Is it normal to think black people are the most racist of all?

A lot of em are racist against black people who even act like any other race.

Voting Results
76% Normal
Based on 203 votes (154 yes)
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Comments ( 107 )
  • Paradiddle

    This is further proof of how a black person's personality will always land in a lose/lose situation. If one acts the way that most people THINK a black person should act, then they fit the role of the negative stereotype that all black people get. If a black person doesn't, then they are acting white or some other offensive name.

    As for thinking that they are the most racist, think about history. Yeah, the history that they don't teach you in history books aside from "this is the time of slavery, hurray." The history that you "kinda" know but don't truly know unless you were either black during segregation or had parents that were. The history that caused most black people to simply not think about their culture hardly at all compared to other races. This history has caused not only personality differences in black people but continues to force opinions on them even when they have done nothing wrong. This IIN question itself continues to point fingers also but no one wants to think of what black people deal with even when trying to get a job, why that happens and from whom such dislike is coming from.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Thumbs up.
      Very good post. I think a lot of people in this country have lost sight of the reality of racism. It may be a bit less prevalent but if anything, racism has become more subtle. There are still many who believe that blacks are lesser people and lesser evolved. I have seen studies that do prove that black youth are less hopeful of their futures and their potential than any other race. You can't tell me that the way they have been treated, even up until this day, plays 0 part in all of this.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      Well said!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I was going to type out a well thought out answer but fuck it. Just... just fuck it, there's no point.

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    • disthing

      I did exactly the same. In fact I got to the third paragraph of my well thought out answer and then decided to delete it all. I think this is a symptom of having endured internet-based-dumbassery for too long :P

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        You just described exactly what I did and how I felt after doing it.

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    • Gravy

      Ha ha x 5. Your point is well heard.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    A lot you don't seem to understand so I will try to explain it to you. The reason why we have special programs for our youth, BET, TV One, and black history month is to celebrate the trial our people and our culture has gone through. A lot of young people (teens especially) do not have much confidence in themselves or pride in who they are. And like Paradiddle said, this is due to events in our history.

    If you pay attention to the media, whether you want to admit it or not, it is typically the caucasian that is depicted as the most beautiful. Blonde hair and blue eyes is often associated as the pure true beauty or the all american girl. African American beauty is seldomly praised and dark skin is deemed as ugly. Channels like BET and TV One are not to exclude whites or any other race. It is to profess how superior we are. It is simply to celebrate our heritage and encourage our youth.

    No. I do not think that blacks are anymore racist than any other race. I simply think that we want to support a race (our own race) that has been through many trials. We want to children to know that, just because they are black doesn't mean that they can't succeed. Beleive it or not, a lot of racism against blacks still does exist. Infact, not too long ago, I read many comments of people complaining about how the little girl in the movie "The Hungar Games" was black. Many people were outraged because she wasn't a little white girl. Don't believe me? Look it up.

    In society, blacks are often depicted as "the thug", "the cheater", "ghetto" and, too many times "ignorant". What do you think this does to our youth? We are often deemed as the ugly race. Seldomly is a black woman considered beautiful in the media and, when she is, she is usually light skinned and has Caucasian features.

    I think that if you understood why we did these things, you would not leave these comments and, OP, you would not leave this post. But you don't understand, and I wouldn't expect you to because they don't teach it to you.

    My challenge to the majority of these people in these post is to do some homework. Look into black history, look into the crime rate, and the educational systems in primarely black neighorhoods. Look into why those neighborhoods are primarly black ot begin with and look at the media. Pay attention to who the American icons are. How many of them are dark skinned, wide nose, thick lips and considered beautiful? Look this stuff up and not with any arrogant mind but really try to learn and understand. These comments sadden me, but they are based off of ignorance. Look this stuff up before you make your statements, please.

    As a black person myself, I never really knew much about my history, where I came from, or what my forefathers went through, but I joined a black youth group (one of those things you would probably consider racist) and I learned more about myself. I still don't know that much about my history and, I know that I should. But I don't because it isn't deemed as important in this nation which is why we teach to ourselves, thus black groups for young black people and channels like TV1.

