Is it normal to think all men are pigs?

I have had a few serious relationships and am currently married and every single one of them has cheated on me! Is it just a coincidence that I get all the losers or are all men pigs? BTW - I don't have a "type" I dated nice boys & bad boys, everything from an accountant to a bartender and they all LIE and CHEAT and I never cheated on any of them!! I am convinced all men are douche bags.

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54% Normal
Based on 120 votes (65 yes)
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Comments ( 72 )
  • randomjelly

    I think that it is normal based on your past experiences but I must disagree that they are all pigs. You need to reflect on your actions and the type of men you attach yourself to.

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  • i used to think that too and that the world was topsy turvy and unfair, but now i've changed my mind and i realize how wrong i was. men are kind cuddly and fun, some not all

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    • and heroic and brave, my comments are getting deleted

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      • I'm convinced you're all on crack

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  • Enizzle

    So you don't disagree with my comment? I thought not. I have an idea: why don't you quit bitching, wise up, and stop picking fucking losers? You choice of men is your fault, honey, not theirs.

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  • TheLogicalJew

    Id like to say this first and foremost: Im a guy, but just because Im a guy, that doesnt mean that Im here to "bash" women, or that I support guys sleeping around. With that being said... I understand what you mean. With some men, there really isnt much in mind besides sex. I agree that many guys can be complete and total assholes, and douche bags, whatever term tickles your fancy. But... There're some nice guys out there. We are just hard to find. As a comedian once said "You women are always complaining about how men are such dicks, and that there are no nice guys around. Thats not true, the nice guys are just ugly." And yes, that may be a comedian, but he kinda has a bit of a point. Nice guys have a tendency to be more timid, and we sometimes blend into the framework, so to speak. And theres a reason why you have probably had a few bad experiences with guys... We are, by our very nature and genetic programing, probable to attempt to cheat. From a genetic stand point, we evolved to try to spread our genes with as many individuals as possible. Its not that we are trying to hurt your, or that we actually strive to cheat and just fuck as many girls as we can (admittedly, some guys do that, but not all of us), we are programed to attempt to have sex with all the girls that we can. There're guys who can control themselves prety well, but others have trouble doing so, and its fairly difficult to work against the genetic code. Also, Ican almost guarantee that most of the guys you've had relationships with have had afew things in common. There're certain things that women are genetically programmed to strive for ina possible mate. The problem with that is all women are programmed (on one level) to want men with those features. For instance, this isnt sexist, studies have been done by credible scientific institutes: Women are programmed to be attracted to men who appear to have power, and who appear to have traits that would make them seem "dominant" on one level or another. Once again, by virtue of these traits, powerful dominant males of this species used to run things differently... What Im getting at, is that the very factors that make men attractive, in many instances, also make us more likely to attempt to cheat, and that's how things are on an evolutionary standpoint. All men are horny pervs, and guy who tells you otherwise is just ashamed to admit it. By this nature... shits tough. Nice guys do exist, I can guarantee you. The thing is, we're not always the "pick of the litter" or some other such thing. We're harder to find, and for "some reason" (the above stated things), we generally dont always come across at attractive. I'm a nice guy, people always say that to me, I strive to be nice, caring and understanding. But as a friend of mine once put it "I think you're always just seen as the 'Gay Friend'." Nice guys are out there... women just dont always see us as good potential relationship material.

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  • 8Serene8

    It's true, there are a lot of crappy women out there too. Overall people as a whole suck, but that was not the question in this poster. So if you don't want to hear man bashing then don't read it.

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  • jimdog

    Oink oink

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  • KeyboardSolo

    I always get a tickle in my man-parts when I hear women talk this way. Trust me, your sex isn't any better. I've yet to find a girl that wasn't a lying, cheating, manipulative emotional mess. Face it, most people are scum, regardless of gender.

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  • A lot of us are... I'm ashamed to be a guy sometimes/:
    Girls can suck too tho! eh. guys are worse.

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  • Uzzie101

    I hate the way women get applauded when being sexist and men are called "pigs" when they pass comments on women -_-

    I wish women who did things like that would just stay at home reading Adrienne Rich poems, and leave us all ALONE. Yeah, SOME men are dickheads. But not all of us. Did you ever consider that, prehaps, you're the problem? After all, you're the one who kept picking dickheads to start a relationship with. Occasionaly you have to judge yourself, and not those around you.

