Is it normal to take pleasure in torturing weak animals?

I was given a guinea pig by a friend to keep while he's off for holiday for two weeks. The first four days I took great care in the pig; feeding it on time everyday, bathing it, changing its bedding.

However recently I find myself torturing it. I yanked it out of its cage and started squeezing it, putting it under a tap and pouring cold water onto it until it let out a series of shrieks. The longer and the louder it shrieked the more pleasure I got from it. I felt like guinea pigs are too weak to fight back and I was hoping that it would bite and "torture" me back, but it doesn't because they are so powerless.

I know that what I have been doing is morally wrong and I know that it is a sin, yet I can't seem to hold myself back. I am nineteen and I am a normal person; never had committed serious crime or anything like that.

Is what I had been doing psychopathy? Have I turned into a psychopath?

Voting Results
35% Normal
Based on 452 votes (159 yes)
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Comments ( 117 )
  • Stop torturing your friends pet!!!

    You are not a psychopath, yet, but you're not normal either; your an just an asshole.

    You obviously have never developed empathetic feelings for animals. Perhaps if someone was to show you how it felt to be tortured by someone larger and more powerful than you, you'd understand why it's so wrong to do what you did.

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    • Some interesting things some people don't know about psychopaths that i found....

      "The psychopath has the image of a cold, heartless, inhuman being. However they more often come across as arrogant, self-assured, opinionated, domineering, and cocky."

      "psychopaths are not altruistic and do not really care about friendships or ties. Some can even be very fond of animals (contrary to the common viewpoint)"

      The macdonald triad has actually been found to have very little connection to psychopathy, it's a myth.

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      • Any point one wants to make can easily be backed up by "proof" found on the internet. What a great tool it is.

        Fact is, almost every infamous serial killer tourtured helpless animals for pleasure in their youth. It's one of the early tell tail signs of sociopathic behavior. Fact.

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        • WordWizard

          well most discussions and fights on this website are asking for proof.

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        • Except that the statements i used came from Robert Hare, the man who's checklist is used for the diagnosis of psychopathy. So it's your thoughts on the subject versus the man who defines it, hmmmmmmm i wonder who is right lol.

          Fact is, the MOST infamous serial killer in history had a dog that he took good care of, and the second didn't hurt them either. I could list about 20 known names that didn't. Some do kill animals yes, but many don't. The animal killing, high intelligence, good looking, want to get caught, and many other notions about them are uneven in frequency if you study the cases, profilers have come out and said the same thing. Just as most serial killers didn't start fires or wet their beds past age 12, it applies to non serial killers around the world just as often, so it's "facts wise" a myth.

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          • WordWizard

            Not always true. Some serial killers are very kind to animals and many take this as the first step. The OP is saying he wants to torture something weaker. So what not to say they will not one start murdering children? After that women and men and one day will end up on the news.

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            • What i'm saying is that most people that torture animals don't become serial killers. There are several hundred convicted serial killers in the US but the amount of people who torture animals would be ten times that. The truth is (and many experts agree) that there is no one "blueprint" for creating a serial killer, many grew up in abusive homes, but quite a few did not. Ted Bundy grew up in a fairly stable and well off family, didn't torture animals, and is now the most infamous serial killer in modern history. Jeffrey Dahmer was only interested in animals that were already dead as a kid, even with people he would kill them while they were knocked out, because he didn't enjoy killing he just wanted the bodies. The link between animal cruelty and serial killing is trivial as it's the sign of a sadist not a serial killer. Most sadists don't become serial killers, serial killers are very rare and all so different from each other that it's near impossible to answer "why" and "how" they became that way, only they can say but they will seldom tell the truth. Millions of animal abusers in the world, far, far less serial killers.

