Is it normal to talk down to yourself at a subject?
I can't decide whether or not I like chemistry. I took general chem I and now I'm in gen chem II and throughout both I constantly talk down to myself. Especially about labs. Like "You're not good at this. You're too stupid for this lab. Give up now, it's pointless. Other people are WAY smarter than you." So this constant negativity is really distracting and has prevented me from deciding if I like the subject itself.
In gen chem I, the final exam average was a 61% and I got an 86%. On the thermo exam the average was a 65 or something and I got a 96. So apparently my exams say I'm NOT STUPID. Yet I constantly feel like I am slow to the point of retarded during labs. My negativity makes me dread labs for days in advance, even though my lowest lab score has been an 80 or so. How can I improve my self-confidence about chemistry?