Is it normal to think people are bad for giving to animal charities

Is it normal that I cringe if people give to animal charities, there are so many worthy human charities such as giving money to help:

Homeless, people effected by disasters, third world people, stopping child abuse, giving dying children one last wish, cancer research charities, charities for people with various diseases, Air ambulance charities etc. etc. ad infinitum

And still so many people give to PETA or RSPCA, possibly more than give to human charities (that is 100%% speculation), and it makes me feel a bit sick that people can give money to stop cruelty to animals when the money could be stopping cruelty to a child etc.

Is that a normal opinion? Or do you think giving to animal charities is morally acceptable?

Voting Results
45% Normal
Based on 301 votes (134 yes)
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Comments ( 96 )
  • stanley_fedoraless

    Giving to animal charities and giving to human charities are not mutually exclusive. People can give some money to animal charities and still give some to human charities.

    If you are not giving absolutely all of the money you don't need for necessities to "worthy" charities then you are a hypocrite. How can you buy things for yourself when the money could be stopping cruelty to a child?

    If you're bothered by what other people are doing with their money, just give more of yours to the charities you deem worthy to make up for it.

    It is pretty normal that there are charities you think people shouldn't give money to, though. Everyone feels that way about some charities--I'm sure there are people in the world who believe that giving to your favourite charity is morally wrong too.

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    • Lockets

      I agree with you.
      I give to both. Where there is a need, animal or human, I am happy to help where possible.

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    • Senken

      Theres no way to make a hypocrite out of this person with that arguement. Just because someone else is suffering doesn't mwan you have to give up your own self being or extra things.

      I don't get made at people giving to charities for animals. I just get angry when some cares more about the cat that ran away from home than the friend that needs a new pair of shoes.

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      • sparkyxox

        i would care a hell of a lot more if my cat ran away than if my friend needed a new pair of shoes... animals have noo way of controling what happens to them people in some cases do and alot of people would help a person before an animal which is why i would hands down any day choose to help animals we are all they have and unfortunatly alot of us could care less.

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      • stanley_fedoraless

        Just because someone else is suffering doesn't mean you have to give up on helping suffering animals if helping suffering animals makes you feel good.

        I didn't mean that the story author should stop spending money on extra things for themselves, I meant that they should stop saying bullshit like "it makes me feel a bit sick that people can give money to stop cruelty to animals when the money could be stopping cruelty to a child etc." That's absolutely ridiculous, why would people spending money on stopping cruelty to animals make you feel worse than people spending money on video games or jewelry or any of the other crap people buy but don't need?

        Basically, they're judging people for spending money on something other than helping other humans. They have no right to do that unless they're spending all of their own money on helping other humans.

        And I'd probably care more about a friend who needed new shoes than a cat that ran away but I can see why some people would care more about the cat. I mean, the cat's actually in danger of dying.

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        • lasurfer

          I think that there is still room for indignation from people who aren't Mother Teresa who still feel that Human charity is preferable to animal charity.

          We aren't talking about living in a cave and wearing a burlap sack and working 80 hours a week so you can give all the money to help others. We are talking about making a conscious decision with the money you do give to charity. We could all do with one less pair of shoes or one less pair of pants, or with a TV that was a couple of inches smaller.

          No one is perfectly frugal, and people that are frugal are usually frugal because they are poor, not because they are trying to maximize their charitable donation.

          The question is, when you do give to charity, whatever amount, do you help people, or animals? If you give the money that you set aside to animals, you have consciously decided to allow people that YOU PERSONALLY could have helped, to suffer or die so that you could help alleviate the suffering of animals instead.

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          • Hateful1

            Mother Teresa was not a good person.

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  • Gonzo

    Why do you feel humans are more deserving of your, and others donations than animals?

    Animals are the only true innocent in my opinion.

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    • jameilious

      Idc if they're innocent, they aren't capable of thinking even similar to us. I care a hell of a lot more about saving children in africa than I do about saving an endangered species or stopping the fur trade. IMO too many people seem to think animals are better than humans, ridiculous.

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      • DireWolf13

        Animals and Humans are EQUAL, neither is better.

