Is it normal to think about dieing, then getting so scared you cry?
See nothing really scares me that much. But when im alone in my room, with the lights off. When I am bored and can't sleep and am staring at the wall. All I can seem to think about is Dieing.
I become horrified to close my eyes, I brake into a deep sweat and sometimes the thought alone scares me so much I begin to cry. I have no idea why this is.
Its crazy but its the most terrifying thing ever. I know we dont live forever and truthfully i'd never like to become imortal. But the thought of living out my life and getting old and knowing your going to die and dieing. Is probibly the most terrifying thing I can think of.
I dont let it control my life and I still live life to the fullest but, Is it normal for something like a thought to scare me to the point of tears?