Is it normal to think "god" is an extension of the self?

I first heard this theory from one of my friends a few years ago. The idea is that God is actually a manifestation of the believer's ego. It stuck with me after I heard it and it did start to make a lot of sense. It would explain why there are so many interpretations of what God is. It explains why the same God is sometimes is a peaceful being of love and other times is violent and orders believers to kill others just for being different, depending on the group. More importantly, it would explain why believers are often driven to uncontrollable anger at the mere mention of atheists, with even being reminded that people who don't believe in God are out there making them claim they are being oppressed or made fun of no matter how self-evident it is that these things aren't happening. How many times have you seen someone merely attempt to discuss atheism, only for believers to shut them down with claims that atheism is being forced upon them? My friend's idea had explained the source of this anger trigger and subsequent irrationality. The idea fascinated me for a bit because of how much sense it made but it eventually slipped my mind. But I recently found a video of someone who seems to have independently come up with the same idea my friend had and explained it. He's kind of creepy, but he reminded me of what my friend had said. (If you want to see it, It got me thinking about this again. It doesn't seem like many people have the same idea. So I talked about it with a few people, and most of them didn't think there was anything to it. Is there something inherently wrong in this I'm not seeing?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Anime7

    People have evolved with the idea that God created man in his own image, but in actuality it is the other way around, man made God in his own image.

    I think that this theory about God being an extension of the self is pretty well justified.

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  • CreamPuffs

    I think you're very correct.

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  • GlassDarkly31

    God wants nothing, because he needs nothing.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Yeah, that sounds like an episode of Family Guy that I once saw. The existential argument is a very compelling one indeed and I see what you are seeing here. The concepts of God ARE largely influenced by human beings.

    I don't understand why Christians get to offended by atheists. I'll tell you now, I don't have the answers to everything and I will never claim to. Humanity is imperfect and our understanding of the world and universe will always be imperfect due to our perceptual limits. So maybe the atheists are right, maybe I am right and there is an omnipotent force in the universe, but if you can't agree to just disagree even after I have validated your points and recognized that, hey, you have great points and your reasoning is totally solid, but I still have this belief and we can agree to disagree, then I might actually just give up on the conversation.

    I have argued with many Atheists that just will not give up even if I say that they are right and they make great points. It does get annoying, and I'm not going to spend all day being told how ignorant I am when I am listening and acknowledging their points as valid. I can live and let live, yo, why can't we all? Same goes to those that are Christian. Keep an open mind. Knowledge is nothing to fear. All part of the human experience, don't waste your time worrying about who is right and who is wrong just kick back and enjoy the ride...

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    I'd like, just once for someone that is Christian to tell me why God wouldn't stop things like the killing of 6 million Jews during World War 2. Or how about Stalin's harsh political/social programs that killed off WELL over 6 million of his own people. Or other genocides. Why doesn't he stop something like that? He loves us right. And the people that died were innocent right?

    Yeah, there are many questions I have about religion and God. And I like your friend's analysis of God.

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  • Brownblowout

    One day every knee will bow to Him

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