Is it normal to think asian people are going to rule the world?

I think asian people are going to rule the world. It is not that i am a racist or something, but the just appear to be everywhere. Here in holland they took all our restaurants and when i went to england on holiday they were also everywhere. Those people are the most smartest people in the whole wide world and i think they pretend to be really really nice and hardworking, but one day they are going to rule the world, im pretty shure. And i dont know if thats a bad or a good thing, they can cook really good though..

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 46 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • I don't know.Right now,In America the FUCKIN MEXICAN SPICS are coming here in fuckin droves,so it could go either way.Personally I'd rather have the ASIANS rule instea of a bunch of fuckin SPICS and their FUCKIN SPANISH>

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  • disthing

    Asia has over half of the world's entire population, so more than 50% of people are Asian.

    It's reasonable to expect that as socioeconomic conditions in Asia improve, so too will the impact Asia has on the rest of the world. Whether or not the entire continent will become a continental super-power greater than any other remains to be seen, but in terms of industry, it's already vital for many non-Asian economies.

    However I do think you are seriously stereotyping asians - "smartest people in the whole world", "really nice and hardworking", "they can really cook good though". China is very different from India, which is very different from Afghanistan, which is very different from Japan. Asians are diverse and can't be summed up so succinctly.

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  • dappled

    God, I hope so. If I had to have my culture supplanted by another (and lets face it, this is going to happen to all of us at some point), I would get down on my knees and pray that it was one of the various Asian cultures. Any culture older than my own, to be honest, but Asians in particular seem to have things worked out in a way that makes complete sense to me. No offence to my fellow British, but there is very much we could (and should) learn.

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  • CreatorOfLegends

    China- Hardworking (face the facts people, all the children do is study and primary school to high school starts at 7 and ends at 5. On occasions school happens on weekends.) People work for endless hours for very very little pay ( an example would be that a factory worker who works for over 14 hours a day, overworks alot too) gets paid less in a month than a 15 year old kid can earn at kfc for 2 hours a day in a week) These people are the ones you want to run the future. No offence but if America were to achieve complete world domination, they would be able to manage world economy very poorly (proof of this is its collapsing economy)

    Then again, people are still people. I can be wrong, for i am but one in 6 billion

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  • ucipher8

    This planet needs one race and one ruler only. Human and Human, not american or chinese or african.

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  • DarkBlue

    hahaha :D Yeah, they are very smart and hardworking like you said..They're invading my country too btw :D They're the kind of people who - what do you call that, don't make a fuss, just work in silence. They are probably smart enough not to drag themselves into ruling the world, though. :D Why invite trouble :P They might rule it, without everyone what they're doing now :D spreading everywhere..but wouldn't be clear cut :D
    I wouldn't mind them ruling the world though :D esp. if it's the Japanese :D Wish I could go there actually :D

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    • Shackleford96

      Jeez, i thought i used too many smileys...

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    The world will benefit from more Asians. What's not to like?

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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