        Since you brought up the fur trade, did you know that the animals are nearly beaten to death, all their limbs broken, and then skinned alive in china. All for, what? A designer coat? I think children in Africa have it made much better than these poor animals living only for fashion.

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        • redbearman

          "Animals and Humans are equal"??? What a ridiculous statement. So if a close member of your family were dying and you had the choice of saving a dying dog or your relative, that would be a moral dilemma I suppose??? I'm sick of all these preachy bastards. Get real. Reminds me of vegitarians who wear leather shoes...

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        • jameilious

          Humans and animals are not equal.

          Even if there was an animal of equal emotion and intelligence... I would STILL give to my own species first, it's just common sense.

          Anyone who says an animal is equal to a human is probably a vegetarian, a group of people I believe are utterly pathetic.

          I don't care that they don't eat meat, it's that they seem to think everyone should join them etc. They preach more than religious people...

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          • Gonzo

            1. You fail to recognize the fact that humans are animals.

            2. How can you possibly know that some animals aren't sentient? I have a pet dog, that I KNOW would give its life for mine, because it HAS risked its life to save mine.. Whereas most the humans I know (except maybe my mother, but once again, that's only due to a primal, ANIMAL instinct for a mother to save its child) would turn around, and save their own ass.

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            • DireWolf13

              If all humans cared about was humans, the world would surely overpopulate.
              Humans may be the smartest species, but that doesnt give them the right to take advantage of other species

              Most vegetarians are only fighting for what they believe in, they don't preach

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            • DireWolf13

              If all humans cared about was humans, the world would surely overpopulate. Humans may be the smartest species, but that doesnt give them the right to take advantage of other species

              Most vegetarians are only fighting for what they believe in, they don't preach

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            • DireWolf13

              I agree.
              Humans =/= animals

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        • Hateful1

          Yes then no. Animals are tortured all over the planet. In China most animals are killed for many things not just their fur. Endangered animals should be protected to a point. To hell with the panda bear. Save the tigers.

          But children in Africa do not have it better. They get raped, beaten to death and skinned too. The lucky ones get kidnapped and turned into soldiers or prostitutes. Oh and three quarters of them have AIDS.

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  • DireWolf13

    I DONT agree.
    For most of the animal charities, the animals ended up where they are because of HUMANS.
    Animal cruelty only exists because of ignorant, unresponsible, humans.

    Most species breed to be pets only exist because of humans and most couldnt survive on their own. Therefore, its humans responsibility to care for these animals.

    Activities such as dogfighting, bull fighting, sport hunting, fur hunting, poaching, ect. Are all selfish, brutal, despicable acts done by humans. Animal Charitues are to help Stop these acts.

    Im not against other charities, some others are very important too.

    But please understand WHY people are giving to a cause before disowning it.

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    • lasurfer

      I don't agree. Not that I don't agree that people don't do bad things to animals, because they do.

      The point is, so what? You mention many horrible things that can be done to animals. As many horrible things can and are done to humans. Slavery, child abuse, sex slavery, etc, etc.

      The question isn't if animals sometimes suffer; of course they do. Life is suffering. The question is: is it more noble, or more human, to alleviate human suffering or the suffering of animals?

      I would suggest that a person must have a serious and fundamental disconnect to humanity, and to their own humanity, to chose to give aid to an animal over a human.

      There is an infinite amount of need, and always a scarcity of resources. Right this second there are starving cats/dogs/lizards, etc. AND there are starving CHILDREN. No matter what we do, we can't feed them all. Some WILL die.

      So, we must decide, do we feed the lizard and allow the CHILD to die, or do we sadly accept the death of the lizard and feed the CHILD.

      If you say, "I would rather feed the child," congratulations, you have compassion [].

      If you say "I would rather feed the cat," there is something seriously wrong with your values.

      If you say, well we can give to both types of charity (animal and human). Yes, but by giving some aid to animals you give less to people, and those needy people that you could have helped save, will die. There is no way around this. It is a fact.

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      • 777electric

        Okay, time to destroy your "argument"

        Sex slavery is rarely done, slavery and child abuse is rarely done, and poorly documented. Guess you never heard of what happens to the bulls in fighting rings, or the bears used for producing bile in cages (Asain Black bears).