    Anyway, that's why we have black history month and channels and stuff. It isn't because we want to rub in the white man's face what was done to our people a hundred years ago or any of the bullshit. It is simply to encourage ourselves and teach our youth something that isn't taught enough in schools.

    If you read this whole thing, thanks for reading it. I hope you understood what I was trying to say.

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    • Energy

      I fucking love BET, and I'm white. Black people are awesome. I think racist people are just jealous of other races.

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      • sjrose

        I agree I'm black and I like everyone except the mean and evil ones and they come in all shades.

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        • kelili

          Well said.

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    • disthing

      This is a reasonable response, except when you said, "it is to profess how superior we are". That implies you think black people are superior to other races. Maybe you meant "it is NOT to profess how superior we are"?

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Yeah. I meant to say it is NOT to proffess how superior we are. Sorry for the typo.

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        • disthing

          I thought so :P No problem!

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    • EccentricWeird

      "Black History" is bullshit revisionism. Black Americans who mattered in history end up in regular history; the rest are just propped up into an exclusively black mythology by the left.

      And as far as any "Black" entertainment is concerned, it's pretty much just voluntary segregation, like the Punjabi and Chinese do here in Canada, and the colonizing Muslims do in Europe. It pleases the left to see such 'racial diversity' when in fact this enclavisation and segregation does nothing but promote disharmony in society.

      Black people who live decently, get a good education and a decent job in the professional classes are dismissed as though they were traitors for doing what white people typically do. Everything else gets packaged as 'black culture' and sold to the self-segregating audience.

      It's equally bullshit that anyone thinks one race is more racist than any other. We're all racist, it's just black people seem to be more honest with it because white guilt is still fashionable these days. We would all prefer to live among our own 'people' if we had the choice, it's the same thing as preferring family over acquaintances; it's just built into our genomes. Let's stop lying to ourselves.

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      • Icarusty

        what are you on about? The Chinese (women) in canada breed with whites like nobody's business... surely that's the extreme opposite of segregation??? To give one's identity up to another race?

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        • EccentricWeird

          Just because you see one or two doesn't make it a fucking rule. You fail at science, and you fail at life.

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          • Icarusty

            Er, replace one or two with 60% of the Chinese female population.

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            • EccentricWeird

              I wish they'd fuck all the white guys. Less competition for me.

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    • Greetings from a proud White person.

      "African American beauty is seldomly praised and dark skin is deemed as ugly."
      Have you ever considered that this might not be due to racism at all? Think about it.

      "It is simply to celebrate our heritage and encourage our youth."
      And that's great. I just wish we Whites could do the same without being viciously attacked as "racists."

      "I read many comments of people complaining about how the little girl in the movie "The Hungar Games" was black. Many people were outraged because she wasn't a little white girl. Don't believe me? Look it up."
      I'm aware. And that's just retarded, as apparently these people never even bothered to read the damned book.

      "In society, blacks are often depicted as "the thug", "the cheater", "ghetto" and, too many times "ignorant". What do you think this does to our youth?"
      With all due respect, stereotypes exist for a reason.

      "Pay attention to who the American icons are. How many of them are dark skinned, wide nose, thick lips and considered beautiful?"
      Well, there's also the matter of almost all "villains" being portrayed as White, while Blacks are very often given much more flattering roles. It cuts both ways.

      "If you read this whole thing, thanks for reading it."
      No problem.

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      • dom180

        Your command of logic is as strong as Napoleon's command of an army in the 1830s.

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        • And ironically, you respond with no actual logic whatsoever.

          If you're looking for a debate, bring it on. Otherwise, spare me.

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      • KeddersPrincess

        Again, if you would pay attention, I did not leave this post to target or point the "racist" finger at whites. I simply did it so that you would get an understanding of why we celebrate and do the things we do. I am not looking for a debate, so don't waste your time. I just want you to, before posting negative comments about us celebrating our heritage, get an inside look on why we do it.

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        • Wha'...?

          Did you even read my post? I'll have you know that I'm the one who up-voted yours; perhaps that should help clarify things.

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      • AbnormallyAwesome

        You're not wrong about everything, but there are some things I need to point out:

        "Greetings from a proud White person."
        Why would you be proud of something you were born with.
        That's like being proud of the money you inherited from your parents or bragging about how tall you are.

