Is it normal to taste wet diapers?

Personally I love the thickness, and the taste of a wet diaper. I like to wear them on my period while standing in the mirror watching them go from white to red to dark brown. When I take them off I examine the texture, scent, and flavor of them. tasting a wet diaper for me is just as satisfying as wetting them. and it's a treat for me when my friends let me taste their wet diapers.

I choose chlorine free diapers, because It feels cleaner to me, I feel safer with them in my mouth. I got my sisters kids using them, and I get to taste their diapers when I babysit. the taste of a real babies wet diaper in my opinion is better then my own wet diaper. I want to have my own babies so I could taste their diapers whenever I want.

I love the smell of a soiled diaper, I take deep breaths when I change my nieces and nephews.
My mother used to touch me inside my diapers when I was a little kid, and I loved it. When I was 3 years old she died from leukemia, and wearing diapers to this day makes me feel like she's alive again, and still touching me. I used to smell my own diaper scent on her hands after she would touch me, and when I smell my nephew's soiled diaper it brings back the memories I had saved of my mother.

So is this normal?

Voting Results
43% Normal
Based on 42 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • CrumpledPaper

    Can you at least TRY to make this remotely believable?

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  • vaelin93

    Yo girl. I used to get touched too! That shit was the bomb. If only I had soiled myself. Could've been fun

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  • diapered2007

    sweet into that myself

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  • SparksTheGoldenFoxie

    Fake and if it isnt you're fucked up for doing those things get professional help.. Sicko!!

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  • SomeWierdos

    Funny until you brought in your mother.

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  • Wigglesworth

    Somehow I don't think this is real. Or maybe my mind is just screaming in denial from the horrific possibility of something this fucked up even being real. o__o

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  • Avant-Garde

    "your mother used to touch you in diapers when you were a little kid"?

    That means you were sexually abused so, in a sense it helps to make sense of all this. Why do your friends let you do this?!
    It sounds like a fetish, but one that's more twisted than the average fetish!

    Do you get off sexually with this? Or is it just for "comfort"? Either way, you need to stop and see a psychiatrist. Your abuse has clearly caused more harm than good and your love of this might end up escalating to something much more worse.
    This must be a result of your abuse. So please, get help! If you don't, you could eventually end up in DEEP DEEP SHIT!!!!

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  • Phuqyu

    My friends also wear diapers, and find my addiction to tasting diapers funny I suppose and they always let me do this so I didn't think it was wrong. I do get off sexually to this, and it's very comforting. I can't resist tasting a babies soiled diapers. Maybe you could taste one and see what I mean. But be careful of your eyes because it's easy to get pink eye doing this.

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