Is it normal to think about suicide over sexual frustration aged 26?

Like there is a pack full of prescribed valium tablets, how much of them would do the job? Maybe eternal oblivion isn't all that bad, since technically that would render eternal oblivion non existent either even if it does actually exist, I won't be conscious to experience anything, if at all.

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6% Normal
Based on 18 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    No offense, but have you looked into the reason why you don't have a partner? I used to be 200 pounds, talked with a ghetto accent, didn't bathe much, and had zero work ethic. I lost the weight, stopped talking like a fool, took baths, and started working more hours at my job. It did the trick.

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    • Giorgi

      I'm a little over 200 pounds, I used to be much more overweight than this.

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    • Giorgi

      At one point, I can't anymore put anything sweet in my mouth without getting nausea.

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    • Giorgi

      Yeah, I need to bring back my physical strength, starting slow however, and from there i'm growing. I used actually to be over 100 kg and even 116 kg, now i'm 92. My blood sugars from tests also tested normal for blood sugar.

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    • Giorgi

      Met another female friend and just from talking to each other, it was significantly better than any lust or fantasies, just the mere of talking and exchanging information, not necessarily physically touching.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        If it gets too serious you can buy a hooker. Its barely even illegal youll get a slap on the wrist.

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    • Giorgi

      At least have an online one and real one of course, but the only thing left is physical.

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    Suicide is NEVER normal. You need to start valuing yourself and then move on from there. Look at your appearance, your hygiene and your personality. Cheer up. Nobody likes a sad sack.

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    • Ephemeral

      Really bad advice to tell someone to “cheer up because nobody likes a sad sack” Thats called toxic positivity. It’s not helpful, not supportive, not understanding. Instead it’s diminishing and invalidating. You think that depressed people haven’t already thought about “cheering up”? You clearly know nothing about depression.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Dont do it.

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    • Giorgi

      Agree, it only will bring sorrow to the loved ones, while however if you're dead, the worst part regarding it, is that you're going to be oblivious to their feelings since the dead know and feel nothing. Oblivion in this case is the worst, since you wouldn't be even aware how sorrowful they will feel.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Things really can change fast. You dont know who you meet tomorrow or what opportunity you run into.

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  • leggs91200

    You are seriously thinking of throwing away your life because of some piece of ass? Is it really that important?

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    • 1WeirdGuy


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      • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet


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  • Grunewald

    Lots of people don't have sex. Even lots of married people don't have sex.

    26-year-old hormones are no laughing matter. You won't always be 26, though.

    Being 32 is much more fun. I still don't have sex, and nowadays I'm not climbing up the walls as much. Stick it out until the hormonal crazy stops.

    What people do need is companionship. Nonetheless, I feel better understood by my platonic housemate and satisfied by her friendship than I was by my ex-boyfriend and his friendship, even though I was intensely attracted to him, physically.

    Sexual desires will lessen with time. Give yourself time. Look for companionship.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Not if people wear condoms, which is most always required with respectable escorts (rather than street hookers). And if it were legalised then it'd be totally safe. Condom use would be a legal requirement, as likely would regular STI tests.

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  • Holzman_67

    Frustration can actually be a tool if you channel it. I was very frustrated when I was your age and I used it to draw a great deal of irreverent cartoons. It gave me an edge, an energy an outlet.
    Hope you can find reason enough to go on. Taking negatives and turning them into positives, working with what you’ve got can be tremendously validating and self affirming.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    It's normal to become depressed from it. Involuntary celibacy is definitely not something that should be laughed and joked about, like how it's viewed in society now (those misogynistic incels definitely don't help though). Sex is something that people need to live healthily and happily (which is why prostitution should definitely be legal, outlawing it is denying certain people a full life just based on their attractiveness, it's discrimination), so this societal problem needs to be taken seriously.

    You shouldn't be thinking about suicide though, that's never normal. You should try to have sex instead. There are plenty of independent sex workers that aren't controlled by a pimp or a drug addiction, you could try to seek them out. There's absolutely no shame in that, it's society that should be ashamed for stigmatising a perfectly healthy and normal practice. And I would definitely talk to a counsellor about these thoughts. Even if you do have sex with someone, it probably won't magically cure you of your depression.

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    • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

      "Sex is something that people need to live healthily and happily"

      For once I agree with Wow, I call massive bullshit. I do agree with legalizing prostitution though, what consenting adults do with each other's bodies is their business not the government's.

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Well yeah I guess it is possible to live a happy healthy life without it, but what I meant was that sex is something people need to live the most optimum healthy and happy life. Sex helps to relieve stress and puts people in a good mood. It has lots of health benefits, and has been shown to create noticeable improvements in people's health. It's very important.

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        • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

          "sex is something people need to live the most optimum healthy and happy life."


          "Sex helps to relieve stress and puts people in a good mood"


          "It has lots of health benefits, and has been shown to create noticeable improvements in people's health."


          "It's very important."


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          • JellyBeanBandit

            Honestly I'd usually never be bothered with looking for proof of something so obvious for an internet debate, but literally five seconds of research gave me these. Reply "No" to them if you want:



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            • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

              {1. Helps Keep Your Immune System Humming}
              {2. Boosts Your Libido}
              Not a positive.
              {3. Improves Women's Bladder Control}
              {4. Lowers Your Blood Pressure}
              {5. Counts as Exercise, "Sex uses about five calories per minute"}
              5 per minute? Massive waste of time.
              {6. Lowers Heart Attack Risk}
              HA, no.
              {7. Lessens Pain}
              Only during the sex. Through out the day, no.
              {8. May Make Prostate Cancer Less Likely}
              No, absolutely fucking not.
              {9. Improves Sleep}
              So can sleeping pills & or intense exercise/No
              {10. Eases Stress}

              {Stronger immune system}
              {Headache relief}
              Again. Only during the sex, not through out the day.
              {"For men, sex may even affect your mortality."}
              {increased satisfaction with your mental health}
              {increased levels of trust, intimacy, and love in your relationships}
              {improved ability to perceive, identify, and express emotions}
              {lessened use of your immature psychological defense mechanism, or the mental processes to reduce distress from emotional conflict}
              This is even bigger bullshit then the mortality one.

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    • Wow3986


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  • BleedingPain

    Give it a listen

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