Is it normal to think every itch is a bug?

Any time I have an itch somewhere on my body, my first thought is: it's a bug! There's a small zing of panic until I confirm it is not a bug. It is very rarely a real bug, so is this normal?

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 83 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Did you turn off your oven? I don't think you turned off your oven. It's on. Boiling with heat as we speak.

    QUICK!! Get out of bed and make sure it's turned off before your house explodes!

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  • yesnomaybeso

    I will say yes because I do this too but some people say i'm a weirdo when i shout " a bug a bug !" like crazy and then there's no bug...

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  • DustinZ35

    I think it would be fun to show a bug-phobic person a movie on a big screen theater magnifying dust mites and scabies showing exactly what they do on human flesh and have tiny electrodes delivering ever so slight prickly sensations at the appropriate times

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  • A very common side effect in heavy meth users.

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  • WordWizard

    Maybe you have a paranoia of bugs. I have the same thing.

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  • 800imawesome

    Don't worry, it's all in your head! I know that cuz I saw them crawling up your nose.

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  • VioletTrees

    I feel like bugs are crawling all over me when I get tiny little itches, particularly when I'm trying to get to sleep. If a single hair twitches, I'm instantly, acutely aware of it. This is actually one of the main reasons I usually keep my legs shaved, even when it's winter and I'll be wearing long pants all the time.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    at least it not a spider

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  • Sadomasochist&BDSM

    ITCH can be caused my sudden Histamine releases also...and its not normal to suspect bug for it...are you scared of bugs? if so ,it is the problem..

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    • Not scared of bugs as bugs being bugs, but I am freaked out by bugs getting on me somehow. I don't want them on me.

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