Is it normal to think about murdering a person over a thing such as this?

Used to come over without invitation, take control over the house,make making creepy facial expressions as if he's making an impression. with his poor hygiene stink up the whole house that needs to be sanitized several times in a row to clean it of smell. being of the same gender which makes things significantly worse.

Also doesn't understand what it means to politely say not to come over and rather interprets "I'm busy" or "Sick for sometime so can't" literally as if i'm either done with work so he's welcome or either when i recover from sickness. Fortunately, my dad figured out how to politely tell him to leave or that we're unavailable, otherwise, without him, I probably would of have spiked a glass of water with enough salt to make him just be gone and not encounter this person under any circumstance any longer. I'd rather have no friends at all than him, and rotting in loneliness is a paradise compared to garbage like him.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Don't hurt him. I get he's a gross, intrusive idiot who doesn't take a hint but you can't hurt him.

    I used to live with a couple both 250lbs who barely bathed and never cleaned the house. They basically used me as a maid service or I had to live in filth and couldn't stand within several feet of them. So I get it. But you just need to tell him you don't want him around.

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  • ElysianGod

    You could just simply tell this guy not to come over anymore. You clearly don't care about his feelings so it shouldn't bother you to just communicate how him being at your house causes you such irrational thoughts of murder.

    Honestly you seem to be the one with the issues. Your conceited way of seeing yourself in regards to this man, who for all you. know could have gland issues or some sort of mental health problem that causes him to disregard his personal hygiene.
    Seeing a therapist would do you wonders. You should not want to murder someone over something as stupid as that.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Will Smith is a major cuck

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    So basically you want to murder a person that you don't have the guts to stand up to yourself? Instead of having your dad do the work for you or having the person walk all over you, just tell him rudely to go away. Tell him you don't like him. Tell him you don't want to see him again. It's that simple.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You should read the comments to these posts and actually think about the advice you are getting. It seems you're using this just to be heard and get it off your chest. But this is definitely a problem where you are more at fault than the acquaintance. You are responding to this issue like a narcissist would. Take people's advice I dont think people are trolling you on your posts.

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  • Ihidabody

    ...Being the same gender as you?

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    • Giorgi

      Yeah, for a reason, i'm significantly much more tolerant of opposite gender even if she isn't too appropriate but him? a flamethrower to his face.

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      • Ihidabody

        No comment.

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