Is it normal to tell your kid that dandelions are fairies?

When I was a little kid my parents told me that those fluffy dandelion seeds that float around were fairies. I remember them leaving things like micromachines under my pillow at night and saying the fairies brought them. I was also encouraged to talk to them.

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Based on 58 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • KatieLiz

    I was told they were fairies too ^.^ They told me to catch them and make a wish. If the bud fell to the floor the wish wouldn't come true, if it floated off into the sky it would :) I used to chase them around the garden blowing air under them to make sure they didn't sink :p Good times

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  • Moonbow

    People tell their kids there's a Santa Claus, so why not tell them dandelions are fairies?

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    • Good point, I never actually thought of it like that, lol.

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  • dirtybirdy

    I remember micro machines. And the commercials had the world record holding fast talker guy. Ya so anyway, the idea is cute, about the fairies and whatnot, but it is total bupkis. I really don't agree with telling kids that kind of stuff, like the tooth fairy and santa clause and the easter bunny. What's the point.

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  • StarTeddy

    I personally don't approve of lying to children like that.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I don't really know. On one hand, it seems your parents meant well but the "talking to them" and the "micromachines" are odd. What were these "micromachines"? Did they ever respond to you? The fairies that is. I feel like there's a lot missing to the story. Perhaps, you should ask your parents for the truth.

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    • macaroniheyo

      They obviously already know the truth. Micro Machines, I'm pretty sure, are like these little toy cars. I really don't think there's any wrong with this. Seems perfectly harmless and like a cute way to make a kid happy.

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  • Maybe they were trying to inspire your imagination because you were young, but it would have been more fair to tell you that they were plant seeds. They could have gotten your imagination inspired in different ways.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I don't understand why they would tell you they are fairies?

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  • InsaneSatire

    I think that's just allowing a bit of harmless childhood innocence lol, i'd say that was perfectly normal, it's not like they were encouraging bad behavior or bad social values.

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  • Abend_zersetzen_mich

    Cute. What are micromachines?

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    • disthing

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  • disthing

    I think the whole dandelion seed = fairy thing is probably just harmless fun.

    They probably took it a little too far by trying to trick you with fairy 'gifts' under your pillow or encouraging you to talk to them though. But it's comparable with the tooth fairy I guess (leaving coins under your pillow in exchange for teeth.. which is weird when you think about it).

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  • DolphinAngel

    I think this is way better/cuter than Santa or anything alike^^

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