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    • Boo Fucking guys use bitch, slut and whore as part of your everyday vocabulary...then you cry when someone asks IIN to think all guys are PIGS? Don't read these stories if you don't like the title or if it's too much for you to handle without telling someone to stay home poems. I wasn't bothering you, you're the one who read my post. Chill's just a question, dude...

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      • DefinitelyNotNormal89

        I hate to say I agree with him.
        I've had a few relationships and yes all of them have been complete wankers BUT I know not all men are like that. May sound cliché but my Dad would never treat my Mom like that.
        And women can be bitches too.
        I'd go with more "majority of men are pricks" not all, it's harsh and there are some really good men out there, you just have to find them!

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        • Yes, women can be bitches and men call us bitches everyday. Do you hear us crying about it?

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          • DefinitelyNotNormal89

            I think if someone posted something called "All women are bitches" then yes you'd definitely hear us "crying" about it.

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            • You seem naive...not everyone grew up in a household where "dad would never hit mom." If you're ok with women collectively being referred to as bitches, hearing it on tv, in movies, in songs...great...glad you like the name. I'm not talking about questions on IIN, I'm talking about real life. "Pig" has not become a synonomous for "Man" but "Bitch" is definitely interchangable with "woman" in our culture.

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  • heckyea10

    Well, all women are selfish, pompous bitches who think the entire worlds against them. See, I can make generalizations too.

    Have you ever considered that if it happened with ALL your boyfriends, maybe A: you're attracted to the quality in a guy that ends up leading to cheating, or B: you're just not enough to keep them around? Maybe if you improved your personality, it wouldn't be a problem.

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    • Oh, yeah...I'll get right on that...

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  • joelsmo

    I am sorry to tell you, if this is a pattern maybe you need to look at yourself. Whether women like it or not sex is a huge part of any relationship. Check out these articles.

    If men are not being fulfilled then you are taking the chance of them straying. I am obviously not talking about being a slave, but the more no's he receives the more of a chance he will find what he needs else where.
    You need to look at yourself, if this happened with one man he may be a pig, if it keeps happening you are probably doing something wrong. Not to hurt you, but my guess is you are not that fulfilling in the sack. As the articles states, you may view sex as a physical act, or a duty, if he really loves you he probably sees it as something more than he lets on.
    Next relationship make sexual happiness, make it fun, keep it fresh and you may find that he doesn't stray.

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    • Oh, again, it's my fault that my HUSBAND can't stay faithful. That makes sense. Oh yes...our vows said "foresaking all others as long as my wife is putting out whenever I want it." Thanks for reminding me. Anyway, I am certainly not going to tell you details of my sex life because on this site it seems that any girls who like sex are automatically SLUTS. And it's none of your business anyway.But I will say, sex is not the issue. It's actually quite the opposite. But even if that was the case, nobody ever blames the GUY when his woman cheats...they don't say things like "you obviously weren't keeping her happy"...they just say "she's a whore"...end of story. I love the double standards on guys are comical!

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  • regressiveparty

    men cheat just in the way that girls get cheated on.

    learn to be a better judge of character. I think youre sample size is a LITTLE too small to make a blanket judgement like that - I would say you're just emotional about it.

    I think you need to focus on the common denominator - you. It might not be you per say but what youre attracted to. you cant predict cheating behavior from type - but you can from their behavior. perhaps youre attracted to short term thinkers and people who can create relationships quickly. perhaps you're attracted to confident men who are flirtatious - that personality is much more like likely to cheat (we are all products of circumstance)

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  • Omg seriously? The original poster deleted the comments that had the most thumbs up due to it being against what she is saying. Women men arent the problem you are you like to pick the bad asses over the nice guys who would take care of you just because he isnt the greatest looking person and then when this badass fucks you over you blame everyone because you like to complain about the descisions "you" make in life.

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    • It's always nice when the local misogynist shows up.

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    • I am the original poster and I didn't delete ANY comments. If they were deleted it was by the posters who didn't like MY response. Get your facts straight before you start making accusations! Wow, didn't realize all you guys were so fragile...

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      • PS...The comment that had the most thumbs up yesterday will be DIFFERENT from the comment that has the most thumbs up varies depending on how many people READ this post. Maybe YOU delete comments that you don't like on YOUR stories but I never even thought about doing that...I want to hear everyone's opinions..why else would I make the post?yeeesh...

