Is it normal to think my cat is attracted to me

i've had my cat 'Daenerys' (yes, like the game of thrones character) for just over a year and a half. for the first year of having her she was completely disinterested in anything i did besides feeding her, but one day i had just finished masturbating when i noticed my cat staring at me, or more precisely my cock very intently, i was kinda freaked out and shooed her away, but since that day she has followed me around all the time, she is constantly rubbing her self up against me, sitting on my lap and rubbing around on my lap, i have even woke up sometimes with her lying curled up by my side or on me, and whenever i shower or try to masturbate or get dressed or anything where i am naked she is always there staring at me, usually my cock, i don't want to get rid of her and i don't wanna have to shut her outside because i feel mean doing so. i thought maybe is it the fact that my cock dangles down that interests her like when cats play with bits of string or cat toys? but that doesn't explain the following and the rubbing, etc. any other cat owners or vets or anything can offer advice please

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Comments ( 5 )
  • MikaelMoller1987

    cats stare, thats just what they do. as for the following and rubbing maybe your cat is on heat or lonely, buy another cat or something, just make sure you get them both done because they breed like rabbits.

    If you do this and it is still happening then i'd suggest having a word with your vet.

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  • (s)aint

    Cats rub up against you to put their scent on you, that's just how they work xD

    Both my cats has shown interests in penises and sexual activities >> You just have to laugh and pat them and then go on with what the heck you were doing.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Cats are funny

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  • SnappleDragon

    The cat was most likely intrigued by the frantic movement at your crotch. And the subsequent fountain if you let it get messy. Cats like movement and your thingy is probably a potential cat toy now that she has seen what you do to it- be careful! Regarding the rubbing and such, that is how cats show affecction, not attraction. Don't anthropomorphize the cat's innocent actions- if she wanted you, I imagine there would be urine and yowling involved.

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  • Dan-The-Man1992

    I'd feel awkward talking to my vet about this, also I don't think it's heat because it's been happening for over a couple of months, maybe I could try getting another cat, thanks for the advice

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