Is it normal to think cats are cuter and smarter than dogs?

I am a cat fan. I don't have a cat but I REALLY WANT ONE. I also think cats are smarter than dogs. All the dogs in my life are TOTAL DIMWITS but everyone just adores them! Whenever someone says something like, 'I love dogs! I simply hate cats!' I hate dogs a teensy bit more. What would become of me, an all animal lover, to a dog hater? IS THIS NORMAL?!?!

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67% Normal
Based on 105 votes (70 yes)
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Comments ( 48 )
  • Mag!ck

    Ermmm nope rescuing doesnt make them smarter maybe useful, they are not "loyal" they are dependent that dog jumped because who else was going to feed the they are so stupid that you can actually "own" one, the are dying for you to come home, bleh who wants something that depends on us like that. Cats have the attitude any smart person can have, "love me for me not for what i can do for you". They are just as happy when you are not home, they aren't something you can own because they are individuals not pets. They are not afraid to disagree with you. They can defend themselves and don't actually need you. They stay with you because they love you unlike dogs that come back for food. Dogs codependent like the people who own them and are waiting for a greeting when they come home.
    Cats rule! Dogs drool, literally

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    • TecaT.

      Dogs- needy and you need to think instead of them
      Cats- independent and thinking for themselves

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  • idon'tknow

    So many cat-haters on here.

    Do cats eat their own poop? Do they roll in garbage or other animal's poop, or try to eat garbage and poop when you take them for a walk? Didn't think so.

    Don't get me wrong, I like some dogs, but I find their eating habits and hygiene habits revolting.

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  • red_star

    I have ragdoll cats... I love them, they're smart, calm, and clean like cats but greet me at the door, follow me around the house, and like to cuddle like dogs. (ragdolls have the nickname 'puppycats' because of their behavior). I don't like cats or dogs.. I like ragdoll cats :)

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  • Shrunk

    i've had both and YES CATS ARE BETTER!! GET ONE!!
    dogs eat their own shit, then drool it all over u!! they give the illusion of love but really they only love food, it will do anything for food and they will eat anyhting. they bite people just for fun, bark loud in my ear for no reason other than to annoy. you have to teach them to be good. not with cats tho.
    cats know where to shit and they cover it up when they're done. they only bite or scratch if you piss them off. they really do love their owner, it just takes longer for them to trust you because they are smarter. a dog will love anyone with food. dog owners are impatient and give up on cats too easily and conclude that they are bad pets. well if you love shit then get a dog! but if you want the best pet CATS FTW

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    • TecaT.

      I agree. All people say "my dog would save my life".
      He would only save your life so you could give him more food. CATS > DOGS!

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  • Moonlight88

    I'm a cat person but I love dogs as well. Dogs save people lives but cats are smarter because they don't jump on you, they don't chew things up, there easy to take care of and there better looking then dogs. I have a dog and a cat and my dog is dumb as fuck and my cat is smarter. For god sakes my husband love cats more then dogs. People that think dogs are better then cats, their the same people that smoke pot, drop outta school and have children before marriage. Dumb people

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    • Aleu

      well said

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  • dappled

    I think it depends on the kind of person you are. Cats are more independent and less loving. They require less attention. Dogs are for people who don't mind giving of themselves. Taking on a dog is a commitment, and some people don't like that.

    As a lifelong dog owner, I don't think it's possible to have a stronger, closer relationship with any other animal than you can have with a dog.

    But hey, if everyone preferred cats, dogs wouldn't exist. And vice versa. People are different. Neither of us are wrong. We just like different things.

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    • Aleu

      Cats are actually more loving i will have you know

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      • dappled

        It doesn't always appear that way. Dogs are pack animals and so are social. Cats in nature are often solitary and only come together for sex. I've known plenty of people whose cats have chosen to live with someone else but I've never known a dog leave and find another family. I know that's confusing loyalty and love but there's definitely a link.

