Is it normal to take showers in the dark?

Okay so I take showers in the dark. I have a nightlight to add a little light, but the reason for this is because I don't like to look at my body (especially in the nude). So is it normal to take showers in dim lighting so I can see my body as little as possible?

Take a shower with me in the dark instead. 27
Turn the light on! 25
You must have some issues. 30
Wtf. 18
Yes, I do it too. 24
No, not normal whats wrong with you? 16
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Comments ( 6 )
  • seabird_71

    I think that's completely normal, it's just a preference to how you choose to shower. At least you bathe yourself, if you didn't do that, now that'd be abnormal.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    It's a fun challenge. Let's see if I can take a shower without breaking my neck...good times
    *power sharts in the shower in the dark**

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    • RoseIsabella

      What about sitting on the toilet and pooping in the dark on spooky nights when the wind howls like a banshee.

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  • Energy

    Well you did mention that you don't like to look at your body. I find that kinda should learn to love yourself. ALL parts of you..

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  • purpledino8

    There's nothing wrong with you but I'm so sry you don't like your body, I don't like mine either,but plz love yourself and accept it.. I do shower in the light tho, plz give it a try

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  • Avant-Garde

    I think this is normal and a great idea!

    I hate looking at my body and it seriously disturbs me when I take a shower. However, I'm terrified of the dark. So, unless there's someone else in the bathroom with me, I unfortunately wouldn't be able to do it:/

    Just make sure you don't fall/hurt yourself!

    Good luck:)

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