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        • "Fact is, almost every infamous serial killer tourtured helpless animals"

          No, several did and far more did not. What you're citing is no more than the typical pop culture myths about serial killers, i actually know what i'm talking about through education. Animal torture is a trademark of sadists not serial killers, most sadists don't become serial killers, and many serial killers are not sadists. Serial killers by comparison are very rare indeed.

          Ted Bundy was very fond of dogs for instance.

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      • lylalylalyla

        Where did you got this information: " Some can be very fond of animals (contraty to the common viewpoint)" ???????? please do answer. And, are you a specialist?

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        • Papers by profilers Robert Ressler, John Douglas, Pat Brown and the forensic psychiatrist Helen Morrison.

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    • WordWizard

      That is psycho path behavior.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I hope someday you get tortured.

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  • You're not a sociopath/psychopath.

    I myself have killed small mice for pleasure, that does not make me a sociopath/psychopath either.

    Probably just an animal abuser.

    Personally, I would never hurt my animals, they are mine.

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    • bananaface

      Thanks Doctor Duz for your expertise in psychopathology; your knowledge of mental illnesses really is beyond impressive.

      But good to know that you're *just* an animal abuser. Phew! I was starting to worry there. I mean, there clearly is nothing abnormal or wrong about abusing animals, is there? Ah, it's so great that you need to kill something weaker than you in order to get pleasure. It isn't even remotely vile, repulsive or pathetic either. But then again, even if it were, who cares? I mean, like you said, it's *just* animal abuse.

      Oh, and that was sarcasm, for anyone who doesn't pick up on that sort of thing.

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      • You became more emotional than rational. Obviously I didn't mean the "just" in the way you are implying, as if I see it as something small, I was saying it as in "you're not a psychopath, you're just an animal abuser". Kind of like how someone that kills for their religious beliefs that believe they are a messiah or something, you would say "you're not a messiah, you're "just" a murderer.

        You were one of people I least expected to jump on word misunderstandings, and go on the offensive due to it.

        Actually, there isn't anything abnormal about it, as a species we do it all the time. We eat meat, wear clothing, hunt, fish, pest control, and so on. Even you have contributed to the deaths of many animals.

        The reason why this person is not a sociopath/psychopath (In my opinion), is because I have read up alot that sociopaths/psychopaths do not care or believe what they are doing is wrong, where as this person identified that they know it is wrong.

        Actually pretty dissapointed with your reply. From anyone else I wouldn't be so dissapointed, but from you? I judged you too well it seems.
        No, I don't think you care if I feel this way about your reply, I just thought maybe some insight on my reaction is.

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      • WordWizard

        It is normal that psychos would want to defend the rest of their kind. Some crazy people do not know they are crazy and This happens to be one of them. The poster is clearly sick in the head and needs therapy or strong medicine.

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        • Simply believing you are not a psychopath/sociopath does not make you more likely to be one. For example, if you and I said "I'm not a psychopath" does that make them one?
          It's just curiosity.

          What did you mean at the start? Are you implying I myself am a psychopath? I assure you that I am not.

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          • WordWizard

            I never said that being a psychopath makes you killer. Though many killers have been found to be Antisocial, sociopaths ,and psychopaths. Not every Antisocial, psychopaths or sociopath is a guaranteed killer. However it is a bad sign when you start killing things for the amusement of it. It shows you have no remorse and no self control. People can choose not to do anything. Losing temper once in awhile is understandable to a degree now saying you killed something because you thought it was cute and could not control your self is no reason to be forgiven.

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    • Ibelievethis

      Another evil being on my planet, I see. Killing inocent mice for pleasure does make you a sociopath/psycopath. How can anyone get pleasure from hurting animals. An animals inocence and vulnerabilty usually makes us want to protect them. x

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      • butterworth09

        I agree. This is so wrong. How could you even ask if its normal? Its morally wrong, and fucked up! Normalcy shouldn't even be addressed. I dont know you, so I have no idea how normal you are, but I kno. w hurting something or someone weaker than you is just mean. If you derive pleasure from it thats also wrong. If you feel no remorse then you are far frpm normal. But even so, the meat industry is considered normal in.this age and thatalso is fucked upKarma is real

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      • NotStrangeBird

        Mice are disease spreading vermin and need to die before they infest. Have you ever lived in an infested domicile?