        "Have you ever considered that this might not be due to racism at all?"
        A lot of chinese women come to my country to get plastic surgery to make them look less asian. With globalisation came a global ideal of beauty and it's white. Not because white people are the most beautiful but because we are the most privileged. Just like being fat was considered a good thing when it ment you were rich. Now I'm not sure if it's racist, but it's sad and unnecessary.

        "stereotypes exist for a reason."
        Yes. Ignorant dumbasses.

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        • Icarusty

          but thats the thing. Look a bit closer, ask these chinese and asian women WHY they do it. Because they think white people look more beautiful, they are prescribing to white beauty ideals. It's not because of "privilege", if they wanted privilege they could just sign up for the Chinese communist party and get it from there. Or blow some officials or whatever.

          They do it because they have been brainwashing into thinking whites are superior, that their own race is beneath them. An inferiority complex, that many whites happily capitalise on.

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    • Icarusty

      Very interesting viewpoint, especially this:

      "We are often deemed as the ugly race. Seldomly is a black woman considered beautiful in the media and, when she is, she is usually light skinned and has Caucasian features."

      Ironic as surely its asians that are deemed the ugly race? It has gotten to the extent that asians - men and women - are routinely using surgery and "beauty" products to make them look as white as possible. Where asian women have children with white men because they want their kids to be whiter. I do not see black women do that, certainly not to the extent of asian women. At least black women have their sense of identity, regardless of what white media says.

      And your last point..."seldomly is a black women seen as beautiful".... same with asian men surely??? White media seems to like two things nonwhite - black men, asian women.

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  • nelly96

    Come to Australia and have to put up with aboriginal people calling every white person that walks past a "white mingala" and screaming "it's my land!" at you.
    It's racist, the whole stolen generation thing happened years ago and our former prime-minister apologized for it. I didn't take no land, just like they didn't ever pick no cotton.

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    • Icarusty

      you didn't take land, but your ancestors did. And now you're living on it, they're not. How convenient you can just excuse the past even though you are benefiting from the consequences today.

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      • nelly96

        Actually, our government has done more than enough to provide for them. They have numerous government benefits especially for indigenous people and many organisations dedicated to helping them get jobs and look after themselves. Despite the fact that my ancestors may have taken their land, it gives no excuse for them to disrespect me for no other reason than my colour. I've never uttered a racist slur to anyone, yet I've copped all the names under the sun.

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        • Icarusty

          Oooh, handouts. Vs Land. You don't need me to tell you that wealth = power, not stupid food tokens and job schemes for min wage work. If they had the land they rightfully owned, THEY would be the ones in charge, giving out the min wage jobs to whites.

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          • nelly96

            I'm sorry But my area is more than 50% aboriginal. I know what they get. Each "handout" is given to help them get jobs and to send them to TAFE in order for them to study. The white people here have to study to get a good paying job also. There's no difference at all in how black and white are treated in the work force here. There is no reason to dwell in the past, what's done is done. Their weekly benefits actually rack up to more than a lot of white folk's income. I suppose that unless you live in this country and experience the situation first hand rather than believing what you hear and read, you can never fully understand how fair our government is.

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  • Naena

    If we had a channel that was called White Entertainment Television, we would get so much shit for it.

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    • Icarusty

      It's called Fox news

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  • disthing

    How much do you want to bet OP is American and this is based entirely on OP's experience living in America? How much do you want to bet OP hasn't even considered the millions of black people outside the US?

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    • You are correct, I meant to add something in the description that this is just my observation of American blacks. I didn't intend to say this about blacks in the entire world.

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      • disthing

        Fair enough. We all make mistakes :)

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  • Imsupernormal

    I hate that shit too. Black people are always throwing around sayings like 'token' or 'uncle tom' or 'acting white' to insult any black person who doesn't act the loud ghetto ass black stereotype.

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  • Sean0314

    All i can say is thank f**k i live in scotland, bring that shit here your getting kicked back to london,

    Also is it true they have miss black america?
    Black music awards?
    Honouring awards for best african american?
    And more?

    Is there a white awards as above? Or would that be racist?

    Tbh i do have a solution for the world but cant be arsed explaining it, but lets start sending the likes of obama (smart man) to kenya and run that country,

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  • ruined

    I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to jump into this conversation because a conversation about racism just never seems to go well... Ever! But I will give it a shot and try to remain as objective as possible.

