Is it normal to think i have the power to manipulate people?

I'm a girl & have been told on numerous occasions that i'm very "manipulative" or "persuasive". I feel like I have the power to change others views or opinions with little to no effort. For example, if someone's favorite color is purple, I can tell them all the reasons why purple is ugly & pink is so much better, etc. They will eventually love pink & hate purple. I tend to do this a lot with men.

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51% Normal
Based on 53 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 91 )
  • Ono

    If a guy ever tells you that you're 'manipulative', he doesn't mean it as a compliment.

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    • Umm, you act like I didn't already know that? Thanks for your input "genius"!

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      • mark777

        bitch the only thing you've convined me of is that you are imature.

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      • RavagedSoul

        Well I would say since you are female you have the power to manipulate men with your "you know what".

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  • Solophonic

    You can manipulate stupid people, but getting an intelligent person to change their that's a task. Let me know when you change someone's opinion on fiscal policy, foreign policy, taxes, or anything on earth that actually matters more than pink or purple and Edward or Jacob.

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  • MissClaire

    Sometimes I think that people just agree to end the conversation - I know I do that sometimes.

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  • Now I like pink-thanks a lot!!

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    • LOL! That was cute.

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  • Well, given that people "tell you that you're manipulative" just goes to show that you're not that good at it. If you were good at it, people wouldn't know that you do it.

    Also, a female being manipulative to men isn't an achievement, males will do anything for sex, which means they will agree with everything a female want them to think and do.

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    • taciturn


      Everyone likes to think of themselves as cunning people - everyone thinks they're good at lying and detecting lies, everyone thinks they're persuasive and intelligent, everyone thinks they're good at keeping secrets, etc. People just like the illusion of control.

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  • dan217

    I always agree with girls like you to put my dick in them. always works. then i leave. my friends think i'm god

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    • Well, glad to hear that works in your favor. I fortunately have always been the one to end a relationship. Also, I can tell by the way you write that you're a moron. You must be god of the idiots. : )

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      • DolphinAngel

        Wow judging someone by their writing is awesome!!
        If you didn't get it that was irony!

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        • Wow, you're still stalking my post? LOL. You must be the god of fruitcakes.

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          • DolphinAngel

            You'll never get rid of me... I am everywhere and nowhere (0.0)
            I am watching you right now!!!

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    • tentacleTherapist


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  • "I'm a girl"
    I stopped reading there. Of course it's normal, women manipulate men and even fellow women on a daily basis. Why? 'Cause they can, lol

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    • Actually, males are far more statisticly likely to manipulate females than vice versa.

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      • Energy

        Dude shut up you making us look bad -.- WOMEN STOP MANIPULATING US D:

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        • I'm not someone to dismiss facts for image. I don't think it's right, it doesn't mean it's not true.

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          • Energy

            Well I think women tend to do it more.. For money, mostly. Sex isn't that bad.

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            • dalmationUntoyourSoul

              The sex isn't bad for the money, no?

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      • bananaface

        What are these statistics exactly? What was the experiment? Who conducted the experiment?

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        • tentacleTherapist

          When a female is being 'manipulative' it's basically she's just 'asking for it'. I've been told I was manipulative by an older man, and YES I WAS ASKING FOR IT D:<

          I'd say both sides are equal...but I think women are a bit...'sneakier'(?) of it. Then again it all depends - if only I could mindread! And some people you can. Some people, the generalized people of our modern society, you can read their minds very well. For example I know what Paris Hilton is thinking of right now, but Bill Gates? Heeeeel naww.

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          • bananaface

            What's Paris thinking?

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            • tentacleTherapist

              Hold on, my readings are a bit fuzzy right now. This can only mean that she's wasted.

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        • Since most forms of power involves manipulation and that mostly men are in high seats of power, I think it's safe to say that is my example.
          Kind of like how Obama manipulated a massive amount of people to vote for him for certain reasons and yet hasn't done what he completely promised.

          So what about you? Where is your proof to say I'm wrong?

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          • bananaface

            I wasn't really disagreeing tbh, I was just curious to see what these statistics were.