        Have you noticed the mousetrap and poison down at the hardware store?

        I guess all those folks involved with pest control are "sociopath/psychopaths"?

        That said, I agree that needless torture or suffering is unnecessary.

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        • bananaface

          I think it's the pleasure aspect of the situation that rings alarm bells. At least for me it does.:)

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          • Allistalla

            Thia story is posted more then once.

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          • NotStrangeBird

            Yeah, point taken. But to follow that string of logic, what if someone tortured animals but didn't take any pleasure from it? Would that be OK?

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            • bananaface

              Hmm, very good comeback:P. You've got me thinking. I'm not entirely sure what my answer is yet.

              My immediate response was "no, it isn't ok". That's down to my personal beliefs, though, so it's biased.

              The question that springs to mind is why? Why would they be torturing animals? That's something that I really can't get my head around.

              What rings the "alarm bells" which I mentioned above are the reasons people are behaving the way they're behaving, their motives I guess you could say, not necessarily the behaviour itself.

              So I still think the act of torturing animals is wrong, definitely not ok, in my opinion. In that situation I would also think the person is abnormal or even mentally ill. Again, I'm obviously not an expert, so I can't diagnose people. I'd be very curious about why they're doing it. I can't imagine that there's an answer to that question which justifies the act itself. So on that note, I think I've came to the conclusion that it isn't really ok. Unless of course there is a reason which justifies torturing animals (in which case I'll have to think about my answer again). I certainly can't think of any examples. But then again, like I said, I'm biased.

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      • No, I am not an "evil being", I may not be good, but I am not good, either. Also, this is not "your" planet.
        So what if I did? There are sports for hunting animals just for pleasure, so what makes it different if I do it? Also, if you are a meat eater, then you also contribute to the deaths of animals, not only that, by living in the house you live in, you support the constriction industry that is responsible for many animal deaths.

        No, I am not a psychopath/sociopath, and unless you are qualifications that give you any say on that, your "opinion" is not a diagnosis.

        Yes, I would protect "my" animals aswell.

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        • Ibelievethis

          Please do understand what I am about to say because I will say it only once. "I do not need qualifications on a medical basis to know that anyone who finds pleasure in harming any creature is psychopathic."

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          • Actually, yes you do. You are arrogant, and it blinds you on your way to progression.
            I am not a psychopath/sociopath. There is nothing wrong with me.
            I have also done many other things that may border on those things, such as arson, but does that make me any more psychopathic? Ofcourse not. I can feel emotion, I just lack in it, that does not mean I am emotionally impared.

            People that hunt are psychopathic? Ever went fishing? It is an enjoyable hobby that is at the dispense of the lives of fish, so does that make people that fish psychopathic?

            Yes, you do need qualifications on a mdeical bases to know if someone is a psychopath/sociopath or not, because there have been plenty of presidents that have killed animals for their own enjoyment, such as fishing, hunting, etc.

            You know you are wrong, you just don't want to admit it, either that or you are more arrogant than I thought, and think you're still correct despite not having any reason to believe you are right other than "I am right because I feel I am right".

            You can't just say something and expect to be correct, especially if what you have said is already defeated by the comment in which the statement is replied to.

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            • Ibelievethis

              There is nothing wrong about thinking that hurting animals is evil and if that makes me arrogant then so be it.

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        • I am not evil, either*

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          • Ibelievethis

            We'll let those gorgeous creatures who you take pleasure in killing be the judge of that.

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            • Yes, and let the gorgeous creatures that died for you to have a house be the judge of you. Same logic.

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      • WordWizard

        Most people kill mice since they are pests. Duz is doing it for fun. That is the sign of a sick human.

