Is it normal to think a magical guillotine will chop off your feet.

Like when laying down on your bed, stomach side down looking at the computer. and then a ghost guillotine comes down from the ceiling and chops off your feet at the calves for dangling off the bed.

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Comments ( 19 )
  • rin

    haha XD

    I never dangle my feet off the bed in fear that something will grab my ankles and drag me away.

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    • Malaglinir

      Yeah this exactly. If I'm laying down in the dark and anything is hanging off the bed, I know that two black bony hands are going to grab at me.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Same here! Even though, theres no space under my bed for a monster to hide:)

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      • rin

        What about the closet? or to the basement..? 0.o

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        • Avant-Garde

          When, I sleep, the closet has to be closed! Sometimes, when I move in my bed or walk near it it pops open!

          The basement scares the shit out of me, especially at night.
          I'm always really paranoid when I go down there, I sing as loud as I can to scare stuff away. I'll get my stuff and then run like a bat out of hell up those fucking steps! My heart beats so hard, that my whole body hurts. I don't stop running until I get all the way upstairs.

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  • DannyKanes

    This is the same person who is being attacked by the haunted peanut butter, isn't it?

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    • rin

      They tried harder this time. =)

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  • Kar

    i thought i was alone. sometimes when i walk close to the sofa or bed i get this fear that some one with a sword will swing and cut my feet right off.

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  • Bernardsbook

    Fantasising is completely normal, often fantasies involve situations that excite the senses and whet the appetite, this is usually because of some deep seated sexual issues, we're you abused by a guillotine when you were younger? Did you have an unhealthy obsession with the French revolution, collecting the cards and action figures pertaining to that era? Were you shunned by the other children in an art or design class, causing you to stand in the corner with the guillotine slicing paper angrily and angularly?
    These are the most common causes of guillotine envy, the best way to deal with these issues would be to light some scented candles, put on some relaxing music like Debussy or Chopin, lay in your bed in stockings and suspenders and wait. Sooner or later your fantasy will begin, at this time you must immediately start masturbating furiously, vigorously, directly and purposefully, the intention of course being to beat away the guillotine. Once you have completed the act you may light a cigarette or other similar smoking device.
    This is the moment when you turn to your poster or memento of Louis XVI and inform it that you have indeed ended your struggle and may now return to a normal, though somewhat restricted existence.
    I hope this has been helpful.

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    • shitty_titties

      I don't think I have ever laughed harder...

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  • alv1592

    Are you the same person who wrote the story about the ghost problem a few years ago? The 60-some year old man who sees the ghost of a gay black man in the mirror...haha that was a good one!

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    • shitty_titties

      no! XD LOL what

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      • alv1592

        Look up the story called "Ghost Problem." It's still here, it's hilarious.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress


    hell i usually sleep best when my feet are dangling off the mattress

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  • Dot123

    Wtf is this shit, mad-libs?

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  • CreamPuffs

    Magic isn't real.

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  • DUDE! I do the same thing! XD
    Or when my feet go underneath a bed or table and the table just like, falls and chops off my feet.


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  • yo-its-me

    i cant sleep at all unless om wrapped up tight in my blanket facing the wall :/ im worried some dude will stab be

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've often wondered this, but its been more with my head:/

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