Is it normal to think i'll die in childbirth?

So i've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 8 years. We've never really discussed children but recently, after being around my sister, brother in law and their baby, he's beginning to want one. And i'm TERRIFIED at the thought. I've had a lot of problems with my period. To the point where I've had to get blood transfusions. So i'm so scared that if we do end up deciding to have a baby, i'll die in labor by bleeding out or something. Is this normal or am i just irrationally terrified?

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53% Normal
Based on 19 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Ellenna

    If you've lost so much blood during menstruation as to need blood transfusions, you obviously have a medical condition which needs attention before you even consider becoming pregnant.

    You need to consult a doctor about this.

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    • The hospital never said what it was that caused it unfortunately. I thought if it were something bad that needed fixing, they'd let me know. But they just put me on birth control which stopped the crazy bleeding.

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      • Ellenna

        You need to learn to ask questions about your own body! By birth control, I assume you mean hormonal contraptives? Obviously you'll have to stop using them if you want to become pregnant, but you need to find out what condition you have and how it affects your chances of becoming pregnant.

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  • CountessDouche

    Yeah me too. I've gotten to the age where my fiance & I need to decide whether or not we want kids. We both are pretty sure we do, but I am soooooo freaked out by the giving birth part...

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  • SwickDinging

    Just make an appointment with your GP and discuss your concerns. If you let them know that you want to start trying to conceive then they arrange to do blood tests and have a look at your history and talk about any potential issues. It will also give you an opportunity to ask questions. They will know best whether or not you have anything to worry about.

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  • chuy

    Is normal but I think the chanced of that happening are very slim with todays medical advances.

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    Thats a question for your gynecologist. My wife almost died and needed a blood transfusion because a cist ruptured on her ovaries. She did fine in labor although she needed c-section

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  • brutus

    Take sharkoferrol syrup, it increases your blood hemoglobin content. Do some exercises to build up ur stamina and strength.

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