my sh!t?
Im proud of my stools and take pictures of the big solid ones with my cell phone. Is this normal?
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Im proud of my stools and take pictures of the big solid ones with my cell phone. Is this normal?
joeaverage - i was going to post that too lol its a pretty funny site but disturbing at the same time.
My grandfather was proud of his stools too. Although, he was a carpenter so it probably meant something else to him.
I've often thought of taking pics of my poo as well. My poo is very interesting.
can you imagine how many germies you've put on your phone from touching it after pooping? yikes! i hope you sanitize your phone every so often. =\
My husband is proud of his too. He'll be in the bathroom for a few minutes and yell for me, "Hey Baby, come look at this!" Haha. It's precious in a weird way.
Are freaking serious there's a web site for this shit. You gotta be kidding me. Man that's not even right.
A guy I use to date sent me a pic of one of his turds. I wanted to punch him.
nope. it's NOT normal, not at all. If i was dating someone and found out they enjoy taking pictures of their ****, i would RUN. that's just disgusting. stop doing it! what is wrong with you??? or maybe you're just trolling...hmm...
Lmao once I had to take a shit real bad was at my friends house idk WTF I was thinking I got my shit with my hand & put it all over my friend"s pillow lmao
Omg I forgot about the site rate my pooo oh I remember when I was young and on that site with friends laughing ohh memories :)
You just have a shitload of pics of your shitloads stored on you phone? I have stored pics of my piss on my phone. We should be friends.