        Why exactly? Because your backwards humanist agenda states that an animals more important than another because its an ape? Intelligence means nothing in a world plagued by pollution and autists with fedoras calling them selves enlightened because they're atheists (which I am btw, but that's completely irrelevant)

        Animals suffer because humans make them, humans suffer because they're to lazy to fucking go and hunt shit.

        Stop shouting child, it doesn't help your argument, makes me want to kick an infant in the face actually.

        A child will fuck around with food and throw it off the table, acts needy, and brings nothing good to the world, just wasting even more oxygen when it grows up.

        People won't die because morons like you waste your life budget on helping some people in Africa who will die anyway because they don't have a goddamn job.

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        • Hateful1

          What? "Sex slavery is rarely done, slavery and child abuse is rarely done." What?

          Wait I don't even want to touch on this post anymore. It's so wrong even my computer is asking me. What the hell.

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      • jameilious

        this is exactly what I was getting at in my OP. Very well written argument

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    • jameilious

      I TOTALLY agree why people would donate to animal charities, they are a good cause.

      I DON'T agree why they would give to an animal charity when there is still a single human that needs our help desperately.

      I mean anyone who gave to a pet rescue charity when Haiti is the way it is...

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    • Hateful1

      I'm a hunter. Because I'm poor. I use it to supplement my food sources. Does that make me bad?

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  • Tweetebird

    i have no problem with people donating to animal charities, in fact i do it myself. After all what makes you think that humans are so inherently better than animals? Smarter maybe but not better or any more worthy necessarily.

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  • AnonymousChic

    I agree with the original post. I work with animals everyday in my job, but I always give money to my church or children's organizations first. My church feeds lots of local families each month. Needy children break my heart. I would like to see animals not living in shelters anymore, but it just isn't a reality that money can fix. Fix all the idiots who let the animals breed. Then animal suffering will decrease.

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    • AnonymousChic

      For those who do love to give to animal charities, don't give to PETA. EVER! It doesn't matter how much they pledge to LOOOOVVEEE animals. They are troublemakers with deep pockets. They kill more shelter animals each year than a lot of people know about. Check it out for yourself online. The facts are real. PETA sucks.

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      • Hateful1

        Yes. Thank you. PETA sucks.

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  • Mutt22

    I feel that both humans and animals in need deserve any/all the help they can get. Their needs are equally important,which is why I give whatever I can to both an animal and human charity as I feel just about every living being/creature needs any generosity now a days.

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  • Starsong21

    Personally, I don't give to ANY charity. I don't believe that any money actually goes to the people the charity is supposed to help. However, I do prefer animals to human beings, so if I did give to a charity, it would be to an animal-related one (not PETA, though. PETA is horrible.)

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  • screaminasian

    the show 'whale wars' infuriates me for exactly this reason

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  • Jen118584

    There are many government aid programs for people. I know, not enough, but they're there. The government will continue to provide for these programs (however inadequately), but without charitable donations from people, organizations like the SPCA and other non-profit animal relief funds would cease to exist completely. Animals are helpless, and if they are in distress, it's because humans put them in that position by not being responsible owners or abandoning them. I donate to animal shelters because that's where my passion lies, simple as that. I'll admit that I do tend to care for animals more than humans. Maybe that's wrong but hey, I feel that way for a reason. Animals are innocent. They aren't greedy, manipulative, or corrupt. Maybe that's not even that valid of a point, but it's how I feel.

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  • hotchickie81

    I donate to animal shelters and charities all the time. Animals can't speak for themselves!! It's not their fault their owners couldn't take care of them.

    Yes the other charities are important too... but the animals are just as important to me.

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  • Just one argument... It's the humans fault that there are humans who need help from humans and that there are animals who need help from humans so it's much more fair to spend to animal charities cuz it's not there fault to be in trouble but the humans fault!!!