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  • Tancho

    I agree with aussiewolf, I love all animals but it is proven that dogs are much more intelligent than cats and it's nothing to do with being bigger or stronger just the actual amazing brainpower of dogs. Of course you will always get individuals that are smarter than others though. There is a dog in Europe (I forget exactly where) that knows over 300 different words and pictures and can look at said pictures and bring corresponding items. Even if you hate dogs you have to admit that is amazing, and not something the average animal can do. Dogs are also the only animals who can read our body language when it comes to pointing and will look at our eyes and follow the direction of our stare, try pointing something out with a few sideways glances to a cat and saying "look" - dogs can follow it, cats cant. Such a shame that so many supposed animal lovers turn their hatred on something because of conversations with other people!

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    • Aleu

      No, they are not smarter.. They have almost 4500000 intelligence.. cats have over 1000000000.. I should know i watch cats 101 and dogs 101

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    • TecaT.

      Cats know that too. Only cats are smarter to not blindly follow every your command like "come here" or "look there"

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  • I don't know about smarter but at least a cat cleans itself and uses litter boxes to poop in, dogs seem to not clean themselves ever and poo anywhere they can...

    Plus cats aren't as boisterous as dogs, so that's why I prefer cats as well, not to mention some dogs are all slobbery *ugh*.

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    • Aleu

      Great point, but cats are prooven smarter then dogs

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    • dappled

      It makes me sad when I see you in old posts and hover over your name and am reminded that your account is closed. I wish I'd swapped email addresses with you or something.

      But then I see you voted down to -1 for absolutely no reason whatsoever and I realise why you'd leave. I hope you found somewhere better than this schoolyard.

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  • ellie06

    Cats are soooooo stupid.

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    • Aleu

      Oh just like u? Know where the word "bitch" comes from?

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  • If you want to settle this discussion look to Japan, where dogs are rescuing people trapped in the rubble after the earthquake and tsunami.

    The ugliest dog in the world is the cutest when it rescues a child from a collapsed building.

    Case closed.

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    • Aleu

      Case opened do dogs roll around in shit? Do they expect their owners to buy them ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, do they sit at the window and meow at everything, do they eat carbage, do they eat crap, do they have ugly mugs, do they kill, do they sniff your crotch, do they stink, are their mouths EXTREMELY dirty, do they get rabies as often, do they chew on everything?? Didn't think so!

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  • One of the tribal stories said that when the Spirits got ready to leave the Earth, they drew a line in the dirt.

    On one side was man and on the other the spirits from the Upper Worlds.

    Just then a great fissure was created by the line, and man was no longer able to cross over to the spirit realm.

    As they stood there, the fissure grew and widened, and at the very last minute a dog jumped across to stand with man.

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    • guide4the_perplexed

      Beautiful. That story relates the essence of dogs!

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  • --ash--

    Cats are dumb, what can they do? Nothing !.

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    • Aleu

      umm they can do flips, climb up walls, pee in toilets, some can even speak on command... DOGS ARE DEUCHEBAGS!!!! dogs shit in the backyard then eat it ten crap it out again

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  • aussiewolf

    i love all animals but im sorry to say that dogs are smarter than cats. there have been extensive studies and those were the results.

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  • puppyface

    If cats are smarter who don't they save lives like dogs do? I love both but hey... dogs are smarter. They help police, the blind and fire fighters... I challenge you to find just one cat that can do that.

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  • Cicero

    I have a lot of pets but dogs are the best....and about wath u said earlyer(dogs only like good)....i have a dog but hes more atached to my dad....everytime my dad goes on a trip(for more than a week)...after that week passes the dog stops eating anything until my dad comes back to feed him

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  • katwhohatescats

    Wow you're delusional. Here's a list why cats make bad pets.

    1. Their poop and pee smells worse than dog excrement or really any excrement.

    2. That smelly feces they make? Yeah have fun emptying the cat litter box all the time and having the cat feces smell hit you in the face every time you walk through your door.

    3. Kitty litter is basically little pebbles have fun vacuuming constantly because your little evil ball of fluff is going to track it everywhere.

    4. They use their paws to bury their poo so when a cat walks over your face or on your bed or counter or table....that paw has touched doo doo. Gross!

    5. Unless you have extra money to get their fingers chopped at the first knuckle to de-claw them... Well lets just say I hope you don't mind welts that last for days from being scratched, or worse bleeding; don't own any nice rugs, sofas, curtains or anything fabric really...because it will be ripped and torn to bits.

