Is it normal to think like this about god?

is it normal to think that there is something or someone out there that has full power over your destiny, something that is testing you. and please nobody say "its called god" because im not sure, ive thought it over and i think that... well that's the problem im not sure what to think of the idea of a "god" im worried that if i chose i certain god i am closing off part of who im supposed to end up being. as if theres a god out there who no one knows of and its just waiting for someone to figure that it excises and i might be that person (or one of those persons.) i want to hear others opinions of this and i want to learn if there is anyone out there who thinks the same.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Frosties

    It's also variously known as science, the Universe, and Nature. You follow its laws simply by existing and, in many ways, you are lucky to do so. Not following those laws would have your atoms dissociating, your body not anchored to this planet by gravity, and your biology unable to do any of the amazing things your body does to keep you breathing, thinking, and everything else you do.

    Rejoice also that this isn't not a vengeful science. It doesn't punish you if you don't believe it. In many ways, it doesn't even care. It doesn't know you are part of it, and it is part of you, but its most complex embodiments, walking sentients who evolved language, have the power to speak for it. It won't reward you for doing so (but I'm always dubious about people who need a reward to champion something that can't champion itself; they seem like people who wouldn't do anything without a reward).

    It can even give you eternal life. Bits of you, anyway. Atoms, mainly. There are no rules about who gets it or not. We all get it.

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  • Legion

    Its quite normal to wonder about the concept of God, what is God and how god acts, and his intentions. I may not be able to answer that question (And don't tell me the Bible can, Cause I don't think it can either), I do know that its the human condition to think, and question everything around us. I will probably keep wondering about it until i see god for myself, or until I die, whichever happens first.

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  • mago123

    You try to look into all I'm Christian but try all and in what u believe. In trust me seek and the god with find you just pray to any thing just say if there is a god and say lead me to a religion that is rite and just if u get a thought then go to that kund of church 0:-)

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  • brokengirl143

    I hate the thought of someone controlling my destiny also, but in The God, like Catholics, doesn't controll your destiny. He does have full power over everything, whether you beleive in him or not, but he does not controll you in any way. It IS normal to feel like that, I used to, but it doesn't mean that there really is someone. And by choosing to beleive and follow God you aren't closing part of yourself or who your supposed to be, but instead he will help you find yourself, your purpose in life, and who you're supposed to be! And instead of feeling controlled, you feel a sense of security and a new freedom!

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  • House

    i hate the thought of something or someone having full power over our destiny, i like to think we make our own destiny. I don't think there is such a think called god.

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  • kyanviado

    It's called God

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    • anti-hero


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