Is it normal to think animals think and communicate mentally

I don't believe some of the stuff I read saying that animals don't think, they only react from innate instinct. I believe the other studies done by animal behaviorists that claim that not only do some animals, like dogs and dolphins, think rationally, but they also communicate mentally or through some other means most people can't understand.

Some of the stuff my dog and other dogs do seem to show some level of thought and could swear there were times my dog was trying to communicate with me mentally, especially when he was old and in pain from a disease and needed my help. One time this bird was flitting all around my window for a long time. I then noticed their bird feeder was empty. Another time two birds were flitting around the same window like in a panic. I went outside and a baby bird of the same species was struggling to get out from under a piece of furniture on the deck. I freed the baby, put it on the deck rail and it eventually flew off with the other two birds. Were those the parent birds and knew I could help them? Call me "out there", but it does seem like a possibility.

By the way, I love the cartoon showing two dogs sitting in front of their owner. One dog says to the other, "Hey Rex, let's freak out our owner. Let's stand in front of the closet door barking and growling with the hair standing up on our backs."

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80% Normal
Based on 20 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • westoptic

    Definitely normal. Animals are more intuitive to their surroundings than people are. I got all four of my wisdom teeth out on Friday and my three cats have laid on top of me this entire weekend when they usually sleep at the end of my bed or out on the couch. They know I'm not feeling well, and they're more tolerant of me right now. It's kind of intriguing

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  • I think in many ways humans are the dumbest animal.

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  • JD777

    Interesting articles. I've run across some other studies as part of my job and have no doubt we've been underestimating the cognitive and communicative ability of animals.

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  • Thexoutcast

    I absolutely believe in what you're saying. I work with hundreds of dogs. Most of them I spend time with on a daily basis. These dogs have personalities and interactions that are more complex than what most people believe. Every dog has their own set of likes and dislikes. They form friendships and even romantic interest (not shown by humping). I noticed that a lot of their communication is subtle and silent but they manage to still communicate very effectively. One of my favorite dogs doesn't like conflict and will warn new dogs of potential problems and basically teaches young dogs about the rules and keeps the room in order all using nearly no vocal communication (and he's not even an alpha male). I've seen these sorts of things in other animals too so I definitely think you have a point.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    can animals communicate usin body language and noises?
    yep id agree to some degree dependin on the species and individual and familiarity yall gots with em

    is they magical telepathic creatures?
    nope and yalls gots a heavy dosea confirmation bias

    be good to the animals anyways

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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    Can you post some links to these studies?

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    • here are a few:

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      • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

        Yay! I'll get back to you.

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  • creampawf

    Sure. I used to think my stuffed animals were alive and had souls and emotions. I thought that they would be sad if I didn't sleep with them or angry and I would feel their wrath!!!

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  • regisphilbin

    Very interesting

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  • chained_rage

    Yeah man, animals can totally do it.

    I think that animals communicate mostly with noises and body language. I do believe they can sense the feelings or intentions of other animals just by picking up subtleties. Maybe it can even be telepathy, who knows.

    Uhm.. ever had a thought or think of a song and almost instantaneously a family member "takes the words out of your mouth" or start humming that tune of the song you thought of?

    Maybe that can be a form of brainwave frequencies being transmitted between the parties involved. So that could probably be how your specific pets just 'get' each other. Scruffles is busy thinking of a Slipknot song and all of a sudden Commodore Fluffyankles starts humming it.

    That sense of connection is more prominent between animals, humans, mexicans...who spend a lot of time around each other.

    So, yes, I do think that animals, by some means can communicate in a higher manner.

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  • thegypsysailor

    You can't compare canines to dolphins any more than you can compare monkeys to tortoises.
    It is a well known fact that dolphins are every bit as intelligent as humans, if not more so. In fact there are some scientists who believe that dolphins are the humans who never left the oceans.
    Though dogs do seem to have thought, it is nothing like human thought. Dogs do not have language and therefor cannot think in words as we do. Their communication is more in actions rather than ideas. A wagging tail indicates happiness, ears back and teeth bared indicates anger or fear, etc.
    It is a human failing to ascribe human emotions to animals. Animals do not smile or laugh; it just appears so to us. Parrots do not understand the words they say; they just parrot the words.

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    • Thexoutcast

      Dogs are not nearly as smart as dolphins. But from experience I know that their communication is far more complex than just a handful of physical gestures.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        if dolphins is so smart how come they cant catch squirrels in my yard like my dawg?

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    • I didn't say dogs are as smart as dolphins, just that both have been studied and exhibit more than innate mental processing.

      In fact, parrots were the subject of one of the studies and the conclusion was that they were far more sentient in their use of "people" words and sentences than once thought.

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  • AltoidsLover

    Animals cannot 'communicate'. Humans can and do. If animals communicated they would talk to us and find a way to do so over and above difficulties. When the English, Italians, Japanese, for three measly examples, wanted to talk to the Chinese, they figured a way to do so, and the Chinese figured a way to talk back, such that today all humans have what are called interpreters and can 'communicate', in several ways, including mathematics. No animal has ever tried. We humans have tried for thousands of years. ALL 'psychic' or 'other dimensional' issues aside, animals do not even try.

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    • westoptic

      If you're so smart, why can't you talk to animals? Animals communicate and talk. You just don't understand what they're saying

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