    6. Also when they cover your legs with fur as they rub against you its not because they love you. They are rubbing scent on you to mark you as theirs. True little selfish vermin.

    7. Lastly, if the other things haven't scared you off and if you still get one. Well you better get it spayed or neutered because you're going to get a lot of male cats spraying your corners with that vile urine and a lot of cat screeching when they're in heat.

    Good luck, I hope you make the right choice and use your brain. Don't get a cat.

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    • Aleu

      You dont have a brain... Dogs PISS on the carpet.. cats dont cats are better so ur just jealous

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      • Pika-girl

        ..I don't have any carpets and I leave my dog outside!

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    • TecaT.

      You have fun cleaning your floor. Its easier to clean a litter box.

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  • FionnaCakeFan

    Dogs are smarter and cute. They can be trained! But cats are dumb. They are very picky and uglier. Cats are one of the laziests animals ever!

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  • jasonvoor

    Dogs eat their own poo. Cats bathe themselves.

    I judge people who prefer poo-eaters. They are just gross.

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  • cat36769

    1: cats rock

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  • Aleu

    Cats rule dogs drool Cats are smart dogs are dumb Cats dont beg for food dogs do cats dont eat their own crap dogs do cats dont sleep on shit dogs do

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  • Mag!ck

    Oh! Also dont compare with a few scratches on furniture and clenaing a litterbox, with chewing paint off a wall or chewing the leg of chair or a pillow and cleaning dog shit and pee that they just walked all over and they try to jump on you. Bleh im sorry i feel really strongly about this

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  • ladymantoloveyoulongtime

    to all of you ignorant morons.

    hope the words arent too big for you to understand.

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    • Aleu

      Your a fucker.. Cats are smarter then dogs.. They can go potty in a toilet can dogs? No!! one video called "dog tries to save cat friend" has a dog trying to rape a cat!!

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    • TecaT.

      Dogs developed their brain so they can survive with help of others (their pack) while cats have developed their brain to survive alone, without any help from others.

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  • Pika-girl

    (Most of) You people are making me cry! I know that cats can be cute and smart, but they don't do much except eat, sleep, do their thing, sleep more, go out when you're not home, sleep outside, return home, eat, and sleep! The day is done! You could run/walk (with) your dog, train them, take them somewhere, and put them in contests!

    When a racoon almost got into the house my male dog started barking at it and attacking it. If it wasn't for our dog, we wont have much food and/or we would have to get new furniture! They're loyal!

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  • Shrunk

    they do all that because they want the food , and they are stronger anyway so it's not fair to compare a bigger dog like that golden retrievers and labradors to a cat, they can lift people, pull them, cats cant because they'r too small, also tey dogs help police because their noses are stronger... it doesnt mean their smarter it means they just want food

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    • guide4the_perplexed

      Listen... I have both, a little "chug" dog and a gorgeous calico cat. Yes, cats are cleaner, yes dogs will take food from almost anyone, yes dogs lick their own barf. Gross.
      But if I had to put my own friggin' life on the line, when it matters most, who will save my butt: dogs. YES. Dogs will.
      how do i know? well, my dog-hating person.
      I was moving these large cement slabs for a walkway in the backyard, long story short...
      lost my footing in the loose soil, BOOM! a 500 lb slap fell on me. completely shattering my sternum, braking all the upper ribs, and knocked me unconscious. it's also crushing my lungs at this point, according to the doc, im dead.
      but i was saved by my little chug, literally barking/howling up a storm.
      my neighbors said they never heard him bark like that, and thought he was being attacked by another dog. and what's really crazy is that my neighbors live on the other side of the house, opposite from where the accident happened! that little guy *I'm seriously tearing up right now* went all the way to the other side to call for help, while my stupid cat probably was out hunting or cleaning it's paws or some other "independent" NONSENSE. Dogs are loyal forever, they will never leave you to die.

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      • Aleu

        Yes they will, trust me.. the reason they dont leave u to die is cause u gove them food and treats.. Selfish bratz

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  • chome you like cats more no big deal

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  • wreckd

    Smarter? Maybe. Cuter? Nope! I <333333 dogs.

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    • Aleu

      Cats dont have ugly mugs dogs do.. dogs are hideos monsters

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    • dappled

      Wow. Is it really a year and a half since you posted? :/

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