    From what I have seen, everyone is arguing based on their beliefs, their truths, their shoes, that their opinion is probably fact.

    My experience in life shows me every race has the potential to contain a few racist persons, doesn't matter our background or colour, we all have history, every race has a story or struggle.

    It is when we try to compare struggles or place blame on those who we believe are the cause of our struggles, we end up with racism because everyone is arguing they suffered greater.

    I would never tell anyone to be proud of their race or to detest it. I would tell them to be proud of themselves, who they are and of how they look regardless of colour.

    We should never ignore history bit we shouldn't let it blind us or lead us either. Why not just judge someone on their personality or the way they treat the persons around them as an individual instead of forcing them to represent their race? We are all individuals, are we not? Should we carry the burden of our race in everything we do? Is that the life we want for ourselves, our families, the weight of our entire race?

    I was considering putting my race, but I'm not speaking for my race I'm speaking for me.


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  • You people are a joke. I try to talk to you in a civil fashion and I'm met with THIS garbage. Really, and you expect folks like me to believe that WE'RE the irrational ones? Nice try.

    I'm through.

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  • nova1

    Just to throw this out there, I was born in South Africa and my family moved to the United States when I was a kid. My ancestry is as European as anyone in a former colonial nation, but from a technical stance, I am in fact an African American.

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  • Yes, and it is one of the most tragic phenomena that mankind has ever known. Throughout hundreds and hundreds of years of African history millions of Africans have been led to believe that they were an inferior race. A sub-human species. And they were treated like animals. Worse than animals. It is only natural that these people came to accept such lies as if they were facts. Even though society has progressed, we still have so far to go.

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  • hstar1000

    It's not all " black people". They have be racially discriminated their whole life and so has their ancestors. They aren't being racist because that would be hypocritical. There might be a hint of dislike for what they had to go through. There blaming anyone. Or hating. If think put your self in their shoes, which many people can't cause they just don't understand. In all they're not being racists you just feel that way being they aren't exactly nice to you cause you're Caucasian. Which is singling out your self.

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    • Fact: All races have been discriminated against.

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  • boston12

    dont agree that black people are the most racist

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  • mixwell

    I find that they are, they have it soo pegged that whites are and they're always pulling the race card. They have BET (black ent ch) and black history month, where the fuck is white history month? Seems like only whites can be racist but black people and even mexicans seem more racist than whites. At least where I live (los angeles)

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    • KeddersPrincess

      The definition of ignorance is the lack of knowledge or understanding.

      I say this because you obviously have no understanding of why we have BET, TV1, balck history month or anything else that celebrates our culture and history.

      Look these things up, learn why we have these, read the history behind it and where it come from. Do this before you leave this statement because you clearly do not understand and it is based off of ignorance.

      I am not saying this to insult you but because you really are ignorant on this subject and I think you need to do some homework before you leave comments like this.

      We do not have channels and programs to target the Caucasian race or attack anyone. It is merely to celebrate our culture, encourage our youth and show them that they can be something regardless of the color of their skin, and teach about our history.

      Every month is white history month. Every channel is WET. Pay attection to the media. The only time there is a movie with black lead roles it is produced by a black person and placed beneath the "African American Movie" catagory. Just do your homework and maybe you'll understand.

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      • LadySimplicia

        Unless it stars Morgan Freeman or Eddie Murphy.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Thats bollocks.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Black people are by far the most racist. Also, conveniently, they're also the first to cry RACISM at the top of their voice when it suits them.

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  • LadySimplicia

    This doesn't even deserve one of my rants.

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  • dirtybirdy

    My shadow is an insufferable racist. Sickening.

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    • anti-hero


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  • GYBY

    It's definitely NOT white anglo saxon people. We are the only people with diverse countries, we are the only countries that strive for equality of any kind at all in fact. THE ONLY. I think people have got it extremely wrong.

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  • PapzBSlim

    I think that this is just stereotypical.

