Is it normal to think of my husband this way?

I love my husband very much for who he is, and 90% of the time we have "normal" sex. Sometimes a little kinky, but nothing really out there. The other 10% of the time, it's...different. It started out that I would occasionally imagine him being my father instead of my lover. That was while we were dating. Then I started imagining him being my father AND my lover. I would think of having sex with him and calling him Daddy, but for real, not just as a term of endearment. Then I started imagining myself being younger and younger during the sex. Now, sometimes I think about being 2 or 3 years old and having sex with him. It's always in a gentle, romantic way. Not like rape or anything. For the first few months I kept these thoughts secret. Then once we really started to trust each other more, I ventured out and told him. Turned out he sometimes thinks about the same thing. It lead to the opposite fantasy as well, sometimes we think about him being my son. Mostly that one only comes up when he plays with my breasts and I imagine breastfeeding him. It's not as much about sex as the Daddy one. We have a daughter together, and neither one of us would ever think of her sexually, or any other kids for that matter. It's purely a fantasy thing, and I'm thinking the only reason we think of each other that way is because we know and trust each other a lot and are in love. We're both comfortable with it, we're not bothered by these thoughts. But I'm wondering if it seems really odd to other people, or if anyone else is the same way?

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37% Normal
Based on 1070 votes (400 yes)
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Comments ( 59 )
  • bristexai

    That's called 'ageplay'. It's not exactly normal, but it's not hurting anyone.

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    • Leviathanel

      age play? I thought it would have more to do with incest.

      our true first romantic loves come from our parents. and I mean sexually. this was Freud's theory. not to mention they always say that girls look for the same traits in men that they see in their fathers.

      must work the same for guys too there is a saying "you'll marry your mother" or something like that.

      not to mention my girlfriend does have a LOT in common with my mother. it actually creeps me out a little bit.

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      • chloebabe

        Thank you for this. Actually though, my husband is nothing like my father. I was never close with my father; we didn't have much of a relationship at all until I was 20. Maybe that's part of it. Maybe I missed out on a lot growing up. But my husband is such a great father, maybe I do wish I had someone like him to take care of me growing up.

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        • Leviathanel

          that's so sad... I can see why that would be an even more attractive trait to you. I hope I can be a good father too one day.

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      • Sacron1111

        This is an intelligent observation that applies to the questioner.
        I'd expand it say that these fantasies are common, if not normative, and completely harmless and understandable.
        Have fun.

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        • Leviathanel

          well what is "normal" is completely subjective. my argument would be that there is no difference between normal and common.

          people don't want to admit these thoughts. but they're not caused by some sort of abnormality, or strange alternative lifestyle. so yes to me they are nothing less than run of the mill horny people's thoughts.

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          • Sacron1111

            100% agree with you.

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      • Taint

        Could you please let me know the title of the book where freud states that our first true romantic love come from our parents.

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        • Leviathanel

          what am I in some sort of university debate? I pulled it out of my ass it's hearsay do you want me to wander around with a fucking book of sources on how I learned every fucking piece of information?

          why don't you go look for it yourself you lazy bastard because I have absolutely NO need to justify myself to someone who would rather just contradict me instead of actually come up with an argument.


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          • Taint

            Thank you so much for your guidance. Although I was not trying to contradict you.

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  • kaykay89

    I think it's amazing that you and your husband are openly honest and have a trusting relationship. Youre truly lucky to have found your match :)

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    • Leviathanel

      I agree if I had thoughts like that I would NEVER share them with anybody.

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    • kkisawesome


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  • Eveyana

    It is indeed age-play and it's not hurting anyone. I'd say it's a lot more common and normal than you think. It's just not talked about often by those who engage in it because society doesn't quite understand it and chances are, if you tell a random person in society about these fantasies and acting out, they would most likely throw around accusations of rape, pedophilia or mental illness (even though that couldn't be farther from the truth).

    People are scared of what they don't understand. Keep doing your thing and enjoy it.

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    • Sacron1111

      Good answer. Just have fun and don't over think it.

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  • Thanatos_4_The_Win

    I don't find it normal, at least not for me but I'm not one to knock ppls fantasies. I have my own whack fantasies and I not a judgmental person. My advice: Be who u r. Fuck what any one says negatively about it it's none of their business any ways (which this could be contradicted by saying apparently u want it to be ppls business by posting it on IIN lol) keep doing it if it makes u both happy. Then hell yeah whatever clicks for both of you!

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  • Hornytoad

    What you have is very precious. Enjoy each other to the fullest. I envy you both.

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  • AgentM.Kenna HOT!I'm sorry but I'm 12 and sometimes I see an adult and picture me having sex with him but like in a loving way and it really turns me on...but then later I picture us having sex and it is more of a raping manner...which also turns me on

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  • kelili

    I could have written this post. I consider that it's normal.

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  • LostAndBroken

    You're both adults enjoying a fantasy with each other & not hurting anybody. I say have fun & who cares what anyone else thinks.

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  • boom12345678

    if its not weird to you.who cares what other people think

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  • Terence_the_viking

    No no no why would you put such evil thoughts in the minds of everyone who reads this?