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        • I don't know WHY you put up with some of these people, OP..

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    • wreckd

      I have to agree with you. I commented on this post but it's no where to be seen.

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      • Again, I didn't delete anything. If I was deleting comments that I don't like, don't you think I would delete the comments of people ACCUSING ME OF DELETING COMMENTS and YOUR COMMENT WHIC IS BASICALLY CALLING ME A LIAR??!!! That's a personal attack and not just a comment on my question, so if I was going to delete anything THAT WOULD BE FIRST IN LINE!!! GAWDD..People: THINK b4 you start posting dumbass comments!!!!And if you don't like my question and you still feel the need to comment, why the hell do you keep coming back to my page and *checking*? Let it go...move on ...get over it !! WOW I'm starting to realize how stupid some of the people on here really are...

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        • wreckd

          You sound pretty retarded yourself. Getting angry for no good reason at all. Chill out.

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  • It's pretty funny that in this thread all the men that proclaim they are not pigs go out of their way through their comments to prove that they are.

    I'm sure there may be one or two men out there that are not pigs.

    Just as I've heard that coelacanths exist.

    And with the same abundance.

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  • CountryRoads

    Agreed. They are pigs.

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  • I'm convinced that you're an idiot, IIN?

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    • And I'm convinced you're the guy who learned to suck his own dick, IIN?

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      • Lol...Good one...

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  • BoredGuy

    pfff I was the exact opposite of a pig for many years. Then I had enough with the whores and decided to change my ways. I'm pig and proud, aka survivor.

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  • carlosmn

    Go ahead we think of women as hoes and bitches so we are even

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  • Enizzle

    Awwwww, you deleted my post. That hurt my feelings :(

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  • Enizzle

    Men: Sex-crazed, violent, mysoginistic titty-hounds.

    Women: Lying, game-playing sluts who bitch and moan about men.

    Poster of this topic: (redirect to Women)

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    • Someone who thinks he's clever but really comes across as a complete moron, adding absolutely nothing to the topic: ENIZZLE

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  • aussiewolf

    no i dont agree with you. you are just picking the wrong guys and i dont agree with Mando saying that you could be the reason why these men are cheating. where are you finding these guys? try looking in different places for a decent guy. btw you cant judge someone just by what they do for a profession. that doesnt mean anything whether they are a personal trainer or someone who works in the engineering industry. you need to change you way of thinking to find a better guy. good luck.

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  • howaminotmyself

    To be honest with you, a lot of woman are exactly the same. You have a "type" sorry he's a jerk.

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  • It's normal to think that if that's your only experience with men but contrary to what the Estrogen Pride Parade thinks, we're not all bad.

    Some of us are still guided by something higher than our penis.

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  • 8Serene8

    Most men are like that unfortunately. If you are lucky you will find a decent one like I have. But they are VERY rare.

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    • waakus

      This is blatantly sexist. Not all men are pigs and good men are not rare at all. As a man in a happy relationship of ten years, I pity you for taking the easy way out and just blaming an entire half of our species for your terrible luck or maybe even your awful relationship skills.

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      • Pig

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  • TyLee

    I agree with you 100 percent!!! Just know that you are not alone in feeling like this. I debate living alone vs getting married all the time.

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  • So all men are dicks because you decided to be with the assholes? Im not a dick just because you would prefer the cool hot guys rather than the good ones. Dont blame a whole gender just because you cant choose good partners because I garantee alot of guys can easily just say "IIN all women are whores".

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  • Faceless

    Is it normal to think all women are whores? There I said it. Hows it feel huh? Excuse me, Im going to go lightly cry now and blame it on allergies for I am sensitive today.

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    • Sorry you got your panties in a was just a question...

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  • Hmmm, I've had just the opposite experience. That is, being a man of moral integrity in a world full of whores.

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  • mmshelle

    Bloody hell woman! You ask a question, and then when people give you advice you just shoot it out of the sky? what the fuck are you asking it for if you aren't open to suggestion? then again why the fuck am I commenting if you aren't open to suggestion? Anyways, no not all men are cheating whores. In fact I believe the ones who are should be put down like a dog with rabies, and I'm a man. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I saw somewhere you said you had a difficult childhood. Did you know it's been proven by science that both women and men who had abusive/neglective parents are more likely to attract losers? look at the way a man acts around his mother it will often tell you how he will treat you after a while. I don't think you'll listen to this but lighten up a bit, the world isn't over no matter how it seems, oh and if you cant I hear a bullet in the brainpan isn't a painful way to go :P

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  • Spin

    My god, feminism =/= man haters, those are not real feminists. :/ Some people need to check the word out in the dictionary.

