Is it normal to talk to myself and get lost in my head?

ever since middle school i talk to myself. alot. ill have hour long conversations or just hang out with myself like i would a buddy. but wait, thats not all. i imagine other people too. generally people i know. and most of the time these arent happy fantasy. something horrible or tragic inevitably happens, im completly imersed in this world now and i feel every bit of pain as if it were real. they always start so mellow or even happy. but then ill get an imaginary text that my girlfreind that doesnt exist has died. i break down. i lose it. i grab my rifle and shoot the sky trying to kill the god that stole her. all while my freinds are screaming out to me trying to get me to stop. these scenarios can feel like they go on weeks an indeed the sun rises and sets several times in this world in my head. it could be months of the worst pain. then im back in the real world thinking wtf. and its only been a few minutes. and my body dosnt just stop when i zone out. i can continue cooking, mowing the lawn talking to people at the same time this is all happening yet the real physical me never shows any sign.

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54% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • MyDadCalledMeAFreak

    I experience things that are similar to you too. I think we need help. But then my other me says, "oh screw it".

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  • Leika

    I'm not a psychologist, but it seems normal to me. It's probably different, but perhaps you've heard of astral projection? If not it's sort of like a dream but you feel like you're out of your body. Some people experience this while they sleep, and some people will meditate and/or have someone hypnotize them to do it. I don't know all that much about it but maybe it's something like that?
    This also sounds similar to something I've heard of (I think it was a false awakening but I'm not sure if it's the same thing) where you wake up in a dream without realizing it's a dream. Sometimes people will live nearly a whole life in one of these dreams and then wake up an hour later to find that their entire life was a dream. Of course, it's a bit different being that you said you aren't asleep whilst this happens.

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    • toeofawesome

      ive never heard of it but what your describing is the closest anyones come to giving me a name for it. maybe its just a rare form. if it is just astral projection perhaps i should study and see if i can gain some kind of control.

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    • matthewkoehler

      Astral projection is when someone has an out-of-body experience while dreaming and they can see themselves sleeping in the bed from an outsider's point of view. It's related to the concept of lucid dreaming which is when someone actually realizes that their dream is in fact a dream (usually not easy to do but is a skill that can be developed with practice), and then they basically control their dream and can do whatever they want in it.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's probably a good idea for you to seek some professional help.

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    • toeofawesome

      i used to go to therapy all the time. all my psychatrists and therapist quit.

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  • FORUMidableFucker

    It is called dissociative disorder, you don't know who you are for various amounts of times. It is a response to traumatic events as a way to avoid the problem. It is the feeling of "nothing" and it is said that 60%+ have at least one experience of these "episodes" during their life.

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    • toeofawesome

      nothing traumatic has ever happend to me. i know exactly who i am. i feel everything. its just sometimes im in two worlds and one sucks ass. like having a nightmare during the day but your concious of both worlds but cant get the two to conncet to each other. like living in two bodies. its fuckin weird as shit.

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  • NeilYounger

    Whew! I'm tired after that journey you took me on. You have the makings of a writer. Explore this mode of travel my young friend. There is nothing wrong with you that a good creative exploration won't cure. I travel this rode myself and use this site as a vehicle. For goodness sakes look into it! You have a creative talent. Stop wasting it! Your future awaits you. You are sooo normal.

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    • toeofawesome

      i dont see what this has to do with creativity. i used to draw and paint and had real talent,but i dont anymore. i cant get my ideas visually on the canvas anymore. but ive never thought about writing... maybe it will help.

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