Is it normal to think humans are stupid creatures..
that humans are stupid creatures who can`t do anything useful or do anything with their lives? I think this quite often and at first i thought i had misanthropy, but its just that i hate humans in general, not personally. I have friends, and i like them, and i also love my family, but overall i just hate humans. I also hate the fact that im also human, and that i cant be anything other than that. Im also quite distant with people i dont know, and i prefer to be alone than go out. As to why i hate humans, its because we are dirty creatures who think only of themselves. We pretend to be good on the outside, but we are all ugly creatures on the inside. I know that i am also human, and saying things about humans mean i am saying things about myself, and i know that. I know im a human that cant do shit and only think of myself. is it normal to think this way? And please, no comments like "humans are beautiful creatures" or "you have to learn to accept humans and love them" or all those crap, cause then i`ll seriously get pissed off and hate humans more. Im sorry if i offended you in any way, but this is truthfully how i feel.