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  • rogidez

    What a litany of bullshit

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  • beehappyy

    I wouldn't say black people are racist, but the fact is, it is going to be more politically correct for a black person to say something racist about a white person than a white person to be racist about a black person.
    If you think about it, it is considered racist/sexist/whatever to talk about any type of person who has been discriminated against in the past.
    Black people were slaves, obviously discriminated against a lot, so now it is pretty racist to say anything about them.
    Other examples jewish people, who were obviously discriminated against in the war, so I think its often not very politically correct to say things about jewish people, yet they will say bad things about christian people.
    And finally, women were also discriminated against in the past, so, though there are exceptions, like the whole kitchen thing, you might notice wives can say anything about men, like they are dumb, lazy, bums, second children and whatever, and can hit their husbands without consequence, yet husbands rarely say or do anything like that to their wives unless they want to be known as sexist and go to jail...

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  • Blondielock


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  • JBN

    chimpout dot com

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  • suckonthis9

    There is no such thing as a 'black person'.
    From which tribe(s) do you belong?

    Use of 'race' in this context is now Archaic. It is not a 'race'. Please describe yourself and others by your or their tribal identity.

    Please do not use -ists or -isms.


    Please see Rule #8 & Rule #10.

    Infringement; inciting others.

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    • MissyLeyneous

      "Black person" is slang for "African" or "African American" or anyone else with very dark skin. You need to learn your slang, dude.

      A "race" is a real thing, in this world. We have:

      "White or Anglo"
      "Black or African"
      "Yellow or Asian"
      "Red or Indian"
      "Brown or Hispanic".

      Sure, there are those that don't fit into this category... But for the majority, this is what we have. Not everyone KNOWS who their true ancestors are. I'm aware that I am 1/8th Cherokee Indian in blood, but I do NOT associate with the Cherokee Tribe. That's just silly. (Though I do like their ways and customs...)

      Please stop repeating yourself, it's painful to watch.

      NeuroNeptunian is an awesome user, leave her(?) alone! :P

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      • Actually black isn't slang for African or African American...there is no such thing as an African american, or an Asian American, you're American. The current politically correct term is black.

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        • MissyLeyneous

          I remember when "black" was considered offensive, I wonder when it changed? :|

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          • disthing

            It must be a cultural thing.

            In the UK, black has been the accepted common term for decades.

            When was it offensive where you are?

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            • MissyLeyneous

              That's the only thing I can think of, too.

              Teehee. "African British"... that's funny, :D

              I live in KY, USA... I don't think we've really ever made up our minds as to which one we want to use. I think it's just that different groups of people have different opinions as to which term they want to use... but to me they're just "black", just like I'm just "white".

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      • anti-hero

        Her is correct for Neuro.

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        • MissyLeyneous

          Ok, thanks, I wasn't entirely sure. ^_^

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      • JBN

        There are only three races on the earth: mongoloid,negroid,caucasoid that's it and that's all.

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        • MissyLeyneous

          Meh. Fuck science. :P

          Just kidding. That's a nice fact right there. Could have done without the sarcasm though...

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      • suckonthis9

        Please describe an 'African' person.

        You need to learn the diversification and intergradation of the human specie (Homo sapiens sapiens).

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        • MissyLeyneous

          Nope, no I don't. Because it doesn't concern me, and that's not my area of expertise. If I ever truly NEEDED to know anything about that, I would consult the Almighty Internet.

          Google "African Person". Just use your computer mouse, click and drag the little icon to highlight the two words... and right click, then look for "Search Yahoo for "African Person"" (or whatever browser it says).

          It's super simple. Do eeeeeet.

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          • IDiGAFi

            Don't bother, he's a retard. You're talking to a brick wall.

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            • MissyLeyneous

              I'm well aware. :P

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            • suckonthis9


              Please see Rule #10.


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          • suckonthis9

            Thank you, but I do know the journey of humans. I have studied Paleoanthropology and Anthropology.

            If you wish to remain ignorant, please do not inflict it on others.

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    • Gravy

      You're somewhat a dogmatist with your criticism of the use of -ist and -ism, seeing there are 887 dictionary entries for words ending with -ist and 1201 entries for words ending with -ism not including antiismism and antiistist which are obviously not valid words. but should be given honorary exertion to describe your aversion. At the risk of being an exhibitionist, could I interest you in a link to words in your blacklist, my favourites being moronism, schism and egotist?

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