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  • GreenxBlack

    I only donate to animal charitys..I think people have too much help..and then theres way too many people in the world :l

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  • kayla8

    im the opposite to u if ppl r looking for donation i only give to animal charites a fair bit of money i never donate to anything else i guess if its not for animals its not something i care about i know that sounds harsh but eh i dont really care about people

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  • humans and animals should be equal, both are living creatures, more animals are homeless and abused that humans. But since we also have to eat if they kill them it should be quick and painless.

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  • Rssngrl

    i get this feeling too. but then i remember that everything happens for a reason, most of the time for a good reason, your ok to have this feeling, its normal

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  • Star1778

    pain and suffering is not exclusive to humans and children. and while the debate about which holds higher value, people or animals, will continue without resolve, giving to any charity that stops abuse is something that should never be frowned upon.

    Something else to consider, is that people tend to give to charities that mean something to them, usually because of a past experience. For example, many people don't start donating to organizations that work to find a cure for breast cancer, until someone they know and love has either been diagnosed with it, or dies from it.

    People that give to animal charities often have a closer bond to animals, for one reason or another. It doesn't make them a bad person. It takes all kinds.

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  • Just because animals don't have the same kind of mouths to communicate in our language, doesn't mean that they don't feel pain or have thoughts. The fact that animals are generally so innocent and just try to survive is probably the reason that there are so many animal lovers. Many humans are cruel and they hurt and enjoy seeing others in pain. Anyway, I'd say it's normal to feel this way. You're a people person.

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  • test_1

    just a test, please mod down - Hi Emilie & Sierra :)

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  • I think people should be able to give their surplus income to whomever and whatever they want as long as it is not harming someone or something.

    To say that it's not right for people to give their money to animals instead of humans is a bit fascist.

    You should be happy that people are trying to help the world be a better place, whether it's through their local animal shelter or giving aid to people on the other side of the planet.

    I can understand your frustration that poverty still exists and has always existed, despite all of the organizations that exist to help it.

    Besides, I highly doubt that if we took all of the money that is donated to animal-related causes and instead donated it to human-related causes, it would actually solve those issues.
    It's like putting a little band-aid on a near-fatal wound. What is truly needed is effective political, social and cultural change in our communities and countries.

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  • jellokatt

    well, i happen to like a lot of animals more than most people.... but i DO donate to the aclu and the innocence project. in general though, i only donate to local animal rescue organizations that i've been to (i've been to a lot.... i was looking for a new cat several months ago).

    there are a couple of reasons i'm less likely to give to human charities; one is the fact that so many of them are scams, or are at least not very efficient with the funds donated (every rescue that i donate to is staffed by volunteers who spend quite a bit of their own money and time on the animals). the second reason is that there are a lot of government agencies that will help humans. there are not so many that will help animals.

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  • quadren

    we are both animals
    yes we are animals!

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  • bunnies_rock

    Some people have been repeatedly screwed over by other people. It's easy to be able to ignore people when you realize what shit stains people really are (and I don't mean anyone in particular, I mean *everyone* of us is an ass in some way).

    So yeah, animals are pretty much innocent. People, (a lot of the time in the US anyway) got themselves in the position they're in.

    Of course, I can admit that I'm a hypocrite and I'd probably want a charity to help me if I needed the help. That's another thing... we're all hypocrites.

    People suck, and I can say that, as I'm a person.

    That being said, donate to what you want to and stfu about what everyone else does. Your priorities should not have to be everyone else's priorities too.

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    • bunnies_rock

      Sorry, I may have broken the rules. Umm, it was a mistake. Should have censored myself more thoroughly.

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  • LordWoofington

    I don't like people and I love animals ,especially dogs.

    I couldn't care less what happens to people,especially people who are cruel to animals.

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  • elasticband

    I'd much prefer giving all my money to save the animals that any human. Why do you think you're somehow superior?

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  • Scarred4life

    Animals are living, breathing creatures too! Explain to me why they don't deserve to have just as good a life as us? What makes us so superior??? Don't be so full of yourself. Animals are every bit as important as us. Without animals, our whole ecosystem would fall apart, and we would die. So don't go spouting off about how animals aren't important!

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    • jameilious


      Humans are more important to us than animals!

      full stop

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      • 777electric


        Im a 9 year old

        haha implied full stop"


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        • jameilious

          24, graduate with honours in natural science actually.