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      • 800imawesome

        Apprently I'm a psychopath.

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    • Viviann

      What kind of pleasure?

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Sounds like sadism to me.

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    • WordWizard

      No he is dangeroues and will one day become a killer.

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  • Volatile_beauty

    Maybe someone should torture you in the same exact manner that you inflict on the poor animals. That or you should go put your self in some mental ward. I loathe people who prey on weaker beings.

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  • thatonegirl18

    You are a dick.

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  • Francophile22

    You are cousins to murderers and arsonists; most of them started like you did.

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  • 777electric

    No, not now not ever, stop torturing animals just because you arrogantly signify yourself over them.

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  • TinkyWinky951

    This is wrong i think u should stop, they are defenseless and can't fight back.

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    • chewy

      LOL TinkyWinki XD

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  • The said pet has now been returned to its original owner. Safe and sound. Healthy as always. I guess you are all happy now.

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    • especially the guinea pig

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  • fartonmyface

    This guy isn't trolling. He's dead serious, and it's sickening.

    My guess is that the OP has very low self esteem and is miserable. This person is probably physically out of shape and a rat who lives in his house. Most likely the OP is physically weak, and it makes him feel stronger to be dominant over something weaker than he is. It's a superiority complex. And yes, it is most definitely sickening that humans are capable of this much insensitivity due to their own hopelessness and despair with themselves.

    But on the bright side, there's such a thing called karma. And karma will strike, guaranteed.

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  • Nogoodusernames

    Wow ppl on this app are the true meaning of asshole. Dnt get me wrong torturing an innocent animal is not something i would like to happen. But guys, chill the fuck out ur all over reacting and making the dude feel bad. Yes he did something wrong but fucking get over it and if u want to hate, go do it somewhere else

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    • Nogoodusernames

      ***website not app srry

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  • Nogoodusernames

    Okay, to all of you who are overreacting CALM THE FUCK DOWN! goddamitt if you ever want to get through to a person you have to be gentle nd stop attacking the dude. Listen man, your not crazy or a phychopath. U need to calm down. You just like to feel dominent thats all. You hurt the animal because you know it cant fight back and you feel in charge. Many people like to feel dominent but do it in a different way. So i suggest u leave the animal alone. Im not hating u seem cool just dnt hurt it cuz it didnt hurt u.

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    • Ibelievethis

      Please do not tell me to calm down Pussy footing around and being "gentle" with evil being is not the way I go about things. These animals can not speak for themselves so I have to be their voice.

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  • alv1592

    Not sure if psychopath or just a douche. If you keep hurting/killing innocent creatures, I hope you drop the soap in prison.

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    • bristexai

      Yeah, because hurting an animal is worse than rape, right?

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      • alv1592

        I mean someone who makes innocent living things suffer deserves to suffer as well. Animals have feelings, just like humans. Their feelings are important too.

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        • alv1592

          Why did people "like" that above comment? Fuck you, if you support this kind of behaviour you can go to hell.

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          • bristexai

            If you support rape, you can go to hell

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            • alv1592

              I don't support raping INNOCENT victims; I wasn't raped but I was assaulted and it stays with you! But OP tortures innocent creatures, therefore I don't give a fuck what happens to him. So just back off, kate nash fan!

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  • jermath35

    Please kill urself that's sick!

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  • SangoNyappy

    Get the fuck away from that poor animal and go torture something not living maybe you can try it with plushie but don't torture animals you're horrible person

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    Stop it immediately. If you feel it's necessary, get professional help. Basically, do whatever it takes to get over this.

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  • Janet1957

    How would you like me to torture a weak human like you . Only a sick, mean, psychotic person would torture or harm a defenseless animal . Shame on you. You need to get some help .

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  • *sigh...yet another poor soul starving for internet attention.

