Is it normal to tell someone when they have bad breath?

I think you should tell people when they have bad breath if they're serial offenders. There are so man things people can do to improve their breath (flossing, electric toothbrushing several times a day, good diet, chewing gum, spray, mouthwash, charcoal, etc), but they can't and won't if they don't know. It can ruin someone's social life and sex life. How can a real friend not speak up?

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83% Normal
Based on 47 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • redneckgirl1507

    My friend had terrible breath that smelled a little sweet. I told her, and it turned out her blood sugar was dangerously high and she has diabetes.

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    • PapzBSlim

      Yea, I told my best friend the same and he is diabetic now. Wish your friend the best.

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  • bananaface

    I'd only ever do it if I was good friends with the person, and I have mentioned similar things to them before. I'd hate it if my friends didn't do this for me. I really dislike it when people let their friends go about doing something that makes them look terrible and they say nothing, just for the sake of somehow sparing their feelings. It's something I'd feel grateful for, although I can definitely see why others wouldn't, especially because of how some people go about telling the person with the problem.

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    • PapzBSlim

      I see where you are coming from with that side. I, on the other hand, ask people if I smell or have a bad oral odor. That way they can just be honest. If it is a good friend who is "slippin'" I will tell them to freshen up.

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  • It's better to slap someone in the face and prevent them from falling in quick sand, then tell them what they want to hear and watch them die.

    Not all that creates is creative; and not all that destroys is destructive :)

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  • FocoUS

    It's kind of rude to tell some one they have bad breath. Do what I do and keep a bucket of mints in the car to offer people. See, now you're being polite about it.

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    • Sailor_Cosmos

      That's something you can do with someone who is just an acquaintance. IF its a good friend and you really care about them, you'll be doing them a favour by telling them about their breath issue. It could be due to a health related issue that they are not aware of. Like a few people said earlier it could be something like diabetes. Or it could be a dental problem that is going unnoticed. Telling them is the right thing to do. It will also save them the embarrassment of going around with bad breath all the time.

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    • But isn't a mint just a band aid? The underlying problem isn't being addressed. Bad breath keeps people down because it can prevent them from being socially and sexually active.

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  • Hollolly

    I think its worse when noone tells you that you have bad breath or food in teeth, because then you walk around talking to people with these embarrasing things, then you go to a mirror and so embarrased cause you just smiled at someone you like and its just so demeaning.. lol,, very normal, and a very relaible friend

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I actually tell my friends to tell me when my breath smells and even then they don't.

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  • Mando

    Yes. If you are friends you can gently bring it up as it likely will be accepted in the spirit of caring about them. Or if you are their health care provider and raising it in a clinical sense. But to people in general? No.

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    • I agree.

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  • redneckgirl1507

    Thank you and I wish the same for your friend.

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