            My problem is with your "statistics", you can't use one tiny proportion of the population to determine which *gender* is more manipulative. Your sample does't represent most men and women.

            Of course politicians are manipulative, and they also happen to be men, but what about the other couple of billion people you missed out? I definitely see where you're coming from, but there really isn't a way to determine who's more manipulative really, is there?

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            • I made a mistake. I threw the word "statisticly" in there. That was my mistake.

              Well, no. There isn't any way to determine what gender manipulates the most, but history shows that men are far better at doing it, like fooling an entire country.

              I personally believe men can be far more manipulative than females; Ever since I was a child I have witnessed it happening, including to my own mother.

              This is a long shot to bring into the conversation, but people with narcissistic personality dissorder tend to be very manipulative and good at being one. I say that in this comment because it is proven that more men than females are narcissists (not by coincidence, they have completely different mind set to females which makes them more likely to be narcissistic that a female is). My point being is that narcissists do everything for themselves without thought of anyone else, and if all males decided to be selfish like a narcissist, most of them would have the potential to be very good manipulators. I'm not saying it's good to be one, just something I believe would happen if men were to act more selfish.

              So, my main point on this comment is that you're right, I can't be 100% sure of what gender has the most manipulators but I can be pretty sure that the ones that do it the biggest and most accuratly, are men.

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  • Dozis

    Well I fucking pity you and the goddamn assholes you hang out with. Stay the fuck away from me and my family or I will fucking stab you to death decapitate you then stick your head on a piie and show it tO people. Moron. Just to make sure what we do to you fuckers, is clear for every other jerk like you.

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    • The only moron is apparently YOU. You can't spell nor properly speak. I will take a big dump on top of your whole dysfunctional family & feed your mothers guts to killer pandas. Every girl you ever date will cheat on you & you will eventually die of aids. Bastard.

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  • jesusdiedlol

    You sound like a mean girl and I'm gonna estimate your age to be 14.

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  • -WhySoSerious-

    Do you happen to shake your bosoms while "manipulating" men?

    Cuz that wouldn't really be a big deal.

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  • You sound like a pretenious bitch, suck cock and die.

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    • & you sound like no one loves you! :)

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      • Wow you got that from my comment? You are amazing.

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        • Go eat some smegma you sick bastard.

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          • I will wear your head as a hat.

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  • You know what I love? The fact that she has replied to everyone except me (my first comment). I wonder why that is. Hmm. Maybe no counterpoints? I think so.

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  • Can I manipulate your booty?

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  • jesusdiedlol

    You sound like you're starving for attention, and I'm glad you received the proper nutrients with all the comments. :)

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    • Aww, why thanks! Thank you for taking time out of your pathetic life to show me some more attention. :) So appreciated babycakes! ;) Muah!!!!

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  • Talk is cheap. Prove it to me. Convince me that my dark red name plate is ugly.

    On topic:

    You're delusion is not unique. It's "normal".

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    • PumpkinKate

      The guy below you has the same color for his name.

      His name is "smegmaeater"

      Smegma is dried semen.

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      • Hey, some white guys are amazingly stupid but you won't see me trying to change my color any time soon.

        Also: Penis.

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        • PumpkinKate

          Well, it was worth a shot.

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  • equanimity

    It's tragic that you think this is a "power"

    It's something that anyone can do, it's just that most people are not vapid enough (like you) to get their kicks out of it.

    Have a nice life being an asshole.

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  • ariannel

    Not something to be proud of. If people are telling you you're manipulative then I think you should correct that behavior. Stuff it in your back pocket and only use it when necessary.

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    • Yes not an admiralbe trait for one to have.

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    • How would you determine when it's necessary?

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      • ariannel

        Oh, I don't know... how about talking down a friend from suicide?

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      • dalmationUntoyourSoul

        if you wouldn't ask for something outright then you should think twice about using guile to get it. unless maybe the person is a dick or they owe you something.

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  • Dozis

    Cease to exist.

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  • PumpkinKate

    I'll answer this question with 2 quotes, both of which I apply to myself regarding manipulation:

    "I discovered at a very early age that if I talked long enough I could make anything right or wrong. So, either I'm God or truth is relative."

