Is it normal to think about dieing, then getting so scared you cry?

See nothing really scares me that much. But when im alone in my room, with the lights off. When I am bored and can't sleep and am staring at the wall. All I can seem to think about is Dieing.

I become horrified to close my eyes, I brake into a deep sweat and sometimes the thought alone scares me so much I begin to cry. I have no idea why this is.

Its crazy but its the most terrifying thing ever. I know we dont live forever and truthfully i'd never like to become imortal. But the thought of living out my life and getting old and knowing your going to die and dieing. Is probibly the most terrifying thing I can think of.

I dont let it control my life and I still live life to the fullest but, Is it normal for something like a thought to scare me to the point of tears?

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71% Normal
Based on 91 votes (65 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • CreamyKitten

    I am the same. When I really try to get my head around death I get panic attacks. I fucking hate them. Everything you've explained happens to me as well, minus the crying. If I let myself I'm sure I could cry, but I try hard not to. It never gets easier no matter how I try to calm myself. Death terrifies me. This makes me feel weak, and jealous of those that don't stress about death. Although sometimes it makes me feel somewhat enlightened. Fuck, I don't know.

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  • (s)aint

    I've been like that since i was about seven-eight years old. I really can't remember why it started that early for me.
    I have however not had a really bad night for months now since they almost stopped when my granny died after some months of severe illnes up until the point where she was begging for release.

    It's still there though, creeping at the back of my mind but just not as bad as it has been.

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  • username21

    To misquote Gregory House:

    "Everyone [D]ies."

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  • purpledino8

    Yes I really understand, I'm like that to..I thnk about a lot when I can't sleep,about death too,and I cry..its strange

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  • Try not to think about it and by the time you are old you will probably be content to embrace death as you will have had many years to come to terms with the fact of mortality

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  • Brad07305

    It scares everyone. No one wants to admit it.

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    • hemper

      not really true, im not scared of death like teh OP.

      of course not the act of 'dying', im sure if you point a gun to my head i'll still pee my pants ;)

      there's this one quote i really like:
      "i am not afraid to die but i just don't want to be there when it happens"

      but as to the OP i think you just have to accept death. are you religious? perhaps finding a religion to believe in can help.

      if not i would recommend meditating or talking to a shrink about this. both serve the purpose of taking subconscious fears and accepting them imho. if you want more info on meditating ask me, i've posted some info about it on some other threads but im not goina do that everytime i think someone should meditate for mental health because I don't know if they will actually try it.

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      • Brad07305

        No thanks. I'm not interested on whatever kooky cult you're peddling.

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        • hemper

          um that was for the op, but ok, please know the definition of a cult before using the word next time :)

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  • Fatcat76

    TBH it shares the living shit out of me!! Everything I know, everyone I know will be gone - in an instant and there's nothing i can do to stop it. I wonder if I should get some counselling as it truly terrifies me.

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  • AnalyticalAm

    It's normal to consider your mortality. It's also very scary. It's hard to say, "Try not to think about it" because it exists everywhere around you.

    Maybe try to change your focus a little. Think about what you want to do in the time you are alive. You don't want to feel like you didn't live or experience enough. Make a bucket list.

    It all will end someday for all of us. Focus on what you will do before that time comes for you. Remember, the gap between living and dying from now to then is largest now. So use that time wisely and death will become less scary.

    The more things you accomplish in life, the less it will scare you.

    I hope that helps. I'm scared, but because there are major things I haven't done with my life. Sometimes I become depressed and feel like I'm running out of time. But I take a step back.

    "As long as we continue to think we will be happy in the future, we will never be happy in the moment, and that is the same as saying that we
    will never be happy. If we think that our lives will be better when we get that better job or retire, stay or go, gain or lose weight, or when our
    children grow and leave or come back, we are putting off the happiness that there is in today."
    - Aminu Kano

    Try to be happy today, everyday. :)

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  • BlackCcorn

    Live in the present! Try not to think about it, when it's time for you to go then you will go.

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