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          • 777electric

            Yeah, whatever you say.

            Think someone with a degree in natural science would have a less completely unexplained and arbitrary reason.

            Tell me exactly why humans are more important.

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    • lasurfer

      Yea! Save the sharks!

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  • mumbum

    100% with you on this one to who ever created this post!!! So true !! People first, animals second...

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  • Somone

    i think it's normal that you feel that way but i believe that people have the rigth of giving to wathever they want! i mean why do human beings deserve more than animals?? and if you think about it with the same amount of money you help more animals than humans because animals only need food wather and health care, and they live less while humans need food , health care, cloth, places to live, and they live much more... and SOMEtimes the people brougth that shit on themeselves or even if they didn't in SOME cases they can get out of that shity situations by themselves (animals can't) besides animals in need are victims of our progress. now, i'm not saying that giving to animals is better but i am saying that there are perfectly good reasons to give to animals and/or humans

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  • sonya2525

    To me you have a right to your opinion.
    I came across this question and I had to put my 2 cents in! My thoughts are humans are in no way shape or form superior to animals. Animals are intelligent and have feelings. It was humans who domesticated dogs and cats to begin with. Wild animals can take care of themselves (as long as they are not being hunted and pushed into extinction by humans.) One day humans will run there course on this planet and eventually die off and mother earth will return to her natural state. You know I'm always reminded of the Matrix scene where the agent says to morphius, humans are like viruses......Humans have upset the order of things and that is when overpopulation occurs.

    But that is the reality we live in.

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    • Hateful1

      You do realize the true natural state of the universe is the absence of life.

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  • ali_roxx

    No, animals were here before we were. It's for the whole world's benifit to protect them, first. Humans will never go extinct. Animals can. If humans used effective birthcontrol and curbed their greed, we wouldn't have as many problems.

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    • Hateful1

      Ow. My brain hurts now. Did you just say humans were the first animals on the earth. Wrong.

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  • dekeallali

    I cant believe how many people on here are of the opinion that we are "superior" and that animals are "unimportant". To be claiming that what sets us apart and makes us so special or important is our intelligence, and yet have this arrogant idea of superiority is just about the most unintelligent thing i've read on this site yet. What sets us apart is that we have the ability to control what happens around us, and like stanley_fedoraless said (in slightly different words) The ability to accept those that are very different from us, including those that could be considered inferior, and to make the decision to help them anyway. People and animals alike.

    you're so incredibly narrow-minded its disgusting.

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  • black127

    I tried getting a puppy from an animal shelter one time and they wanted to charge me $900 for it I was like WTF u can get purebreds cheaper then that outta the paper. Don't fuckin donate they make plenty as is.

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    • Hateful1

      What kind of puppy?

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  • loviex102

    Uhm, are you stupid? Most animal charities are for endangered species and if they die out, we eventually die out too.

    Animals are way more important than humans.

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  • DivineDeception

    I'm not going to rant about pain and suffering that I have personally witnessed in puppy mills && abuse cases (of course, caused by an irresponsible/careless human) . . . I don't give to charities. That is a waste of money, I'm sorry to say that, I'm a compassionate person by nature, but by the time the money actually reaches the cause, it's usually not half of the donation itself. So, I volunteer at the Humane Society and local shelters. That's actually making an improvment in the quality of your community

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  • peachfuzz

    we cant live without animals. animals can live without us. not to mention much better. think about it.

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    • Hateful1

      We can live without animals. It would just suck.

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  • TheCV

    I agree with Tweetebird! I mean who said humans were more important than animals, a charity should be to help the vunrable and needy often animals. Just because humans are more intelligent it doesn't nessasarily make us better. I mean, by that logic a person with learning difficultie's life is less valuable than others? Personally, I'd give to a human charity but if people want to give to animals then so be it!

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    • Even if animals are somehow better, we'd still give to our own species...

      A lot of the animal charity money goes towards stopping battery hens etc. Which could be used to give a child a vaccination or something.