    "With great power comes great responsibility."

    Don't be a douche and you're fine. Also don't overestimate yourself.

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    • Agreed upon 100%. Thanks for your input & wise words.

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  • dalmationUntoyourSoul

    maybe people that are easily led are drawn to you. everyone has gifts and some people's gift is the ability to manipulate weak minded people. try doing it without speaking, it's more of a challenge that way. Be careful though, if you manipulate people selfishly it will come back to you.

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  • Evil_Rebel

    I feel like I have a power too. I'm a girl and the power I have is called "vibration". If you feel like you have something similar please message me.

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  • supercrazygerman

    you have boobs thats why

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  • Sounds like you have seamen in your brain and like you may have caused yourself to become brain damaged through overdosing on cum. What is is like being a cum junkie?

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  • wigsplitz

    Can you provide some other examples besides pink to purple? Just curious.

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    • Hmm, let's see. My fav brand is Juicy Couture, and my friends liked Betsey Johnson. I told them how wack Betsey Johnson is & how that brand isn't even cool anymore, etc., & now they all dick ride Juicy Couture. I have done this vice versa. For example, if a girl is a bitch, i'll make her think a shitty brand is actually cool & she will then start to purchase/wear this brand.

      Another example would be our government/politics. Obama was like god to many of the people around me, but I was able to convince them all that he's horrible & now they all despise him.

      One more that I can think of off the top of my head would be a situation like this. Let's say I didn't like someone & my friends were good friends with this person. I can convince them this person is horrible & have them stop associating themselves with this person even though they never even did anything to them.

      Those are the only ones I can think of off of the top of my head.

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      • wigsplitz

        I stopped reading at 'Juicy Couture' ghetto.

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        • She is from the ghetto, she is a ghetto hooker.

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          • LOL, even if that was true I would rather be a "ghetto hooker" then a fucking old child molester that preys on 11-13 yr old little girls and shits in bathtubs and pushes it down the drain. I find it quite hilarious that you're such a little pansy and blocked me after your false statement. How manly of you! LMFAOOOOOOO.

            I win...ONCE AGAIN!

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        • LMAO, that's what I thought bitch.

          I win.

          : )

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      • Torinty35

        I wanted to read all of the comments before I stated my own. Here we go. I have, majority of the time, been able to get what I wanted my whole life through a sort of manipulation. Now, with that being said, I have started to learn how to not take this "ability" to a dark place. This is hard when you are good at it. Here is where I get critical. I'm not very old, but I am an old soul. And your uses are very petty compared to what they could be. This only comes from being young. Therefore, your manipulation may not be an "ability" that you will be able to keep the way you think. Someone in an earlier comment quoted "With great power comes great responsibility." I could not agree with them more, and I hope you heed the advice.

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  • Dozis

    Good. Now I recognize you. Good.

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  • Now I like men too-just stop already!!

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    • You always liked men! No need to lie! LOL ;)

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  • DolphinAngel

    I liked pink before... you didn't achieve anything!

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    • Umm, you're cool?

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      • DolphinAngel

        Yes I am awesome!

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        • Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Like the others above say, i'll just let you THINK that I think you're cool.

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          • DolphinAngel

            Someday you will see that I really am awesome and you don't just let me think I am!

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            • I think you're amazing. <3

              This world needs more people like YOU in it.

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  • Dozis

    It actually is not a good thing. Probably most insightful people just let you believe purple is no longer their favorite color out of their need to make you feel as if you got some power on them and eventually turn against you. Like: yeah, you are right! Now that you made me notice, pink is my favorite color! Or not. But saying it will automatically raise your disposition towards me cause: hey! We have another thing in common! But then again we don't. Because you were pretending I was pretending and then we would all fet stuck in a pretentious completely fake relationship based on the lies we told and the mind tricks we played on eachother. Get the fuck away from me you fucking psychogirl.

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    • That's a good theory, but I find that people REALLY do change perspectives. Also, I have never had anyone turn against me either.

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