    Anyways, why are there so many hateful comments towards the OP? Obviously she has had unfortunate encounters with men, therefore she feels they are all pigs.

    This does not mean I think all men are pigs, but I can understand why she can feel betrayed if all her boyfriends cheated on her. A bit of an extreme example, but serial murders that have been exposed to nothing but violence in their lives may become misanthopists, such as Carl Panzram. When their lives have been filled with nothing but abuse they naturally come to the conclusion that humans are all detestable.

    For the OP, she has been exposed to nothing by boyfriends that betray her, and therefore she feels that men are all pigs. This is not surprising, and unfortunate for her.

    However I must say, men are not all pigs. There are admittedly many douches out there, but I am sure that someday if you keep looking you can find the right man.

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  • Enizzle

    You didn't delete my post. Apologies, I seem to have contracted Lag from one of the skanks I frequent down by the wharf, not your fault...not all of your sex hangs out in filthy sailor dens. Or do they...?

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  • sheilarae1987

    Oh yeah and on the subject enclosed in th title, no, not all men are douchebags. There's an equal or so amount of evil, vindictive lying whores and the pig douche-a-saurus men. They're few and far between, but it's usually when you stop looking, you find something that suits.

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    • alrighty then...

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  • sheilarae1987

    So...since ALL of them were douchebags and liars, did you settle for douchie-ness qualities, because if you're married, then you'd by your own words be married to a lying, cheating douchebag?

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    • wtf? Can we say "runon sentence"...glad you make sense in your mind, hun

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  • TheLogicalJew

    Im sorry if I have offended you in that comment, feel free to reply and I'll do my best to give helpful responses.

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    • wtf? I don't know what you're talking about but chances are you didn't offend me ...who cares anyway...

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    • sheilarae1987

      Do you have facebook? Don't know how to friend/add/message people on here, unless you cannot. Only see vague profiles, oy.

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  • Shrunk

    it just seems like that because those are the ones who are good at getting girls attention. you're normal to make that judgement based on your experience but it's not rational,there are nice ones they are just harder to find

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  • Askkrod

    Yes, of course it is normal to think that. But just remember that there ARE some decent men out there. It's just man horomones.

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  • Become a lesbian

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  • DhGlory

    There's a lot of shit in the world, you have to learn to sweep that shit away in order to find something worthwhile, to love and cherish, sure some people have skewed your perceptions through hurt but everyone is different and deserves a chance of their own just like those that did you wrong. Learn to love not hate, appreciate.

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  • kesdog

    i am not a pig been married for 21 years and have not cheated on my wife I had times i could have but the shit i would get from my wife and kids its not worth it as for you ,you must move on and maybe just give up man for awhile a see what happens you never know prince charming could around the corner .being blinded by hate for man for every cheating bastard there is another 1000 who love you forever kes

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  • xXAnnaXx

    There are some nice guys, but men in relationships just doesnt work. Theres always going to be schemes behind your back. You'll find ladies to be a better choice. =)

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  • ash6306

    I used to think so too, but you'll find the right one eventually. i did and he's great :) we're getting married.

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    • Congrats

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  • casper4

    Not all men are pigs, just like not all women are feminist man haters.
    You have been burned and so you are bringing your past experiences to your present instead of leaving it where it belongs.
    You are not going to be able to leave the past in the past until you deal with the hurt, and obvious anger you have over your past partners violating your trust so horrifically.
    Yes, you are actually attracting these men. Deep down inside in a place you don't even know about you think of yourself as inferior and not deserving of happiness. It probably started when you were a child.
    People don't realize that they way we think about ourselves is at the base of every decisions we make in our lives. Change the way you think about yourself, and you will change your life. All the best.

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  • Whatever. You women hate on men all you like but in the end you're gonna settle down, stick a nice fat one in your mouth and forget all about this nonsense.

    U mad!!! I can feel it!! I can feel the rage OMNOMNOMNOM

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  • x6tence

    you....put the question wrong....not all men are scum bags it's just that you only get the scum it's normal to think all men are scum ever tried lesbianism...I would support ya :DD

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