Is it normal to think adam and eve's story is false?

My problem with the Adam and Eve story is that if they single handedly populated the planet then why isn't the human race riddled with genetic disease from incest? The same applies to "Noah's Ark".

Also when was the point where incest back then went from a necessary part of life to a sin in today's world?

(Please don't tell me I just need more faith and/or need to stop questioning the lord. I'm an atheist.)

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Comments ( 51 )
  • It's obviously made up, you can even find inconsistencies about it in the Bible. For instance, Adam and Eve and later Cain and Abel are supposed to be the only people on Earth, right? But after Cain kills Abel, he gets afraid that other people who find him will kill him. What people?

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  • aussiewolf

    dont you watch the simpsons? its totally real!

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  • kealewikaylay

    what I wanna know is y they were white

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  • Complex4

    ya..i think its normal

    like. why did God punish them saying
    Adam will work hard all day
    and Eve's job is to bear children painfully(gender inequality)
    and the serpent is gonna crawl his whole life (lol if the serpent had brains he would have kept the apple secret to himself):P

    i dont remember well, read the bible long time ago, but i THINK(i could be wrong) in the end, God decided that if man would come together and use their brains, they would try to overpower him and therefore(to avoid competition)he divided them by different religions and languages, in order to confuse them o_O

    Now why would God do that, if he were that great as to make this whole world...hmmm.

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    • Ugogoo1

      I'm not sure but I think that god made different nationalities so that there wouldn't be enough people to build to tower of babel I think.

      Plus wait til you die then find out if god is real or not I mean like I'm not really a believer but I pray and such for good measure, I mean what if you live your whole life doing as you pleased and then you die and it just so happens that there IS a god and you end up in hell? I mean its just not worth it bro.

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    • kittycatbeck

      I like your idea :P you should speak more about your hypothesises, they are very interesting

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    • cybad

      I read the passage in the bible, and have to agree that it makes no sense. It describes God as one that was experimenting, and created man who then turns out to be threatening to outsmart God. And God gets scared. I don't buy that.

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    • FreakyKing2

      wow so by gaining knowledge and learning to speak different languages you're "defying" god.haha

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  • tori

    Well, rumors are that Adam had a first wife named Lilith. She didnt like being subservient to Adam and left. And asked God for a new controllable wife. Eve. What a bunch of croc! A book written by old men who wanted to control their world and everyone in it.

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  • InsertBlankHere

    If you're an atheist, then why are you even asking? As part of the faithless, it should be a given that you think everything in the bible is just a bunch of nonsense.

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  • Madman9

    Noah's ark was not real. They can prove that there was a big flud. And the whole genetic disease from incest thing isn't true. Just google it and read up on it. You will find things that say stuff that could be misinterpreted as incest leads to genetic disease but nothing that says exactly that.

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  • Evilllamas

    its common knowledge that most of religeon (well all of it) is utter bullshit...

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    • cybad


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    • sloppy_seconds

      so true, we were taught religeon in school and even the teachers thought the bible stories were a pile of shit

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  • SweetSherry

    In my opinion the apple was a metaphor for sex I believe they were told to not have sex and they did and that's why God was so pissed and made Eve and all women feel great pain during childbirth I think old men wrote the bible to control people things such as it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man getting into heaven (I'm not quoting but I'm positive its something along that lines) that phrase was used to control the poor to stop them revolting against the rich.

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  • timebobbu

    how is it incest? they werent siblings since they didnt have parents

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    • FreakyKing2

      Your right but their children were having kids with each other, that's incest.

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      • timebobbu

        nope that still doesnt count...

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  • burn_trees

    The Adam and Eve story is completely false. There is no proof or evidence of this happening at all. But just because everybody's so religous nowadays people actually believe that two humans just "popped" out of nowhere, and Adam I guess had an idea to put the floppy thing in Eve's cut in her groin, even though no language was developed "back than" so these type of thoughts would have never happened. Thinking Adam and Eve were real is absolutely absurd! It's obviously evolution... Over millions of years "monkeys" evolved into our primitive being, neaderthals, which developed into humans. Get your shit straight people.

