Is it normal to talk to pets like they are humans
is it normal to talk to pets like they are humans
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is it normal to talk to pets like they are humans
I talk to my cats and on some level, I think they get what I mean. If I say chicken to one of them, she goes crazy and sits next to the fridge yowling at me.
I talk to my goldfish all the time :)
Even though they can't understand me, they are definitely always happy to see me.
I don't think there is anything wrong with talking to them. They need the sound and attention just as we do. Plus they aren't idiots and probably prefer the longer sentences over the high pitched short babbles. It's respectful and good for us as well.
My little ones love when I talk to them. They watch me and you can see them processing my movements and tone. So cute.
i think pets prefere to be talked to like that. they are smarter than us sometimes!
I normally sing to my pets, i change the lyrics to if their name and food, and how hungry they are. LOL idk if they like it, but it amuses me
Yeah, totally normal! I've made a bet with my pony on which of the other mares would foal soonest. She thinks it will be Mango, I think it will be Jetta.
I just hope she's got ten bucks to spare when I beat her. I also talk to my dog, cats, lizards, and other horses like they are people.
I talk to my cat too and put great care in choosing consistent words/phrases, preferably short and I think on some level it works. He responds very well to his name as well. I trained him since he was a lil kitten.
perfectly normal to talk to your pets like humans... matter of fact I prefer talking to my dog more than most humans. He at least looks interested in what I'm saying and doesn't have that dopey slack jawed stare many humans have perfected.
I don't care if this is a month old! I'll comment anyway :) I talk to all my pets as if they understood me. Especially my dogs. I even say please and thank you to them. Why not, right? Dogs need manners, too
That's how they learn to understand us.
Maybe not by our words, but by the tone of our voices.
E.G. Dogs can tell when your happy or angry etc.
Haha I talk to all my animals but for the record we all sound crazy! Hahaha but I just can't help it! My kitties love when I talk to them! And the dog talks back! Now if only I could understand her...haha
I used to do it to my dog when I still had him. It was fun because he was like a great person to talk to.
I speak to my dogs just like they are my kids. I tell them I love them, how pretty and handsom they are, tell them goodnight and cover them up. I love them like they are human, if not more.