      Plus many animal charities negatively effect humans, especially PETA:

      More humane killing costs more in general
      Free range stuff costs more
      Animal testing suffers because of some groups
      etc etc.

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      • Hateful1

        These are not The reasons to hate PETA. There are far better reasons.

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      • stanley_fedoraless

        "A lot of the animal charity money goes towards stopping battery hens etc. Which could be used to give a child a vaccination or something."

        Or it could have been spent on a new pair of shoes for a woman who already had 50 pairs and would only wear the new pair a couple of times before throwing it out. It could have been spent on junk food by a fat person to make themselves fatter. Stop thinking about what could have been done with the money, it was never your money to spend and stopping battery hens is a lot better than some of the other things it could have been spent on.

        And stop using PETA as an example of an animal charity. PETA negatively affects animals too, it's just a shitty charity. There are plenty of shitty human charities too, that hurt people instead of helping them or only exist to make more money for people who already have enough.

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        • Hateful1

          For example the Red Cross.

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        • animallover314

          Agreed. PETA sucks. They make us all look like whack-jobs. So many more worthy charities.

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  • gnome

    i agree too. id rather save a person than a dog, but some people just rather give to an animal charity if they dont know any ill people or what its like to be ill.

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  • Hateful1

    Look, when it comes to people the first thing you need to understand is they usually don't think. They react. Most people see things on TV and they donate accordingly. They intend to do well but don't actually want to do anything.

    People are entitled to do what they want. But if you want to harbor anger at someone, pick on the rich. I'm talking people who pay six hundred dollars for a single plate of food and make a million or more a year and then make a donation of a couple thousand to their friends charities just so they can go to the parties.

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  • Hateful1

    This is when Koko the gorilla learned her kitten All Ball died.

    No emotions there. Might as well kill her right?

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  • jameilious

    I have made some pertinent, albeit risqué posts here over the years. but this is the only one less than 50% normal. So I see the majority think Christians are complete idiots and fat people should try harder... But nothing polarises (polarizes for Americans) people like this debate.

    I think the negatives are mostly vegetarians (I eat cow, pig, veal, horse, lamb, pigeon, kangaroo... etc so:)

    Also this is the argument where I feel the opponents are most wrong, even deer and other "herbivores" occasionally eat meat such as birds, mainly for calcium. Also as an omnivore you eat and you live fine, as a vegetarian you are constantly thinking of vitamins and protein intake... natural???

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    • animallover314

      Dude, that has nothing to do with it. I think people are assholes and the world is overpopulated, leading to the destruction of EVERYTHING.

      I still eat meat. I just try to eat responsibly raised animals who are not abused and who are killed as humanely as possible. Human beings are omnivores.

      Don't assume we are all vegetarians just because we don't think people are quite as awesome as you do. Humans are vicious and violent and enjoy seeing others suffer. More than any other animal, even other predators, human beings as a group... while capable of wonderful acts, have also created so much cruelty that I can't in good conscience give money to support them. Not when they've harmed so many other species as well as our entire ecosystem/home. Sorry, but I'd rather take care of the planet first and clean up some of the mess my fellow humans have made rather than help someone who is just going to create more little narcissistic replications of themselves that I'll have to help also.

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      • animallover314

        To add to my comment...

        It's just like how some people tell you not to just randomly feed stray cats because they'll just go out and breed. We spay and neuter cats and dogs to control the pet population. Yet human beings overpopulate willy nilly like it's some "inalienable right" to be selfish when we don't need more people right now. So feeding/helping other humans just means they're going to keep breeding. I'm not saying I feel that people should be forcibly sterilized... only that we MUST move to more education about reproductive choice and that women are NOT just baby machines. Despite our supposed advances in women's rights, women still are pressured HEAVILY to make babies when the world does NOT need anymore people. When the tax code stops rewarding people procreating willy nilly, THEN MAYBE we can get some beginnings of a handle on the population issue. Once everyone on the planet agrees we need to cut back on the unrestrained unprotected rutting like pigs, THEN at that point it might be wise to give to human charities. But until our population is on a decline (hopefully due to our own voluntary choice to reproduce much less and not a much more violent decision made for us by nature), then we have no business donating so much to people.