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    • Ibelievethis

      Yeah, and the crazy part is. We are actually giving this person attention by replying to his sick post. xx

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  • Ibelievethis

    I wont pussy foot around you with the softly softly approach. I'll tell it exactly how it is. What you are doing is evil and NOT NORMAL!!! I tears in my eyes replying to your question. How anyone can harm an innocent and defencless trusing and adorable animal that does not pass judgement and only asks to be loved is completley beyond my comprehension.But as for the animal not biting back believe me one day he/she will and it will be your own fault. x

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    • For some reason, I go this whole contradicting hippy feeling from you right now.

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      • Ibelievethis

        Please excuse my stupidity, but what are you even talking about?

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        • Nevermind.

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          • Ibelievethis

            erm ok

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        • WordWizard

          He is insane. He has no idea what he is talking about either. He is clearly deranged and no reasoning with a clearly deranged maniac who some how is still with enough freedom to play on the internet. I honestly do not get how half these people are not locked up somewhere. He put on his profile how crazy he is.

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          • Ibelievethis

            Fully agree with you. x

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            • WordWizard

              Yet I still get a thumb down *sigh*. Whoa is me. What a sad world we live in.

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  • Justsomejerk


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  • JustDave

    You're a common, everyday, run of the mill asshole. Nothing special.

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  • NeonLighterz

    This almost sounds like a troll post.
    But if this was true, I hope the guinea pig grows twice your size and cuts off your head, and makes you eat african elephant shit.

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  • Polkhg

    Dude I got a pet snake just to feed it live guinea pigs, i torture them a bit before I give it to her, I love seeing and hearing them in pain bro

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  • alilea

    you disgusting human being, you're abusing a helpless creature and i hope your friend fucks you up.

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  • that's called animal abuse,& they say people who abuse animals are more likely to abuse humans too, but if you are aware of this you should talk to a professional psychiatrist before it gets you into BIG TROUBLE.

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  • sega31098

    Sounds like a troll.

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  • Viviann

    No, I doubt this is psychopathy but it can’t really be known
    1. I do not have any clinical experience with psychopaths let alone clinical experience in the first place (like most people online)
    2. There is not enough information in your post to make such an assessment.
    Getting those disclaimers out of the way, this is a description of sadism (pleasure in causing pain and/or distress) and perhaps impulse control (can’t hold yourself back) rather than psychopathy, as you feel what you are doing is wrong. Although that doesn’t mean much anyway because we don’t know how you really feel.

    It’s interesting, because how people are reacting is probably indicative of your writing. You say you ‘yanked’ it and ‘tortured it’ but it sounds like a description of an average person giving an animal a bath, but then you take pleasure in the reaction. I think more people do than they would admit. Look at youtube, there are all these videos of people giving distressed cats a bath, with everyone in it having a good time except the cat. I think it’s more common that you would think, but people can either control themselves, or they justify it in some way.
    I do simular things, and I also want the animal to fight back. For example, stroking a cat’s back paw until it gets pissed off, then keep doing it until it bites my hand and kicks at it and I push it around. To a naive observer, it almost looks like the cat picked a fight with me. But the best thing to do is to threaten the cat with a bath. I don’t have to actually give it one. If I hold her over the bath, she clings to me, and makes fear meows. And yes, guinea pigs. They are very good at expressing fear. Give him a bath and he’s weeking for his life. And his heavy breathing, it’s so exhilarating. There is nothing he can do about it. But it’s wrong, and sometimes I can’t help myself. It’s even harder because I work in a research lab with rats and mice. The thing to do there is to tape the mice’s tails to the cages and watch them try to get away – I also poke them to aggravate them more and they sometimes squeak for their lives.
    There is a ‘line’ or what’s ‘okay pain’ to cause and if that line is crossed, I feel absolutely terrible. The closer I get to the line, the more pleasure I feel, but crossing it, it’s all over and I can almost feel the pain on my own body. The problem is that when I get close to the line or just over it, the position of the line changes next time, which means I can cause more pain.

