Is it normal to think it's china's fault?

Slave labour, overpopulation, flushing babies down the toilet, leaving toddlers out in the street to die, 2 million kids enslaved in child prostitution, killing endangered animals to use their body parts as "medicine", coal burning power plants, the genocide in Sudan sponsored by China in exchange for oil, police forcing abortions even at 7 months, they skin animals alive before cooking them and that's probably the least of what they do to animals let alone woman and children.

By the way, people are going to say "but people from other countries do the same" yes that is true but when they get caught doing it they go to prison but in China it's considered normal.

Voting Results
60% Normal
Based on 47 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • dom180

    I'm not sure who else you could blame for what China does apart from China (or, more accurately, the government), to be honest. When those things do happen in other countries it's that country's government's fault, and China is no different.

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  • InsaneSatire

    The baby in the tube was an accident, she gave birth to it there, and she was the one who called for help.

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    • handsignals

      Good story Bro :)

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  • sega31098

    "Slave labour"
    Which the international demand is causing.

    "flushing babies down the toilet"
    So the USA isn't bad when that guy intentionally kept 3 women in hostage for a decade, but a mother accidentally causes it and now China is bad?

    "killing endangered animals to use their body parts as "medicine""
    So the deforestation of vital rainforests (in which NONE are in China) for TEMPORARY farms isn't as bad? Or the extinction of the passenger pigeon via hunting in North America.

    "the genocide in Sudan sponsored by China in exchange for oil"
    And the deaths caused by the Congo war sponsored by our lust for technology.

    "they skin animals alive before cooking them"
    Some slaughterhouses on the other side of the world were caught skinning cows alive, cram animals into cages for their whole lives (and letting them go neurotic and get infected), rip balls out of pigs without anesthetics, throw live chicks into grinding machines, and some pigs and chickens are boiled alive.

    "yes that is true but when they get caught doing it they go to prison but in China it's considered normal"

    So it's still considered normal for China when they instilled the death penalty for killing endangered pandas, had animal activists FROM China informing us about the animal cruelty. And people here ALWAYS go to jail for supporting slave labour for chocolate, conflicts for the newest iPad, indiscriminately buy cheap bacon, eating a burger everyday from farms contributing to global warming, driving gigantic gas guzzling Hummers to just show off to the public, etc.

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  • Wildly inaccurate information, but ok.

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  • Mersaphe

    China isn't heaven on Earth (no country can be). But you shouldn't always believe what the media tells you.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    We are human therefore we are douchebags.

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  • anti-hero

    Their fault for what? I think the question should be IIN that you think China is a hideous place.

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    • I mean everyone blames either America or muslims for the world being fucked up, I think China are the worlds biggest douche bags.

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      • anti-hero

        Everyone is fucked up, we all add to it. Placing the blame on one group or another is going to solve anything. The Chinese suck, We (well me, idk about you) Americans suck, The Muslims suck, The Europeans suck, everyone everywhere is fucking it all up. The only innocents left are the Eskimos.

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        • handsignals

          Eskimos! you can't trust those little fuckers!

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          • anti-hero

            I bet you don't even know where they live.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Fault for what? By saying its their fault you are implying they indirectly caused something. Like the job crises or global warming. So what exactly did they indirectly cause?

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