        Overpopulation leads to more suffering for everyone. It's pointless to go out of one's way to support charities for people who will only create another several people we'll all additionally have to help and support.

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        • Hateful1

          This is all fine, but your talking about people in the first world. Their are people in this world who have never seen a light bulb much less a condom or birth control.

          I think it was twenty years or so when I watched a short documentary where the U.S. dropped crates of condoms in central Africa. When crew finally arrived at the remote location, everyone was wearing them as hats.

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  • mirelurker

    Charities get all the damn breaks.

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  • jameilious

    definitely true

    humans ≠ animals

    it's just so obvious

    but some people care about animals more...


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    • jameilious

      using the word animal as meaning the other animals, that is obviously what I mean

      We might be animals but in that case we are the best animal, the smartest and most clever

      One of the only which can even recognise ourselves in a mirror ffs

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      • DireWolf13

        So what if humans are the smartest species??
        Most animal charities go to help animals that were abused by humans, or a harmful act humans are placing on animals.

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        • jameilious

          I'd rather give to the NSPCC, still things getting mistreated unfairly, but they're HUMAN

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          • animallover314

            I think you have an unhealthy attachment to humans. It's bordering on obsession. Really, we're not all that great. Have you been AROUND other humans?

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          • Mutt22

            It has actually been scientifically proven that some non-human animals, elephants, dolphins, apes, are indeed aware of themselves in the mirror.

            And just because humans are supposedly the smartest doesn't make us the best animal nor does it give us the right to view/treat other animals as not worthy of our help when its needed. They are our equals humans are animals and we have a responsiblity to help our equals whether they be other humans or other animals. And no I'm not vegetarian but I still say humans and animals are equals neither is more important then the other were both equally imporant. I give to both human and animal charities the best I can because well every living sentient being needs help, if people want to help any form of life they're not bad atleast they're trying to help someone in need whether it be a starving child or a starving dog.

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            • redbearman

              So you're not a vegetarian and yet you believe humans and animals are equal. From that, I can only deduce that you consider it acceptable to consume human flesh?

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          • DireWolf13

            If theyre human or not, it doesnt make a difference.

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      • stanley_fedoraless

        We're the animal that's fucked up the environment the most, the one that's most likely to destroy our own home planet through stupidity and/or arrogance. Some would say that crap like that makes us the worst animal.

        And that's a reasonable opinion although I don't agree with it and apparently neither do you. If we're stupid and arrogant enough to accidentally kill ourselves but just intelligent enough to be capable of doing it, our intelligence is a bad thing not a good thing.

        Lots of animals are at least smarter/more clever than some humans, anyway--if intelligence is all that's important then a pig is more "worthy" of being helped than a two year old human or a severely mentally retarded human.

        There are plenty of admirable traits other than intelligence a species can have. Empathy for others is one of them. Especially if those others are very different from you, and especially if they could be considered inferior to you but you are a decent enough person to want to help them anyway.

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      • Hateful1

        Here is a shot of Koko the gorilla recognizing herself in a mirror

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      • animallover314

        I sincerely hope you do not feel you are representative of the smartest, best animal. Please. I've seen Elephants with more emotional intelligence and sensitivity than you have shown here in your comments.

        To be plain: I don't really like people. People are assholes and there are far too many of us. Our planet is completely overpopulated. We've taken over this world like cockroaches. I might support human charities if it weren't for the fact that donating to such charities would just result in more over-breeding. Many of our problems on this planet are due to overpopulation.

        Further, many of the so called "lesser" animal charities are for conservation and environment as well which ultimately benefits the whole planet and everything on it. Including PEOPLE. As undeserving as we may be of that considering how we've raped this planet and abused and tormented nearly every creature on it willy nilly just because we can.

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  • sweetlilwookims

    Yes, it is normal, and I agree. You see, GOD gave humans dominion over animals. They (animals) are overshadowed by the need to help other humans.

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    • LordWoofington

      Grow up.

      There is no God and there is no Santa Claus.

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      • jameilious

        bit late but THUMBS UP

        When did I bring a wizard in the sky into my IIN thing?

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