    What I do about it? The opposite – be nice to animals and humans too. I actually found that causing pleasure feels much better and doesn’t have that guilty aftertaste. Making the cat purr is so much better than making her yowl in terror. The guinea pig weeking for food is much better than in fear. And this might sound weird, but if I really get the urge, a good wank helps. Because of that, I thought this might be a sexual thing, but I think a wank just provides a calmer satisfied feeling and that’s it. And to also think about what you’re about to do. It takes several actions to pick up some tape and to walk over to the mice. Do I really want to do this? How will I feel after?
    I don’t know if that will help you, but it helped me. It’s now very rare that I actually do these things compared to when I was younger, however the problem is still there.

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  • lylalylalyla

    I understand you can't control it that much... then don't get close to animals, and get help with a shrink.
    And yeah, this is psychopathic behaviour, but with more symptoms, not only this conduct.
    Avoid temptation.

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  • adolfluv69

    YESH. is perfectily normal. in the part of germanie i live in (Baden-Württemberg for life!! )
    my wife shouldn't see me wriiting this, but i kill her porky-pine doing same. i wanted to scratch inner thy , so i took in the bathroom and dropped in toilet. POWER! best feling inthe world, ever!
    So i think is fine!

    -Adolf K. xx

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  • myweirdself16

    Never pet-sit someone's poor pet ever again you sicko. most serial killers start out torturing, then killing small animals.

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  • 800imawesome

    Who gives a crap? They have underdeveloped nervous systems, meaning they don't feel much pain. He's probably only reacting out of shock, not pain.

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  • Crudhouse

    I remember tying my dog up and hurting it whne I was a kid around 11. I remember thinking that it was okay since my dad got to beat me, and rationalized it thinking that it was because the dog wasn't doing what I wanted it to do.

    Even at 11 I remember knowing that it was a wrong pleasure. Thankfully my gut's steered me away from sadism.

    If you don't have a gut feeling against this, I'd recommend staying away from sadism before studying all you can about philosophy and religion. Why take a chance of horrid karma coming your way.

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  • kelili

    Here in my country we hang dogs that eat hens!

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    • bristexai

      What country are you in?

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      • kelili

        Rodrigues.. A small island in the indian ocean

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  • bleach_baby

    Normal for serial killers

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  • you have committed a serious crime

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  • rhythmness93

    I hope you're trolling....if I was to witness you doing anything like that to any animal I would instinctively break your nose. stupid fuck go pick on something that can fight back...oh wait. it wouldn't be even regardless.

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  • boehawk

    Not normal if your doing this , not normal if your trolling with this as bait . Either way your a sick twisted puppy .

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  • ForgetMeNot666

    It's not normal. You're a sadist. Act out roleplaying with a girlfriend or something but leave the poor guinea pig alone.

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  • Wendell

    Don't do it againo

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  • Avant-Garde


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  • snowtail802

    what the hell is wrong with yourself jerk!!!!!

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  • saddenedunicorn

    Dude, that's uncool. Please quit doing that to the poor animal.

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  • dom180

    Felt physically sick by the time I reached the end of the second paragraph. I'm sure you're just a troll looking for attention, but I don't care if I'm feeding you. That was disgusting to read.

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  • howaminotmyself

    why did I click on this? I have no intention of reading it.

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  • It's horrible but I get funny urges with animals too. To try and get a reaction out of them for satisfaction. And I'm an animal-lover..

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    • Ibelievethis

      You claim to love animals. I'd hate to see an animal hater.

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  • Orthanc

    I think you should do something a bit more productive than torturing that poor thing. How about strapping a dynamo to its wheel so that every time it runs in it, you gain free energy?

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  • yesnomaybeso

    Jeez I dont like some kind of animals but I wouldn't do that. Whatever, at least you do realise that what youre doing is wrong.

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