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    • Ugogoo1

      Just retards

      Ok first off your a liberal I know it, secondly monkeys really? Look if monkeys turn into humans why are there still monkeys left? Arent they humans now? I meen come on people. Third read my above comment

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    • cybad

      At best, evolution is still a theory, and full of loopholes at that. I mean, evolution is built into nature. What is unproven, though, is that man evolved from monkey. Proponents of that theory are still working at it, and don't seem to be getting any closer to proving it. You choose to believe this unproven theory just so that you don't have to believe in God.

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      • ZOR69

        Monkey? A monkey has a tail. We don't. Apes don't have a tail either. The theory is that we and the apes are closely related species, that we both came from a common ancestor.

        Darwin never said, or any of the other evolutionists so far as i know, that man evolved or descended from either the monkey or the ape, just that we are all relatives that descended from a common ancestor. I hear scientists so misquoted all the time by people who think they say or teach that we came from monkeys. Or apes. Nonsense. Thy never said any such thing.

        What we all three evolved from may have been the lemurs, but who knows. It is just a thought.

        Evolution is kind of a big family tree that says that all life is related to some extent, some closer, others not so close. At it's simplest, the theory of evolution claims that all life proceeds from simple to more complex forms over time, long, long periods of time.

        Some say that no amount of time could produce something out of nothing. Sure beats me. There is the law of bio-genesis - that all life proceeds from previously existing life. So how you trace it back to nothing, or even non-life (like a primordial "soup" of amino acids), that I don't know. I'm not even sure anyone knows that.

        But an examination of a man and an ape do show definite simularities of form and function. Does that not show kinship? I'd say it is at least strongly indicated by the evidence. Years ago, back in the 60s(?), a book came out called "THE NAKED APE", that made a very good case for us being exactly that - naked apes.

        Then there are those who believe we are descended from space aliens.

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  • I agree with you on the adam and eve story but noah's ark was real (or something very similar happened), there are scientific proves and even the greek religion had a story like that (but I don't believe that god or zeus had anything to do with it)

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  • SassyFrassyLassie_old

    It's just a metaphor, it's not actually real.

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    • FreakyKing2

      a metaphor to what?

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  • chiral

    Typical athiest, can't see the forest for the trees.

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    • BoredGuy

      Actually is the other way around.

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  • berkano

    The god in the bible seems very insecure.
    meglamaniac. Sexist.
    And game playing just for shits n giggles.
    Basically, I see it like this.
    Based on the bible god set you up to fail.
    so you " have " to worship him.
    Or this loving god will make you burn in hell forever.
    So, god knows everything that has or will ever happen.
    He makes adam eve leaves them in a tropical paradise nude and enjoying sex everywhere.
    But, dont eat this apple.
    why put the fucking thing there?
    They eat it, and you curse the world.
    kill them n start over, duh.
    He was willing repeatedly to wipe out the jews and start over.
    So why not adam?
    I have read the bible.
    cover to cover several times.
    My end result.
    old testament rules dont apply to me.
    Im not a jew.
    god likes to fuck with people and may or may not answer your prayer.
    jesus had some good things to teach.
    treat others as you would like to be treated.
    dont judge others, even whores.
    the church is corrupt, do what is right.

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  • filter

    It is normal, BUT genetics tells us that we all have a common ancestor that was a women in Africa.

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  • goingcrazy

    Its just a myth.

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  • TacoMan

    The Old Testament wasn't meant to be taken literally

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    • Janie2T

      How about the New Testament?

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  • mommy3

    The bible is a confusing interesting story. Who knows what to believe. Lol. Everyone interprets it differently. I'm in the anything is possible column, evolution or God- who knows!!

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  • FreakyKing2

    In the bible does it say anywhere that this is just a story and not a factual event???