    You could have put a warning or something oh god i need to bleach my brain.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Power craps his drawers

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  • loopoo

    In my opinion no, but people have different things they enjoy, and whatever a married couple wish to do in the privacy of their own homes, they can.

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  • hahaYeah

    This is disturbing to me. Why are you imagining your husband is your dad or you are 2 and he is fucking you? Uhm. Wow. Gross. Not normal at all.

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  • Greasy80

    Good girl.

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  • fag0la

    That's so cute, it's a bit strange, but it's normal. I know a friend who likes to dress as a baby. Yolo.

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  • OP:
    Would you be ok with it if your husband was fucking you and he said

    'Honey is it ok if I pretend you're my father while I'm fucking you in the ass?'

    I'd like to read your response to that.

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  • ryan4399

    I think it's normal. I want to be in a relationship with an older woman to act as my mother.

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  • coolstorybroxxoxx

    Its not normal, its really weird but since your both into that shit, who cares?

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  • Taint

    Completely Normal.

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  • aubreyskye

    Were you abused sexually as a child? Just curious. A lot of people engage in age play...but pretending to be 2 or 3 or pretending to have him breastfeed from you as a "son" is getting a bit "out there." I find it disturbing, but everyone is different and entitled to enjoy their sex life so long as it's consensual, everyone is over 18, and no one is getting hurt. I would really examine and discuss with each other WHY you have these fantasies and desires though!

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    • chloebabe

      Sexual abuse? No. Why do I have these fantasies? Maybe because I feel like I've known him forever? Idk.

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  • Hannah2137

    I thought I was nasty for having a similar fantasy.. Glad I'm not the only one. I don't imagine myself being that young though or do the reverse where the guy is my son.. That's a little odd to me

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  • WendelyLeo

    As long as your not hurting nobody, its your own thing. Enjoy it.

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  • hahaYeah

    ^hahaha I love this comment!

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  • peterrabbyt2

    What you need is a good sex partner like me. All you would be thinking about is what I am doing to you and how great it feels. You husband could even watch!

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    • chloebabe

      What you need is to stop thinking every woman wants your dick.

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      • peterrabbyt2

        I would love to suck you off!

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  • zebraprintedroses

    It's not normal, but no real harm in it.

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  • FunkyHuskyCoolGirlYuki

    It's not exactly normal, but it's not hurting anyone, it's okay as long as you don't end up like in the book 'Lolita'

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  • handsignals

    so do you wont to get fucked by your dad?

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    • chloebabe

      My real dad? No, not at all! Only my husband.

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  • SuperBenzid

    Not normal. Not necessarily bad either though.

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  • Tiff_Fannie

    that's disgusting. you both need help

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  • handsomeshooter

    However if my wife called me 'Daddy' I would punch her in the face and leave...but that's me, not you or anyone else. It's private..apart from IIN..He He He..

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    • Leviathanel

      i'm assuming someone has never had a girlfriend before....

      most girls aren't impressed by the whole punch in the face thing. makes them think that we're brutal, which makes us seem animalistic, less evolved which makes them look down on us like we're lesser than them for being violent.

      truth is violence has it's time and place and you must first be predisposed to it in order to understand it. but yeah most women do not appreciate violent men.

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  • Geneva5

    I think you will be going to hell -

    God would not approve of this !

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    • Leviathanel

      only a hateful and racist bigot god would create flaws to have an excuse to torture people in hell.

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  • Sobored

    Holy crap, this is some sick shit!!!!! I wish I wouldn't of read this.
    Were you both sexually abused when you were little? so disgusting.

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    • chloebabe

      Nope. No sexual abuse on either side. What exactly do you find disgusting about it?

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      • Sobored

        I don't mean to be mean. But come on!!! What part of it, isn't disgusting? If you have to ask "why?" then you probably wouldn't understand if I explained it.

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        • Leviathanel

          or is your refusal to explain it mean that there is no explanation and you really just shouldn't be reading about other people's sex lives.

          maybe you should go back to a little nice Christian themed forum where you can talk to dainty nice little people like you.

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          • Sobored

            Being turned on by the thought of having sex with your own father or son is unnatural. It's different if your thinking about someone your father's age but getting turned on by the thought of your actual father....No that is sick. So I assume something must of happened to both of them as children, something disturbing which would interfer with thier sexuality. Even though she said No, Maybe its a repressed memory and they were actually sexually abused. All I know is that I find it hard to believe that there is no reason for it, that they coincidentally just both naturally have these thoughts. Energy attracts the same type of energy and they both sound a little off....well a lot. Would you feel comfortable knowing that your dad thinks about you when he's having sex. That's not normal, its called incest. But I suppose as long as they don't act on it, it won't hurt anyone but I still think there is an underlying reason.

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            • chloebabe

              He is almost my father's age. But he isn't my actual father. So how is it sick? And no, there was no sexual abuse at all. You may find it hard to believe, but that is the truth. I would know better than anyone, thank you very much. And what do you mean "as long as they don't act on it"? Act on what? Neither of us have thoughts of anyone else.

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