Is it normal to think of pregnant women as fat and weird?
I don't like pregnant ladies. I saw one the other day, and I thought she looked fat. I knew that she was probably pregnant, but she looked like she had laid on the cake.
Pregnancy, is, in many ways, similar to being fat. There's something huge inside you, and then you poop it out and you're relieved.
I also don't like pregnant ladies because I know that they got it on, and this makes them seem crude and disgusting, because, in my opinion, sex is for cavemen and humanity should have started reproducing by machines by now. I've seen stuff from the thirties that talks about incubator babies. What happened to that.
I see a pregnant lady. I don't think about how she's about to become a mother. I think about her in bed, doing it with some idiot, doing all sorts of gross shit. Eech. maybe they should go inside so people don't know they've gotten it on.
They just seem kind of fat. I've confused pregnant with fat, fat with pregnant. They seem the same to me. Is this normal? Please tell me. I'm not sexist. I just don't like people who are pregnant.