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  • EliteSlime

    This is basically religions version of Sponge Bob. Think about it. If you want to teach children a lesson you create a linear flow and teach them step by step. Thats all this story is. A very simple tale of how man was created. If you choose to believe it then that is your choice. If you choose to believe that man was evolved that is also your choice. Neither is an axiom nor rules out the other. Just different ways of looking at things. In my opinion.

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    • cybad

      The universe is too beautiful and complex to have just happened. The fact that some kind of evolution does occur makes it even more complex. Two things man will never know: How the world began, and how man began. The Big Bang was an explosion. How was the explosion designed to produce such an ordered universe? Any other explosion just causes destruction and chaos, not order. besides, where did the "dynamite" come from?

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      • ZOR69

        Dynamite is not the only thing that explodes. In the case of the Big Bang, "expansion" might be a better word. Some believe that eventually it will begin to contract once again, until we have the Big Crunch. Who knows?

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  • phillipphung94

    Do you think you're breaking new ground here?

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  • confusedteen33

    If you knew the first thing about christianity you'd know its meaning is what's significant. Its a metaphor. That's the problem with atheists, they assume everything they read is true and happened.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Yeah a lot of people have questions about this story. I believe perhaps its a metaphor for something else. I kind of had doubts about the story myself and I am christian. I think maybe its metaphor for a transition in life.

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  • ZOR69

    Don't know if "false" is exactly the right word, but I'm inclined to think that many, many people take the story far to literally. My feeling is that it is probably some sort of allegory, but I'm just not quite sure what it is all supposed to mean. It is so old that the meaning has long since become lost.

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  • georgienne

    Cybad, where do you get your information??
    Human evolution is unproven, where have you been the last ten thousand years? Have you never seen a primate's skeleton; digestive, circulatory, respiratory and muscle systems; behavioural traits? We're damn near identical.
    Either we evolved from them, or your ancestors were doing some pretty sick thing to produce something like a chimp, rat or pig..

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  • Well appas (apperently) that adam and eve were dummies to test gods new creations and god created everything includding the apple. Now, if god didnt
    Wont adam and
    Eve to eat this sacred apple, WHY THE FUK WOULD HE PUT IT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

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  • cybad

    At first, incest was allowed, but Adam was instructed to ensure "genetic" distance between man and wife among his children. Eve used to bear twins, boy and girl. the boy would not marry his twin sister, but a sister born separately. Later, one could only marry a cousin. Further down in generations, parhaps even cousin was forbidden.
    Now, Abel had a twin sister, and Cain had one too. Abel was to marry Cain's twin, abd Cain Abel's. Cain was jealous of Abel, and insisted he wanted his own twin. Adam was confused. God asked Cain and Abel to make offering. Abel was more generous, Cain's offering was rejected. So Abel got to marry Cain's twin. This infuriated Cain even more, and killed his brother out of jealousy.

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  • cybad

    To put it briefly, it is like this:
    God created the universe. We know the Big Bang started it all, but obviously a lot happened b4 that, which we might never know. Billions of years later, the earth could support life, and God created all there is in it. When time was ripe, he created Adam and Eve, taught them things, gave them knowledge, tested them with the tree, and they ate there-of. After listening to the devil, their enemy. That was meant to be a lesson to them. from then on, the devil had no power over them. He had to wait for their offspring. God empowered man to master the earth, gave him insatiable appetite for knowledge. God loves man, and will never feel threatened by him. The devil is at war with man, not with God, for he knows who God is.

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  • phoenix_paradox

    Thise are just interpretation tales to try explaining acient people things that maybe happened. Nothing in bible is as it is written.

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  • Powermad80

    No, they weren't actually true, I'm catholic, and I hope that the only reason you're atheist is because you were raised that way. They were parables, stories with a message. There was absolutely no proof they happened, and they kinda just teach morals, not be the actual account of what happened at the beginning of the world.

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  • tori

    ^Adam asked God.

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  • jenn


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  • honeybeee

    Yeah it's not real my teacher told us and I go to a catholic school and she was like it's not real andd I was like duh

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  • Password

    Those stories are complete fake and the cathoilc church admits it, they're there to teach a lesson.

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