Is it normal to think all i need is my dog?
Its weird. I told myself the otherday, "f**k marriage, and soulmates. I'll live a perfectly happy life, just me and "dogs name"
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Its weird. I told myself the otherday, "f**k marriage, and soulmates. I'll live a perfectly happy life, just me and "dogs name"
Getting a dog to your house? well if yes then the angel won't come to yor house. cause dog is dirty.
its completely normal. i had that feeling too because dogs seem to understand what you are feeling where as some people just don't get it at all. its kinda confusing lol
it is horrid what happened to that poor kid. i'll be looking further into this story. the parents must be devistated. yet, they mixed babies and big dogs, go figure.
that story won't change my mind about dogs though, nor anyone else i think.
i don't know the stats on dog "saves" opposed to dog "murders", (because they probably don't exist) but you stated that you do, so give me a link to your info, i'd be interested in reading it.
you would have to have military and police K9 background to make the statement you made above, but i "believe" you don't.
in fact, i doubt you know anything at all about military, police, dogs, etc.
maybe you should start a new forum, so others can weigh in on this subject. like, is it normal to ............and just state it as you see fit.
the topic you and i are on now doesn't fit the title of the category anymore.
I have a military background. I was in the Marine Corps and we used dogs at times, but the were never that helpful. Even dogs that are trained to track people or sniff out drugs are wrong as much as they are right. I don't now that stats either, but just from reading the news, there are a lot more stories about dogs killing folks than saving folks.
Awww :) So sweet! Thats's so normal, but what will happen if your dog dies?
Buy a friend for it! You'll grpw close to both of them!
Dogs are so loyal :) I guess that's why we call them "man's best friend!"
THAT IS COMPLETLEY NORMAL! Relationships, Marriage, Sex, Love, All that is WAY to complicated.. A dog loves you for you. Not what you look like, how you act, how your breath smells in the morning. :) They are the best companions.
it's totally ok to love your dog like you do. you have a sweet, innocent love for your pet. roastpuppy is just on a rant. i have 2 dogs, and my kids were never allowed access to the dogs without my watching every move of both kids and dogs. exhausting and time consuming, but necessary.
Yup, you know what you want, which is much more than other people can say.
You don't have to want marriage or soul mates. Pets can be good companions too. Its about what works for you.
Absolutely normal. When I go to work I really miss my dog more than anything !
I've got a question for you, Dog Freak: If all you need is your friggin' dog, why are you seeking the opinions of HUMANS on this website?